Rachel got dressed in her sister's clothes, not feeling comfortable at all to wear last night's black dress again. She was never a superstitious person, but that dress she wore to dinner at Ethan's family house she'd never wear again. It would forever remind her of the day his parents made her feel worthless.
Tying her hair up in a half bun, half ponytail Rachel headed to the bedroom door. When she carefully opened it Ethan's voice traveled to the room. His voice sounding clear and calming like always. Yet it did nothing to her this morning. She had the most amazing time at four in the morning eating leftover dinner while talking to Gabriel. He understood the situation and she knew that when it came to Valerie, he'd never allow anyone to speak about his wife the way Ethan's parents had talked about her. The flashback of Ethan just sitting there without speaking up once came back, painfully so.
Inhaling deeply through her nose she tried to get rid of every annoyed feeling she had and walked out of the room. She stalked into the living room, greeted by the sight of Alexia preaching to Ethan. This time she just stood there, not saying anything. She felt like he deserved to be treated that way. A little dose of his own medicine, Alexia was firm yet her words were not as harsh as his parents' words so she figured it was okay to let the woman continue.
"You should be ashamed of yourself." Alexia continued, "Letting the woman you care about walk away while wearing barely anything in the cold. Then you come in here like she owes you." Alexia chuckled, "She doesn't owe you anything, Ethan Hunter. If anything you owe her an apology."
She couldn't agree more, she wanted a sincere apology coming from his mouth, but she highly doubted he'd apologize. Ethan must have felt her presence in the room, his eyes shifted to her. They locked eyes, staring at each other, but neither one of them moving. She could tell he did feel guilty about last night. The look in his eyes said that much. Yet mixed with that guilt she noticed something else too. It was an emotion hidden well by a man whose job it was to please people. Alexia had seen it though. The woman was more frightening than she ever imagined. Alexia had noticed the anger hidden within Ethan. She had noticed and called him out on it without hesitation.
Rachel wrapped her arms around herself when she noticed Ethan was closing the distance between them. She narrowed her eyes at him when he placed a hand upon her arm, his eyes soft and gentle. He couldn't hide what she had seen though. It made her cautious of him.
"Rachel, let's go home." He gently suggested, "We have a lot to talk about."
"We do." She agreed.
The smile that had spread across his face annoyed her, she wanted nothing more than to smack it away. She couldn't though, violence didn't solve anything even though the burning hot anger she also felt within made her want to do it. She had to resist the urge. In this scenario, she was the better person and she wanted things to stay that way.
"Grab your things, we'll be leaving right away."
She didn't move though, which caused him to raise an eyebrow at her behavior.
"We should talk about a lot of things, however, I don't feel like discussing anything right now."
"Because you want to have breakfast first." She was surprised Gabriel was the one who butted in. He wasn't someone who interfered with other people's relationship so all of them were surprised when he did speak up even if it was to change the subject, "I made pancakes this morning. Surely you want to try them." He faced Ethan who merely stared back at them, not knowing how to handle the situation.
"I'd like to try your pancakes." Rachel answered instead, glad Gabriel brought it up because it was the perfect excuse not to leave the safety of being surrounded by family and friends who had her back, "It's awesome you're getting into cooking these days."
Gabriel faced her ignoring the fact that his friend looked like he wanted to be anywhere else right now, "Didn't think I'd enjoy it, but I suppose you never know if you like something without giving it a try first."
"True." Alexia agreed, "Let's try these pancakes which you're so excited about."
Gabriel rolled his eyes, "I'm not that excited about it."
They ignored his little mumbling and moved to the dining room, Ethan was the last to follow. She knew he didn't expect Gabriel nor his family to get in his way. They always had his back, taking him in because his own family wasn't that great. Ethan assumed they'd have his back even when he was the one who behaved ill. That was most definitely not the case. They supported her and it was a pleasant and welcoming surprise. It was good knowing she had people who were there for her when things were not going that great in her life.
"Tea or coffee?" Valerie asked once she sat down.
She scooted up a bit when Ethan took a seat beside her. She needed a little more distance between them so she could prepare herself for the inevitable conversation they were having once they went back to their place.
"Tea." Rachel told her sister, "Thanks."
"Same," Ethan told Valerie when she looked at him.
They filled up their plates with pancakes and enjoyed their breakfast. Gabriel had done a great job, the pancakes were amazing and even though she had filled herself up earlier that morning she still managed to finish everything. Sipping her tea she glanced at Ethan when she felt his hand upon her thigh. His eyes were gentle, a warm smile spread across his face. The fact that he could pretend nothing was wrong annoyed her even more. She wasn't supposed to get this annoyed by every little thing her boyfriend did. She knew it was because she felt betrayed by him that everything about him caused her to feel angry. Focusing on her tea she hoped the hot liquid would ease her chaotic mind.
After breakfast she collected her things and followed after Ethan, leaving the safety of her sister's home. Valerie gave her a tight hug which was usually reserved for moments when they knew they wouldn't see each other for a while. This time it was a hug which told her that Valerie was there for her no matter what. She appreciated it, she also knew that she'd take Valerie up on her offer. Things didn't feel right between Ethan and her and she knew the situation would probably get worse first before it would get better. Having everything out in the open would cause a lot of pain. If they managed to get past that she was sure they'd be stronger than ever. They've been through it once surely they could do it again.
"Thanks," Ethan told Gabriel.
Gabriel merely nodded, "Take care of her."
She didn't expect that either. Gabriel had her back, she could tell it also surprised Ethan hearing his friend say that. Ethan did recompose himself rather quickly and gave his friend a pat on the arm.
"Of course I will."
He headed out first and Rachel followed after, taking her time because she dreaded going back home. What awaited them at home was a tiring conversation and probably tears, her tears so she wanted to take her time.