"So Sadie" I began as I took a sip off my beer "Tell me about yourself"
"That's lame" Sadie answered as she took a sip from her own cup of beer "How about you get us a couple of shots and we'll play 20 questions"
I smirked and nodded.
"Alright" I said before turning around to grab a bottle and two shot glasses then I lead Sadie to some part of the house which wasn't packed but also not entirely empty.
As soon as Sadie and I were settled, we both sat down and I poured us shots.
"How do we play this then?" I asked
"Well we play it by asking each other questions back and forth. And if we don't wanna answer the questions, we'll drink" she explained
"Ok" I answered "You can ask first"
She tapped her chin before grinning.
"What's with you and that Penelope chick?" Damn, she wasn't playing.
I let out a laugh, but drank the shot. There was no way I was going to let her know that I was screwing Penelope.
It was gonna ruin my chance with her.
"What, is it that private?" Sadie asked
"It's not your turn to ask questions, miss" I said as I poured the alcohol on my shot glass "Tell me about yourself. Just the basics"
"That's not a question" Sadie said
"Just answer" I said, making her groan.
"Where do I start? Uh... my name's Sadie Michaels, I was born here but I moved in with my dad and step mom in LA when middle school started, I have a half sister named Davy, who is sort of named after my grandpa... that's it" she answered "My turn. How bout you? Tell me about yourself"
"Well," I began "My name's Archie Lawrence. I have twin siblings Maria and William, you know them. And my mum died when I was ten" I answered before subconsciously drinking my shot.
I guess Sadie noticed the tension but I was glad she didn't say anything.
"Question 3" I began as I poured another shot "Why'd your parents not end up together?"
She pursed her lip before grabbing the shot glass.
I thought she wasn't gonna answer, but she did anyways.
"It's... a complicated story" she said "A long one, too"
"I got time" I answered
"Okay but quick disclaimer though, I love my parents equally. Biological and step parent wise." She began and I just stared at her waiting for her to finish "When they were teenagers, my dad and my stepmom's parents got married. Coincidentally, they went on a date before their parents got married. Then, my stepmom dated dad's best friend, but they broke up cause she and my dad were in love with each other and couldn't do anything about it so dad decided to move here with my grammy and that's when he met my mum. They were good pals, then had me but I guess they really didn't love each other like that so, yeah" she said, and after her story she drank her shot.
I nodded as I internalized her story.
"Next question," she began "If.. if you don't mind me asking, how'd your mum die?"
"Car accident" I answered so fast it surprised me "Do you have a boyfriend, Sadie?"
It must have surprised both me and Sadie with how quick I changed the topic, but I was glad she wasn't saying anything.
She, however, merely rolled her eyes before taking the bottle of alcohol and pouring herself a shot and straight up drinking.
Before she could ask her own question, however, Penelope appeared.
"Archie, I was looking all over for you" she said before flashing me and Sadie a smile.
"Who told you I was here?" I asked
"Noah said he saw you and Sadie walk over here" she answered
"Anyway, what is it?" I asked
"We're gonna go play beer pong and I needed a partner. I couldn't think of anyone better to team up with" Penelope answered
"Come on then" I said before me, Penelope, and Sadie all headed out to where the beer pong was gonna be held.
"Oh god he's here" Oliver said as soon as he spotted me.
"I'm gonna die here man. Help me!" Oliver said as he faced Harry.
"Sorry bro. You're on your own" Harry said as he and Noah laughed.
"I'm amazing at beer pong" Sadie said, making everyone turn to look at her
"Really?" Oliver asked, a glimmer of hope on his face. Sadie leaned towards Oliver.
"Totally. We are gonna crush Archie" she said before smiling. Oliver smirked evilly then faced me and Penelope.
"I may finally win a game against Archie" Oliver said as he and Sadie shared a look.
I rolled my eyes. There was no way they were gonna win against me.
"Heads or tails?" Harry asked.
"Head, of course" I said as I crossed my arms. Harry nodded and flipped the coin.
"Heads go first" Harry said. Penelope and I highfived before grabbing the pingpong balls.
I aimed at one of the farthest cups, and as expected, the pingpong ball went through.
Penelope aimed at the nearest cup, and it also went through.
"Tails' turn" Harry said.
"Don't let me down" Oliver pleaded, making Sadie laugh.
"I won't" Sadie said before grabbing one of the cups to drink the beer.
She turned sideways and before we knew it, she already had the pingpong ball on one of our cups, shocking everyone to the core with how spontaneous it was.
"What? Haven't seen anyone do that?" She asked, shrugging.
"We are so gonna win" Oliver muttered under his breath before aiming at one of the cups, and eventually shooting it.
"Let's go!" I said as I grabbed my pingpong ball and aimed it at one of the cups. Of course as expected, it went through.
It was Penelope's turn and she almost missed, but thankfully she didn't.
Soon there were only two cups left in each team and majority of the party was now watching us like we were in some sort of tournament.
"A tie. Last round" Harry said
"Can't believe Oliver finally may win against Archie" Noah whispered to Harry.
"Shut up bloke" Oliver said before punching Noah in the arm.
I took my pingpong ball and aimed at the cup between Oliver and Sadie. Of course that went through.
Penelope grabbed her ball, then took a deep breath. This was the last cup.
She breathed out and aimed.
Everyone awwed when the ball missed.
"YES!" Oliver shouted.
"You still didn't win, chill out man" Penelope said and Oliver flashed her a smug smirk before grabbing the pingpong ball and faced Sadie.
"Would you let me do the first shot so you could end this game with finesse?" Oliver asked
"Go ahead" Sadie said. By this point, everyone was already tense. Players and watchers wise.
Oliver aimed at his cup before doing a "Kobe" and shot the ball through.
Oliver grabbed the last ball and handed it to Sadie.
"Don't tell me you're gonna do it spontaneously again" Penelope said. Sadie's eyebrow arched up then she smirked. She wasn't amused one bit.
"No need" she said, locking eyes with Penelope before shooting one of the pingpong balls in one of our cups making everyone cheered.
"All hail Sadie! Our new beer pong champion!" Oliver said, until everyone started chanting her name.
Sadie laughed at how everyone was cheering on her.
If it was any other person, I would've been pissed. But it was Sadie.
She turned to look at me before winking at me, and all I could do was shake my head and laugh before giving her a round of applause.
"Sorry" Penelope said as she grabbed a handful of my jacket.
"It's fine, don't worry about it" I told her before turning to look at Sadie who now had everyone's attention.
As soon as the commotion had died, everyone headed back to where the drinks were.
"To the new beer pong champion" I said as I gave her a new cup and I raised my own.
"How on earth did you do that?" Oliver asked
"That's one secret I'll never tell" Sadie said in her best Gossip Girl accent before winking at Oliver.
"You know, I like you a lot better than Archie now" Harry said making everyone laugh.
"You don't mean that" I said, faking a heart break
"No no I do. We're over" Harry said, making everyone laugh even more.
As everyone talked about other stuff, Sadie took her phone out and answered her phone call.
"Hey babe how's it going?" Babe? Sadie has a boyfriend?!
The drunkeness started to fade from Sadie as her face changed into a worried one.
She glanced at me before talking on the phone.
"Jace, hold on. I'm at a party. Okay. Okay. I'm heading off now. I'll call you as soon as I get home" Sadie said before ending the call and turning to face me.
"I'm sorry about this but can I get a ride home? I have some emergency I need to attend to" she said
"Sure. I'll just tell Penelope" I said. Sadie nodded and said goodbye to the guys before walking back inside.
I scoured the room and saw Penelope talking to one of her friends. As soon as she saw me, she ended her conversation with her friend and walked over to me.
"Hey" she said as she flashed me and Sadie a smile. As soon as she saw the worried look on Sadie, however, the smile on her face faded. "Are you okay? Is something wrong?"
"I'm fine, I just need to get home" Sadie answered
"I'm just gonna drive her home" I told Penelope.
"Well, I mean the party's busted anyways. Why don't we all go home?" Penelope suggested
"Oh, no. It's fine. Archie can come back" Sadie said
"No it's fine. Really" Penelope answered. Sadie glanced at me then back at Penelope
"Alright then" Sadie answered before looking at me. I nodded and the three of us walked out of there.
The car ride was silent, apart from The Weeknd's Blinding Lights playing on low on the stereo.
And unlike earlier, Sadie was glad to let Penelope sit in front. Joy.
As soon as I stopped in front of Penelope's house, Penelope turned to face Sadie who was sitted at the back.
"It really was a pleasure meeting you Sadie" she said as she flashed Sadie a smile.
"You too" Sadie answered before Penelope and I got out of the car and I walked her to her house in case she was drunk and couldn't handle walking the three-meter distance from my car to her front porch.
"You good?" I asked and she shrugged.
"Just... kinda bummed I'm not sleeping with you tonight" she answered, making me roll my eyes. I leaned down so my mouth was beside her ear.
"We've got plenty more time to do that" I whispered, making her bite her lip.
She leaned to give me a kiss, but I turned my face so the only thing she was able to kiss was my cheek. The disappointment was so evident on her face.
"Next time" I said before walking back to my car.
I opened my car door and peeked at Sadie who was busy fidgeting. Shit, I forgot she had to attend an emergency with her boyfriend or whatever.
"You can sit in front" I told her. She nodded and instead of going through the door like a normal person would, she transferred to the front seat through the space between my seat and hers.
I'm not even gonna lie and pretend like I didn't get a peek of her red thong that peeked through her dress when she moved.
"All set?" She asked. I gulped and started to drive again.
The whole drive was still silent since she was on her phone the whole drive, texting this Jace guy.
As soon as we got to her house, she locked her phone and faced me.
"Thanks for the ride" she said in an almost seductive voice. Fuck. Did she really or am I just drunk?
"Yeah no worries" I answered "Do you need me to walk you to your porch?"
"No, I'm good" she said as she smiled once again and got out of the car, with me watching her slowly (and seductively, may I add) walk away from my car.
I gulped, yet again.
As I slowly glanced down.
Even the darkness inside my car couldn't stop the moonlight from shining through the hard on I was currently sporting because of the hot red head girl that just got out of my car.