The house was chaotic as hell.
For two straight weeks, the entire house was filled with people planning on weddings, flowers, stationary materials, and everything wedding-related.
Everyone was in wedding mode and it was making me realize that I was closer to getting a new stepmom, and I didn't know how else I was supposed to stop it.
A couple of weeks ago, I spoke to the head hunter Noah's family is friends with and asked them to do some digging on Katherine.
Specifically, the house that they could never sell.
Don't get me wrong, okay? Like I said, I liked Katherine. And I knew she was a good woman.
I just needed something to justify the fact that I didn't want her and dad to get married.
Or maybe I just wanted something to make me realize that Katherine and dad getting married wasn't going to be that bad.
But since the headhunter hasn't given me any information yet, as the house got more and more chaotic, I'm opting for the first one.
For two weeks straight, I've had to endure everyone deal with wedding shit.
But today was the exception.
Because today was the day we check out the wedding venue.
And the only things I liked about this whole wedding-related thing was that it was out of town at one of the hottest resorts in England.
And Sadie.
"Here you go" Sadie said as she handed the keycard to my room and fixed the bag strap on her shoulder
"Thanks. You need help with your things?" I asked as I placed the key card inside my pocket
"No, I'm good" she answered as she smiled "Mom and Charles are heading to meet the venue coordinator and they told us could already do whatever the hell we want"
"Sounds nice" I said as me and Sadie headed to the lift
"What do you wanna check out first?" I asked as we waited for the lift to bring us to our floor
"The pool of course! Have you seen the pool?" Sadie answered before the lift opened and we got out.
"Alright, so I guess I'll see you in a few minutes?" I asked as we stood in front of her room
"Yeah. I'll come to your room when I'm ready" she answered before opening her room with the key card and I headed off to mine.
The first thing I noticed when I entered my room was the view. The room has large windows that you could look out into the ocean.
And the second thing that caught my eye was that there was a freaking jacuzzi right on the balcony.
"Nice" I said to myself before opening my bag to change into something pool-appropriate.
I wasn't gonna look like shit while I walked around with Sadie.
A couple of minutes later, Sadie knocked on the door.
I opened the door to reveal Sadie wearing a large straw hat, pink bikini, and a white knit see-through bikini cover-up.
"Hurry up!" she said before pulling me out of my room.
Soon, we were by the public area and people were everywhere.
There was a mini bar by the pool as people lounged around and there were kids running.
As I looked around, a brunette wearing a tiny bikini passed by me and decided to turn around and flash me a flirty smile.
Of course, I reciprocated her energy.
"Damn, every single girl in this place seems to have the hots for you" Sadie said as she looked around as well
"It comes with being good looking, to be honest" I answered, earning a light slap on the arm from her.
"Well, I'm gonna sunbathe by that pool chair over there. There's an empty one beside it if you want it" Sadie said as she began walking towards it
"Sure, I'll just get us some drinks" I told her before heading to the mini bar.
I could say the afternoon was well-spent.
The first hours were spent with me and Sadie just relaxing by the pool. Sadie began ranting about how stressful it was being her mum's maid of honor while I listened.
She then went on about everything that annoyed her about school in the US and how it was different from here that we started having a "Which one's better: US vs England" debate.
Clearly, England was better.
"I'm not even gonna argue with that one. American school system sucks" Sadie began "One time, I was making a report in class about Kim Jong Un and this one kid goes 'why aren't you specifying that he's north korean?' so I asked her why did it matter, and she goes 'so are we supposed to assume that since he lives in North Korea, he's automatically a North Korean? He could be South Korean. The Koreans from those two are different races' and everyone just looked at her like we all lost a couple of braincells" she ended before taking a sip from her coconut drink.
"I can see you're enjoying the US so far" I tell her before sipping on my own drink
"Yeah, kinda. I mean, my stepmom and dad and my little sister are amazing, I have great friends." she began before the smile slowly faded off her face "It's just.."
"What?" I asked. Sadie bit her lip before looking at me
"I don't know if it's just me or what, but with mum getting married to your dad, I feel kinda left out?"
"Why?" I asked and she shrugged
"Like... my dad has his own family now, which I'm a part of and I know that. And when mum gets married, we're gonna be a part of yours, but like, where am I in all that?" Sadie began "I'm not saying I'm against your dad marrying mum, or that I didn't want my dad marrying my stepmom, but like, it kinda just feels like I don't in any of their families"
I watched Sadie intently as she stirred her drink with her straw.
And as I watched her longer, I've come to realize that I wasn't the only one struggling with the whole thing.
I know she knows that her stepmom (hopefully) loves her like her own, and I know that no matter what, my family will always take her in like she's part of it.
But there would always be that feeling that would make you feel like you don't belong.
The only difference between us was that while dad and Katherine would eventually start their own family, and maybe have a couple of kids, I knew for a fact that I still had Maria and William.
"Hey" I said as I grabbed her hand "I know how you feel"
"You do?" she asked and I nodded
"I don't know if this might help you feel better or not," I began as I took a deep breath "but it would really be an honor to have you part of my family"
Sadie flashed me a small smile, but I think that even though it slightly made her feel better, she wanted to go off topic.
And I was gonna let her do that.
"Anyway, I hear the sunset in this place is amazing, how about we go so you could take photos for your insta or something?" I said
"It's like you read my mind" she said before pulling me to go do whatever.
After taking a couple of photos for her insta, dad and Katherine texted us saying that they were done and that it was time for dinner so me and Sadie went back to our rooms to freshen up and get ready.
I decided to go semi-formal but beach appropriate so I wore a button down long sleeve shirt, tan colored shorts, and black trainers.
After fixing my hair and taking my phone and keycard with me, I left the room and went to Sadie's.
Her door swung open to reveal her wearing a burgundy colored strapless mini sundress that hugged her figure and some strappy sandals and her long red hair was curled.
This girl was going to catch everyone's attention and she was definitely a sight for sore eyes.
"God you look amazing" I said as I eyed her down
"After telling me earlier that it would be an honor to be a part of your family, flirting with me should already be off the table, don't you think?" she said, making me roll my eyes
"You'd wish I never stop" I told her before offering my arm so she could link it to hers before we headed to the dining hall.
Sure enough, everyone's attention was at Sadie the moment we entered the dining hall. I mean who could blame her?
Well, everyone except for the old couple who seemed to be enjoying each other's company as they talked and laughed and drank wine.
Our parents.
Sadie and I walked over to them, stopping them mid conversation.
"My god, Sadie! You look beautiful darling" Katherine said as she kissed Sadie on the cheek before letting her sit down. "Is that the dress Kylie gave you for your birthday?"
"Sure is. She said this dress was only fitting if I wore it on Christmas or if I was going to dinner with a guy by the beach, so I decided to wear it now" Sadie answered
"Speaking of, have you talked to Luke yet?" dad asked Katherine. Luke? Who's Luke?
"Yeah. He said he'll be here a week before the wedding so we could already start with the house problem" Katherine answered as she sipped on her wine.
"That's hopefully one problem solved" dad said before gripping on Katherine's hand.
Dinner went well.
Katherine and dad told us about their conversation with the venue coordinator and Katherine and Sadie began exchanging ideas, while me and dad watched the two women talk.
"Sadie seems like a nice girl. Beautiful, too. Like her mother" dad whispered to me, making me turn to face him.
"What?" I asked
"I promised I would not interfere with whoever you date" dad began "but I could tell you that Sadie gets my approval"
"Dad, you do know that you and her mum's getting married right?" I asked dad in a low tone so neither Katherine nor Sadie would hear.
Dad just shrugged.
"Doesn't make any difference" dad said before moving away from me to refill his drink.
As soon as dinner was done, Sadie and I said our goodnights to our parents and headed to our rooms.
Before we could both go in, however, I turned to her.
"So my room has a hot tub" I began, making her turn to look at me
"What?" she asked with a small smile on her face
"A hot tub?" I said
"You have a hot tub in your room?" she asked
"Yeah. By the balcony" I answered
"What? How? We have the same room. How is it that you got an upgrade on your room?" I asked. I let out a laugh and shrugged, then I remembered my conversation with dad earlier.
Sneaky bastard!
"Do you wanna check it out or not?" I asked, pretending to be impatient or not
"Um, of course I do" she answered as she walked over to me
"You're not gonna change into something more hot tub appropriate?" I asked
"I'm already wearing" she answered, making me cock my eyebrow in confusion "I was actually gonna sneak back into the pool after a couple of minutes with you, but this one seems better" she explained as we both went inside.
I left her for a while so I could change into my swim trunks, and when I got back, she was by the balcony setting up the hot tub.
"Is it safe to go in yet?" I asked
"It's not warm enough yet" she said, but I shrugged and went right in "What are you doing?"
"We're in one of the warmest parts of England. The water's fine" I said as I made myself comfortable
"Fine" she said before leaning down to take her sandals off.
And she took my by surprise when she got up and slid her dress off right in front of me to reveal her two piece bikini.
I swear everything went so fast but it seemed like the entire thing happened in slow motion.
Sadie then took a hair tie from her bag and tied her hair in a bun before dipping into the water and made herself comfortable beside me.
I didn't notice I was staring at her every movement, until she pointed it.
"What?" she asked
"Why do you make it so hard for me?" I asked in a low tone, as if someone else was going to hear what I just said
"Make what hard?" she asked in an equally low, flirty tone
"This" I said "You make it so hard to not want you"
Sadie let out a breathy laugh
"So what do you want me to do?" she asked. And I don't know how, but by now, our faces were already so close to each other's.
"Give in" I answered
Nothing else was said.
Because as soon as those two words left my mouth, my mouth had already once again captured Sadie's.
As soon as she leaned forward to be closer to me, I pulled her on her waist and let her straddle me as our tongues fought dominance with each other.
We were both heavily panting, especially when I started getting harder by the second and Sadie was starting to grind her crotch on my hard on, making her let out breathy moans as she pulled me closer like we still weren't.
I pulled out of the kiss and began moving my mouth down her neck before pulling her waist so she could feel my hard on even more, which earned a moan from Sadie.
"Fuck, Archie" Sadie breathed out
"Do you want me to stop?" I asked as I looked up at her
"Don't stop" she answered and I obliged before kissing her neck again.
I slowly moved my hand up to cup her tits before taking the strings off her bikini to fully expose them.
Once her bikini top was off, I immediately landed my mouth on her tits and started swirling my tongue around her now hard nipples.
"Archie, I need you to fuck me" Sadie whimpered "Please"
I let out a laugh
"Relax" I whispered and continued to swirl my tongue around her nipples, making her grind on my hard on harder as she moaned.
"Please, Archie. I want the entire thing inside me now. Please. Please" Sadie begged, but I still wasn't caving.
I did, however, stop licking her nipples before getting up and carried her so she could sit on the first step of the hot tub.
I then slowly took her bottoms off and slowly spread her legs and knelt down.
And from the looks of it, Sadie was wetter than otter's pocket.
I slid a finger inside as Sadie watched me intently as she gasped for air.
After earning a couple of moans from her, without a warning, I dove right in, making Sadie let out a louder moan as she gripped my hair.
I began eating her out like I haven't eaten for days, making her even wetter by the second with me getting harder from every moan she was making.
After letting my tongue explore her insides, I headed to her clit and began licking it before inserting two of my fingers back inside of her.
"Fuck Archie I'm gonna cum" she said, her grip on my hair getting tighter along with the walls of her insides, until she let out a loud moan and I soaked up every last bit of her juices.
"My turn" she said before pushing me away from her and kneeling down before signaling me to stand up.
She looked up at me and slowly slid my trunks down to reveal my dick which has been waiting to be revealed.
She wrapped her hand around it and began moving it, and without a warning, she placed her mouth around it.
"Oh god" was all I could say as I felt her tongue roll on my dick simultaneously with her hand and her mouth.
Jesus, this girl was a freaking multitasker.
I knew getting head was going to make me cum earlier than anticipated, so I lightly pushed her off my dick and sat back down the tub
"Ride me" I told her.
Sadie started to position herself, but before I could finally be inside her, there was a knock on the door.
I guess third base was the only thing the universe wanted me to get for the night.