"Are we there yet?"
I groaned and slumped back on my seat. Do you know that annoying moment where you really want to sleep comfortably but apparently, you're in a car?
I feel ya bruh.
I started singing random songs that popped in my head, such as:
● Emperor's New Clothes by Panic! At The Disco
● Hallelujah by Panic! At The Disco
And the most ironic song ->
● Life Is A Highway by Rascall Flats
And as for now, Weightless by Natasha Beddingfield is playing in my head.
"The sky is the limit and I'm just gonna flow, free as a spirit as the something.something let go!" I sang my heart out while nodding to the imaginary beat playing in my head. "CUT THE STRINGS AND LET ME GO, I'M WEIGHTLESS, I'M WEIGHTLESS OOOOOOH!!!!"
"Shut.up." I heard kill joy grunted, obviously annoyed.
And I obviously don't give a f*ck. But since we're going to be in this car for a long time, I need to.
I stopped singing and faced Adam. "Where are we going anyways?"
"Back in my old town."
I slide my lips to the side while thinking on how I'll ask him where without annoying him.
Aliding my lips towards my cheek is like a habbit of mines, whenever I think... I guess. Try doing it, it feels good.
"So... where is this old town of yours?"
He smiled. He actually smiled! "Guess."
He raised an eye brow, "Why Texas?"
"Well, you have this tint Texan accent." I smiled cheekily.
"I was born and raised in Texas, yeah." He laughed. "But, my family and I moved in that specific place when I was 12. I guess I brought the accent with me then."
"But since it's just a tint, it kind off... washed off?" I asked.
He chuckled, "Yeah."
"So where is this place again?"
He raised an eye brow, the smile he had was long gone now. "You're trying to trick me."
"I'm not!" I denied and feigned innocence. "Wait, tricking you into what exactly?"
"Tricking me by saying Denovan was my old town."
I smirked.
Realizing what he just did, he frowned and pouted like a baby, muttering a word I usually use. -> "Shit."