Kliwon Friday Night..
Followed by the heavy rain, Mrs. Eni's helper who was walking towards the living room was confused, " Mr..Mum..it looks like she's about to give birth ",
At that time, Mr. Jaenudin, who was chatting with Mr. Helmi, the head of the RT , gasped, " Yes, Bi Eni . " calling her husband's name,
" Sir, hurry up sir... I'm not strong enough sir ..."
But in the shadow of the pouring rain right in the yard..
Mr. Jaenudin gasped and trembled and heard a voice " I entrust him.. I entrust him .." A white shadow was faintly seen wearing a white turban wearing a cane with a sharp gaze and a large black shadow with red eyes, then the white and black shadows disappeared followed by a deafening thunderclap... Mr. Jaenudin woke up and saw Mr. RT and Bi Eni bringing Rini's mother into the car, then Mr. Jaenudin immediately took the car to the village midwife.
" Congratulations, mother, son, " the village midwife gave the baby to Rini's mother, but there was something strange, the baby didn't cry, only his eyes were red, sometimes he glanced at Mr. Jaenudin and Mr. RT,
" Miss midwife , why isn't my child crying?" Mr. Jaenudin panicked, the village midwife tried to make the baby cry, while pinching the baby's thighs, then the baby's eyes slowly lost the red color and was followed by crying so hard,
" Alhamdulillah " Pak Jaenudin and Pak RT simultaneously rubbed their hands on their faces,
" Come on sir, pray the call to prayer " Mr. RT Helmi while holding the baby, then Mr. Jaenudian recited the prayer for the baby, and gave it to his wife, the happiness of the two parents radiated,
" Sir, what do you want our baby to be called? ", Mrs. Rini asked,
" You have prepared the name BURHANUDDIN according to his grandfather's name ", replied Mr. Jaenudin, " we call ADIN ", Alhamdulillah.. all thanked him.
16 years later.......
" Din, come on... tonight after evening at 8, we'll just go to my house and do my math homework ," said Popay, a classmate of Adin's.
" Okay.. it's already late too.. while looking at the clock on the class wall which shows 5 pm ", replied Adin,
" Okay.. I'll wait, I'll go first" answered Popay,
" Yes, I'll clean up the class first because I have a picket ", Adin while cleaning up the chairs.
Something was disturbing Adin's view, he vaguely saw a black, red-eyed figure watching him, then Adin approached the figure who was standing in the corner of the classroom, the figure said "Adin.. I am the bodyguard of your great-grandfather, my name is Raden Joyo Sengi, I am a the king of my world" , Adin's body trembled and as if his eyes had changed, he was in a realm he didn't recognize, while stuttering and eyes crying in fear,
Adin asked " why did it appear in front of me.. where is this..?, Then who is behind you, what is that creature? " by your grandfather ", replied Raden Jaya Sengi,
" what.. what.. what kingdom.. what did my grandfather do?"
"Accept your destiny...you have to lead our nation back ," while an old hand emitted a reddish white light that entered Adin's body,
"Arrrrgggghhhhhhhh..." Adin screamed in pain as if his body was being torn apart by thousands of knives, and his vision darkened and he heard a faint voice from an old white figure.
"Open ...., At this time accept your destiny" , Adin lay unconscious in his school class ...
"Adin.. Adin said he wanted to go home together" Dewi's voice echoed outside the classroom,
"Din..Din, why are you sleeping on the floor" , Dewi while approaching Adin's body, "how come you fainted" ,
then Dewi saw her biology teacher walking past Adin's class and Dewi spontaneously shouted "Mr. Robi..Pak Robi..please" .
Hearing Dewi's screams, Pak Robi went straight to Dewi and saw Adin lying unconscious with red eyes open, "Let's quickly take Adin to the UKS" , Pak Robi said as he carried ADIN's body to the UKS room.
Then when he arrived at the UKS room, after being given the first treatment by applying eucalyptus oil to Adin's nose and neck, Adin slowly realized
"Where am I?" , "You are in the Din's UKS room.. " replied Mr. Robi,
but Adin opened his eyes slowly immediately Adin's body froze and Adin was silent, because in that room there were various strange creatures seen and there was a figure of a student who was still tied to a rope around her neck, they were asking for help... "What happened to me.. what kind of vision is this what creatures are they?"
" ... Din..Din..Din.". Mr. Robi and Dewi shouted to Adin but Adin was still silent....