The bell rang and as usual, the maid went to get the door. I was having breakfast and not expecting any visitors. Dad and his wife are out too.
Diana wasn't home either . She traveled out of the country for business. Diana is my elder sister and also a fashion designer. She is also popular at what she does thanks to dad's wealth.
" Miss Allison" the maid called.
I had a mouth full of bread. I was confused at why the maid was calling and she didn't want to sound too rude so i got up to meet them by the door.
" What is it?" I asked folding her arms
" The delivery man here brought this " it's a bunch of flowers and a small note attached to it. I was baffled. I had already broken up with my boyfriend so who brought this? I thought to myself.
The delivery guy asked me to sign a particular paper and then made his way out.The maid closed the door while i took the flowers and unveil the card. It says:
" Sorry for what happened to you earlier. I hope you didn't suffer any bruises or body pain. Get well soon"
I found it a little funny and at the same time weird. Why would Rex send me flowers? I needs to make him understand that I don't like him like that before he put things into his head . I can only be his friend but nothing more.
I went upstairs. I thought of throwing the flowers but take a look at it and pitied the flower. I wasn't that heartless. I pouted.
So I decided to put some water in the vase and then plant the flower inside the vase. It quite easy to say that the flower was so beautiful.
After I was done ,I made my way out of the room. I sauntered downstairs and head to the dinning. My coffee was almost cold so i down it in a second.
I took my dirty plates to the kitchen and washed them myself.
Even if our home is filled with maids, i still enjoy doing some of the house chores myself. It keeps me sane despite the amount of emotional reck my stepmom caused me.
I was so deep in thought that the sound of my phone startled me. I stared at the screen only to see my friend calling, Bella.
" Hey!" Bella shrieked the moment i picked up the call.
" Oh God, my ear drum" I whines loudly
Bella chuckled so loud " You can't be serious right now. ".
" What do you want?"
" Are you mad at me?"
" I'm mad at the fact that you had to scream like that on the phone, " i told her with a frown.
Bella chuckled " Is that why you sound rude?"
" I'm not being rude, I was only stating the fact and that was it, "
" Okay, whatever..." Bella said " Guess what is gonna happen today"
I furrowed my brows confused. I don't understand why bella was so excited. The only thing I knew was happening today was the party later
" Party?"
" Yes at the party. We are gonna play the truth or dare we didn't get to play the other time and the fun part of it all is, some college guys from other schools will join us. "Bella screamed, " I can't wait
I was already tired of Bella. She screams a lot when she is excited and it was so annoying " You need to reduce the shouting before I end the call. You can't just destroy my ear drum over truth or dare "
" I'm sorry" She apologized " I was only excited that's all.
I knew my friend more than she knows herself " I'm sure the only reason why you are this excited is because your crush is going to be present at the party "
There was a pause and that proves a point " I knew it!"i was sure Bella was blushing at the moment even though she can't see mw
"I hate you right now. How can you know everything " she pouted.
" Remember, I'm your friend " i pointed out
Bella let out a sign " I'm just so excited I'll get to see him so close to me. He doesn't give me the attention I want from him anytime we cross paths. It's annoying "
I rolled my eyes " You know what's annoying?"
" What?"
"You acting desperate is what's annoying "
" You've got to be kidding me," Bella said. She was getting angrier with the way i refer her as someone so desperate.
I realized my mistake so I hit my forehead slightly " I'm sorry Bella. I don't mean it that way"
" You know what?" She said" forget it, I think I'm disturbing you with my problem. You seem to be annoyed with what I was telling you"
" No be....."i tried to object but Bella had already hung up. It was so frustrating. I knew i sounded rude and that annoys her the more. I'm no0t like this but what all this now?
need to give Bella a call and apologize for acting like that. It was so uncalled for. I dialed Bella's number and funny enough she pick it up immediately.
" What do you want?" Bella asked.
A smile graced my lip . Bella isn't one to be angry for so long " I'm sorry. It was a terrible move for me to tell you off like that. I don't know what got into me "
" I thought as much because you are not like that with me. I was wondering if I did something you didn't like or something I knew nothing about " Bella said
I let out a sigh " I guess I'm just too angry that I got scolded today by my dad "
If anyone should know what was going on in my home then that would be Bella.
" Talk to me Ally, what happened?"
I was glad she asked" what happened rather than What did you do"
" I went for my morning run and I went alone," I started
" But you most of the time go alone so what happened?"
" I think my stepmom must have said something to him that made him got angry at me. I was surprised too, I mean"
" Oh dear, do you want me to come over?" Bella asked
I shook my head then realized that she couldn't see me" No, you don't need to bother "
" Are you sure?"
" Yes"
" If you say so then"
I felt guilty not telling bella about what happened in the morning. I have a feeling that Bella might jinx it for me especially now that she wants to investigate the guy who almost hits me. I want this to be between me alone.
" We'll talk soon"
" Okay. Love you"
We ended the call. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. I got up and went to the window to stare. I don't have school today because it's the weekend. Moreover, I have a party I need to prepare so there was no use to go out.
When It comes to makeover, I miss Diane. Yes, i and Diane don't get along that well but we still have some conversations siblings have sometimes. Diane would have helped me choose a dress if she was around. That is her specialty. She is a fashion designer after all.
I sagged my shoulders. My phone buzzed beside me so I picked it up. An unread message appears on my screen.
" Hi Allyson, I hope you received my message?"
I groaned. It's probably Rex, I was sure about that. This made me so annoyed with him. He seems kind of obsessed with me and I don't like it. This is why i don't talk to him in school because of problems like this one.
I think it's high time to make him understand that we are just friends and nothing more.
" Yes I received them, they are lovely " i replied nonchalantly
" Glad you loved it. I thought of sending another if you don't " his reply came immediately.
I rolled my eyes while reading the message " You don't need to bother "
" I don't mind sending more " he was insisting.
was frustrated already. He needs to get a grip, God " I'm good "
" Erm. Allison, there is something you need to know "
She saw this coming again " What?" She needed to act oblivious
" I like you and it's been for a while now. It took so much courage in me to finally tell you about it " he sent her.
" I'm sorry but I see you as a friend and nothing more "
" Please we can work things out. Just give me a chance "he kept on insisting
" I'm sorry, it's never going to work " with that being said she switched off her phone and lay on the couch. She needed a small nap before the actual party.