The class break bell rang...neeett..neeett..neeett.
"pay, accompany me to the field" , Adin invites Popay, who is currently still in a dazed state because his inner eye is open,
"terrible..hiii..that pocong..kuntilanak, that..that..what creature is half snake and half human, hiii..terrible" Popay is still fixated on his new world,
"heyy.. ignore them..let's have more important business we will meet the students this morning I met" , Adin pulled Popay's hand while pushing him forward,
"Yes, yes Din, don't push Din, I'm not a siomay cart..." Popay walked in front and Adin was behind, when he arrived at the school field Adin saw the students that morning already waiting under the mango tree,
"sorry you've been waiting so long?.. I just left class, should we just chat in the cafeteria, I'll treat you" , Adin glanced at Popay who was still in a daze,
"Why is your friend... it seems someone has opened his inner eye ," said the beautiful girl with an indifferent face,
"Ignore him, I opened his inner eye, oh yes, introduce me Adin, I'm in class 2.7, and what's your name?" , Adin asked,
"Introduce me Sabrina.. I'm in class 2.2", Sabrina looked at Adin,
"let's just chat in the cafeteria" , Adin invited Sabrina,
"I'm not going, okay, just you guys because I have to go to the bathroom" , Popay left them both.
Arriving at the cafeteria, there were lots of jealous and hateful glances from the students towards Adin,
"Since when did Sabrina get along with men and want to eat together, this woman is ferocious... she is beautiful but no man has yet been able to conquer her, all the men have been crushed in her hands, let's see if the student will be the next victim," whispered the student at the back of the canteen table,
"hehe.. it turns out you're famous too, Sabrina" , Adin looked at Sabrina,
"Yes.. I will teach a lesson to a man who likes to talk nonsense and babble, especially if it has taken up my time in vain" , Sabrina smiled, "good"
"Let's just get to the point, I'm looking for members to carry out a mission, in the unseen world I am the king, my mission is to destroy and conquer kingdoms that mislead people and interfere with the life of the human race, because now the boundaries and imbalances of the human race and the unseen nation have been seen, the large number of human races that are influenced by unseen nations makes them go astray and even ally themselves, if this continues then there is an ancient demon king who is bound at the bottom of the Indian Ocean will rise up to mislead the human race and we will become his slaves, indirectly the mass extermination of the human race, because It's you who has the ability like I invite you to use your ability to save our nation ," Adin looked at Sabrina's eyes which had turned bright yellow,
"oh.. it's a duty like a hero, but I'm not the type of person who obeys, moreover I don't know your abilities, and I don't care about your story, I know you can see things unseen, but if you can beat me I'm your slave, if you lose you will be my slave until you graduate from school", Sabrina snorted.
"Okay..when and where do we do the battle" , Adin smiled,
"how about after school we fight in the martial arts hall, a hero with a big mission must have the ability to fight right, don't let you just be someone who can order and only have the power of the mouth", Sabrina occasionally took a sip of her drinking water ,
"I agree..hahaha..the martial arts hall, right, while I was studying here I have never been there, let alone taking part in extra self-defense activities" , Adin agreed,
" don't regret it, I think we've had enough talk" , Sabrina closed the conversation and stood up,
"Hey.. listen to you guys, please come to the martial arts hall, there is a fight after school hours" Sabrina's voice echoed in the school canteen,
"Sure enough.. looks like that handsome guy is going to be mush..hehe..I can't wait to watch this interesting show, how dare he tease our Goddess" , the male students talk to each other with faces full of satisfaction because they can't wait to see Adin in the next round battered by this vicious woman.
Adin stood opposite Sabrina and Sabrina had changed into sports clothes, many students witnessed and predicted the misfortune that Adin would face.
"You're ready" Sabrina jumped high with a leg slash aimed at Adin's head, Adin, who was used to practicing fighting day and night with the commander of Centini, saw Sabrina's move was predictable, Adin lowered his head and put on a stance, moving forward,
"That's fine.." Sabrina glanced at Adin, Cimande's movement downstream was combined with repeated karate kicks aimed at Adin,
but Adin was able to parry and avoid it, many students who witnessed this fight were amazed as if they were seeing a professional fighter fight, when Sabrina hit her right elbow obliquely, Adin rushed forward holding Sabrina's elbow and twisting her hand, while lifting Sabrina's body and slamming her on the floor, then Adin did an MMA style lock, saw the two of them in ambiguous poses and as if they were moving kamasutra, making the students speechless,
"pervert..asshole get rid of your hand what are you holding.." Sabrina with a red face where Adin's hand was holding one of her mountain peaks, in a difficult position Sabrina called her magical teacher her right eye lit up yellow,
"teacher is present..present" , Sabrina called,
Adin, who saw a blue light enter Sabrina's body, immediately activated the invisible eye on mode, Adin's eyes glowed red, and Adin saw that Sabrina's body had been taken over by a dashing male figure with a red headband, and had strong Kanuragan powers.
"Adin.. he called his supernatural teacher his strength is quite strong, let me take over your body" , Sekar told Adin in his mind,
"Can't I face it?" , Adin asked.
"he has taken over the woman's body, his physical strength has increased, you will lose then your mission will fail to recruit this woman" , Sekar emphasized,
"Okay, take over Sekar, I leave this matter to you." Immediately Adin's body was taken over by Sekar, and the two locked bodies were separated.
" Greetings .. I am Raden Panji the ruler of Mount Karang Dipandeglang, who is the princess?" , Raden Panji was alert and curious about Sekar's figure,
"greetings to the king of coral mountains, I'm just an ordinary princess, I just want to help my students in their assignments, if the king fights me I won't hesitate" , Sekar smiled while his fingers danced,
"That's it princess, I'm sorry if I hurt the princess, accept this" , Raden Panji attacked, his hand shot up to grab Sekar's neck,
Seeing Raden Panji's movement, Sekar immediately dodged and a large gap in the chest area was used by Sekar to attack with a punch, Raden Panji rolled back 3 rolls, the audience who saw this were amazed that this was the first time a man could beat Sabrina like that, but they didn't. You know that the two Danyang of the unseen world are fighting, the beautiful fight, step by step, is presented in the eyes of the audience, until the situation becomes even more crowded, as if the spectacle of a pencak silat national championship, even the teacher's council is watching this fight.
"Who is that male student, how come I just found out he has martial arts talent, isn't he a member of the school's martial arts?" , One of the teachers asked a student,
"As far as I know that student's name is Adin sir, grade 2.7, he has never excelled in martial arts ," answered the tall student,
"oh..Adin class 2.7" , the teacher held his nose,
"You still can't keep up with me, the king of the mountains... I'm very disappointed that I'm ending this game." Sekar grabbed Raden Panji's body and threw him against the wall followed by Brata Geni's spell attack,
Raden Panji grinned and raised his hand, "I'm sorry, my daughter.. I'm no match for my daughter, don't my daughter torture the body of this servant's student ." Raden Panji knelt in front of Sekar,
"from now on you must submit to my student, and you must support him" Sekar glanced at Adin's spirit beside him,
"now your job is to do soul sealing" , Sekar ordered Adin,
"Okay Sekar, I'll take my body again" Adin regained consciousness and saw Sabrina kneeling
"Sorry Raden Panji, I will seal your soul ." The power of Adin's eyes turned and entered Raden Panji's body, the seal of the soul was attached.
"Don't be like that if you betray your body will be destroyed, go back to where you came from" , Adin stared at Raden Panji's face,
"Okay sir I will go" , after Raden Panji left Sabrina's body was limp and unconscious, then Adin helped carry her, the audience cheered satisfied to see the fight of the two professional fighters, the teachers who watched helped Adin, the teacher's council took Sabrina to UKS,
"Unexpectedly Sabrina was subdued by that man" , the male students expressed their disappointment, after the students left the hall and it was quiet, Adin was about to leave the hall to see the unseen figure of a tall, tall, crowned man with a tiger as big as a buffalo beside him..
"What did you do to my grandson.." , the dashing man came to Adin.. Adin was immediately alert and his eyes were unseen..
"Who are you?" Adi asked
"I am the first king of Siliwangi". .replied the dashing figure..Adin's eyes widened,
"oh comes the legendary king" ..Adin mumbled
"Adin, don't be careless, let me deal with it ," Sekar warned.
The striped tiger the size of a buffalo turned into a longish, burly male figure, "King, let me discipline this child . "
"The famous commander... don't be careless, I see that there is a daughter who has a high level of knowledge guarding her ," Prabu Siliwangi warned.
"Greetings to the most famous king.. I am Sekar, accept my respect" , Sekar appeared in front of the king of Siliwangi,