"Can't you go any faster?" I groaned as Adam pumped the metal looking thing that moves our cart.
"Can't you shut the heck up?" He grunted as sweats drip down from his forehead.
"Grandpa, talk with me." I patted his cheeks to keep him awake.
He smiled slowly, "What do you want to talk about?"
"Anything. Just... make sure not to close your eyes."
"But I need to blink, Emily."
"It's Em and don't be sassy you hag."
He responded with a chuckle.
What felt like hours later but actually was simply 2 minutes later, Franco's eyes was closed for quite a long time.
No response.
Holy crap.
"Grandpa." I croaked out.
No response.
Holy shit.
"WAKE UP YOU OLD HAG!" I pressed his wounds with strength and immediately, a loud girly shout came from his mouth.
"I'm awake!!" He glared at me, "What is wrong with you?!"
"Thank gosh." I sighed in relief and shouted, "GO FASTER, ADAM!"
Suddenly, I can see a bright light coming not too far away. I grinned, "We're almost there!"
I looked down and was about to open my mouth, when I noticed his eyes wide open.
"Franco." I gasped, checking his pulse.