My heart refused to stop making that sound.
I was flabbergasted. That question wasn't what I was expecting at all. It's so embarrassing, especially in front of sexy guys who are ready to make fun of you. Ethan is so annoying. He saw the shock on my face so he knew he got me.
I opened and close my mouth trying to reply but was finding it difficult to because of all the eyes on me. I was sure my face is all pink right now. I feel so shy right now.
" We can always change the question " Bella tried to help me out but I stopped her " No! I will answer it's a game after all"
" Now you're talking. Not everyone is like you" Ethan said but I was sure he was referring to Bella.
The looks he was sending at Bella were suspicious and what he just said held lots of meaning. I need to ask Bella when they are alone.
" I'm a virgin" I answered nevertheless
There were lots of shocked expressions. They never expect a girl who looks as hot as I am to be a virgin. I know that was what they were thinking.
" Are you kidding me right now?"
I shook my head " Not everyone is eager to lose their virginity "
." Don't tell me you are one of the few that want to wait till they get married ?"Ethan asked. I was just so surprised that he needed to know my reason which wasn't his business.
I didn't want to sound rude " Actually it's not a bad idea to keep it for my husband but I just don't feel it's the right time. When the right time comes and the right person comes then it will be taken "
" Oh wow, "he said " That nigga must be lucky damn"
" He sure is," I said with a smirk. I was glad that I earned a form of respect from them. This made me even more proud of her.
Point of correction, I don't plan on keeping it for too long but the problem is, I haven't found the right person yet.
" Okay then let's move to the next person " Bella stated. She looks sad. Either from the attention, Ethan was giving me or something else, no one can tell.
I felt so comfortable around them all and I was only meeting them for the first time and I could tell that we now have a connection. They are all welcoming. I see myself coming for another date night with them.
Funny enough no one noticed me as the Millionaire's daughter. It's either they were pretending not to recognize me or they respect the fact that I want to be out like a normal girl. Whichever one, I don't mind.
The game finally came to an end.
This was my time to talk with Bella. There is so much more I need to talk about with her. Bella gave me a look when I tap her.
This thing with Ethan, I know there was more to it. The others got engaged in a conversation. They were having a conversation about some things which I wasn't interested in.
" You wanna talk?" I whispered to Bella. Bella was surprised that I asked that. She nodded her head because she need someone to talk to, either that or something else.
I nodded and signaled that we should go outside and talk. We excused ourselves and walked out to talk.
The moment they step outside, the cold weather hits their skin. It was cold outside and we didn't remember to bring along our coats.
" It's so cold " I pointed out hugging myself.
Bella agreed with me" Yeah"
" So tell me " I started " Is there something between Ethan and yourself?"
" Why would you ask that?" Bella said pretending she wasn't expecting that.
" You don't need to pretend Bella. I know there is something between the two of you and please don't even think of lying to me " I threatened
Bella chuckled finding my threat funny. I know her so well " Yeah, I know you noticed. Ethan is someone I have a thing for but funny enough he isn't ready for any relationship"
Now I get why I saw the sad look on Bella's face while I was dancing with Ethan " This means while we were dancing earlier you got jealous"
Bella didn't reply and I understood " I get it, you love the boy but he isn't reciprocating the energy"
" Yeah, and it's so annoying really. I thought giving him the time will make him see the brighter side of things but it only makes things even worse between us "
" He isn't fond of me "
I shook my head " I don't think he did that because he isn't fond of you. From all that I'd gathered, I think he only used me to make you jealous at the table and it did get you jealous because you look sad"
" How do you expect me to feel? I was mad that he was giving me the cold shoulders and stuff "
I placed a hand on her shoulder " I'm sure he feels the same way you feel for him but he is in denial. Fuck guys like him always think they can't fall in love and that attitude he was giving over there, is he trying to convince himself that he doesn't like you when in fact he likes you a lot "
Bella wants to believe me badly but the more she thought about it the more she finds it so hard to believe.
" I know this might sound so hard to believe but trust me on this one"
Bella wiped threatening tears" What do you suggest I do then?"
My expression changes immediately" Bingo! That's the question I've been waiting for. Avoid him, mingle with other guys, act like you don't care either "
" What?!"
" Yes it sounds stupid, I know but try it and you'll thank me later. Guys like him always want the attention of women but pretend they don't care. The moment that attention stops, they tend to come to their senses "
Bella saw a little sense in what she said and realized that maybe she needed to try that. I was sure she already has a plan. I smiled at that.
She wiped her tears and a small smile follows afterward. I chuckled upon seeing the smile " You can do this "
" Thank you" Bella pulled me for a tight hug. She does appreciate it " I always knew you are the only one that can help me out of this mess"
" It's not called a mess, it's called love. You are just a girl in love with someone who can't even realize that "
Bella giggled " Oh wow." she has a lot she has to say but didn't want the night to be all about her and her love life. It funny how I could read through Bella so well " Tell me, what happened with you and your dad?"
My mood changes immediately" He is just exactly as he is always. I went out without informing him"
Bella's eyes snapped open" Are you kidding me? Do you want your dad to send millions of Army in search of you?"
I laughed. It was funny actually " Of Course not. I wrote down a note informing him that I'll be having a girls' time at your place. Since dad is a friend of your dad, he wouldn't mind "
Bella chuckled " Thank God I told mom that I might end up bringing you home for a sleepover tonight so it's settled then"
" You are the best. I can't wait until I get my apartment. I'm sick and tired of that house. Living in there is like living in bondage. I can't keep up with all the energy they are giving to me "
" Give it a little bit of time. You need to be patient Allyson. "
I sighed sadly " My fear is dad bringing home a man for me to marry. I don't think I can handle that. Dad never appreciates what I do. He thinks I'm still a little girl with no future and believes that he has all right to tell me to do as he wants without me complaining"
" Why would you think your dad will ask you to marry someone not out of love?"
" I once eavesdrop on his conversation with my stepmom They talked about the possibility of getting Diane married to one of his business associates but my stepmom declined by saying her daughter will only get married to whom she loves. What scares me most was she insisted they get me married to that person instead "
." What?!" Bella was shocked " What was his reply?"
" He said, he'll think about it "
" No! No! This is not right. This is not right at all. They can't force you to get married to someone just like that. You are only 20 and still have enough time to enjoy life before whatsoever is called marriage "
" I know right? I don't know what to do, I have nightmares thinking about it. I don't want to get married just yet. I can't give out my virginity to someone who doesn't deserve it. " I Rant out. I was confused. I kept this to myself all this while but today seems to be a better day to tell Bella about it.
" Nothing of such will happen "
" This why I've concluded that I'll drink as much as I want tonight and whatever happens after, I don't want to remember the next day" my mind was already made up.