- Little sister! - Tomas said as soon as he opened the door - Aslan, Felicia, it's time to go.
Tomas concluded by stepping out of the doorway so that his sister could enter the house. He was very excited to have a night of drinking with Aslan, it had been a long time since they had had a night of friends, it was what his practically brother friend needed.
- It's good to see you, Aslan. - Felicia said, giving the CEO a hug. The three of them had been brought up together since childhood, they weren't blood siblings, but siblings that life had tried to bring together. Tomás walked towards the living room and approached the sofa where Felipe was sitting watching TV.
- What's up, champ? - Tomás said, squatting down so that he was the same height as Felipe. - Your father and I are going out today.
Philip curled up on the sofa, a little sad that he wouldn't be able to spend the night with his father.
- You're staying with Aunt Felicia. - Tomás said when he realized that the boy had been saddened by the news that his father wouldn't be staying with him that night. He was glad to hear that Aunt Felícia would be staying with him. Felipe loved staying with his fake uncles for as long as he could. - I'm going, Champ.
- And when will Tia arrive? - Felipe asked, worried about having to be alone once again.
- She's already here, Champ, she's talking to her father in the hall. - Tomas said, reassuring the boy. He stood up with a smile on his lips and went after his sister and Aslan.
- Shall we go, Aslan? - Tomas asked, approaching where his friend and Felicia were standing. He knew that his friend didn't make a point of saying goodbye to his son, and he was quite sure that this hurt Felipe.
- You can go now, I'll take care of Philip. - Felicia said, reassuring Aslan, who was paralyzed in the same place without moving a muscle. Tomás dragged him by the arm out of the house and into his car.
- I said I don't want to go. - Aslan growled, trying to break free from his friend's grip. - Ahh, but you will. - Tomás said as he opened the trunk of the car and pushed Aslan inside.
The drive to the bar they always went to was quiet and silent, Aslan, his face closed, gazed out of the car window at the cityscape, the people passing by, happy and complete families, something he could never give his son.
Now, inside the bar, with his shot of whisky neat, already feeling the effects of the alcohol, Aslan watched the people on the dance floor, happy, enjoying life as if there was no tomorrow. He remembered when he was young, when he was the age of the people he was surrounded by at that moment, remembered the mistakes he had made and regretted them bitterly.
He turned his attention to the door as soon as the bell above it sounded indicating that people would be entering, and what was his surprise to see Valentina and the man who had been with her earlier in the cafeteria walk through the door as soon as it was opened. Aslan emitted an involuntary growl, picked up the glass of whisky and downed it in one gulp.
"What's a nanny doing in a place like this?" Aslan thought with anger taking over every part of his being, frowning as he looked around for Tomas. "Where has that wretch got to?" He thought about to give up when he finally saw him holding on to someone.
"Valentina can't see me here!" Aslan thought worriedly, he turned his attention to Valentina and the man who was with her, the two of them were smiling at each other as they danced, he felt something he couldn't name, his head ached, the desire to go and ask her why she was there was growing in his chest.
- Give me another shot of whisky neat. - He said to the barman as he handed him the empty glass. Aslan remained silent, carefully watching the couple's every move.
The barman placed a full glass on the table and Aslan wasted no time in taking it all in one big gulp.
- Difficult day? - A woman asked as she sat down next to him.
- Yes. - Aslan said dryly, turning his attention to the person who had intrigued him from the first glance he had cast at her.
- What are you looking for, hottie? - The woman asked in what she thought was a sexy tone, caressing his shoulder.
- Don't touch me! - Aslan roared, irritated by the audacity of that offer.
- I like it that way, angry! - She said, making him roll his eyes.
- I'll be more categorical: I'm not in the mood.
As luck would have it, the woman made a disgusted noise as she followed the man's gaze and then left.
"What is it about you that attracts me so much, Valentina?" He thought as he saw her smile. Aslan, tired of drinking and watching his son's future nanny, got up from the bar stool and left before she saw him.
Already outside the bar, standing still and fiddling with his cell phone, he calls an app driver, his thoughts somewhat clouded by drink, not noticing the time passing, the car already turning the corner.
The drive home was uneventful, even though he couldn't stop thinking about everything that had happened to him that day.
- Here's your payment. You can keep the change. - Aslan told the driver that he didn't say a word, he knew he had overpaid him, but he didn't have the mind to tell him. He just wanted to fall into his bed and sleep.
He entered the house making as little noise as possible. Felicia was already asleep at that hour in a guest room.
Aslan walked up the stairs towards his son's room, who was sleeping like an angel.
"He doesn't look like the little Tasmanian devil who scares off all the nannies I hire." Aslan thought as he watched his son, who had a serene and peaceful face.
He went to his room, which was at the end of the corridor. He didn't have the strength or courage to take off his clothes and fell into a deep sleep.