The following days at the Williams Industries were nothing new for Sydney. She was muddled up at work whereas Nathaniel didn't get to see a lot of Sydney. Besides, it aches him to know that each and every woman will stop and present herself to him except the one he sincerely craves for. The rest didn't even mean anything to him. Sure they could satisfy his needs but they couldn't placate his desire.
I was double checking the files Nate had sent me. His past behaviour had indeed shocked me. But, he didn't make any of his moves again. Strangely though, something inside me wanted him to repeat them. Trap me into his arms, the way his lips moved sensuously, the faint smell of aftershave.... Snap out of it!
You are starting to sound like one of his sluts.
I am not really in the mood to argue with my conscience. My eyes had bags under them and also I felt that I had lost a lot of weight. Thank God, Williams Industries were paying me enough salary, otherwise the amount of suits I had needed to buy for keeping up with the people's style here would have left me broke.
I looked up and my jaw dropped, like literally dropped. In front of me stood a really beautiful lady, with her perfectly sculpted eyebrows and high cheekbones, she must be some kind of supermodel or something. Even her eyes were very beautiful, and she even managed to apply eyeliner perfectly! Is she even for real?
"Errr... yeah....I am here to meet Natty," her voice was extremely shrilly, so much that it hurts if you listen to her closely and on top of that, she slightly purrs her words to make them look seducing. So much for a nice impression. Quickly pulling my wits together, I asked her in a business like voice, "Sure mam, do you have an appointment?"
As soon as I uttered the words, she laughed more like, is there an animal which I can use to describe her? Probably not. Anyways she laughed and replied, "Darling! I do not need an appointment, just tell him it's Natasha Allen,"
I nodded at her and phoned Nate. After two rings he picked up, "Sir, there's a lady here by the name Natasha Allen wishing to meet you," I said in a mechanical voice.
He muttered 'Fuck' and a few other profanities and muttered, "What's the old bull doing here right now?"
"Sorry, Sid ask her what the hell is she doing here? You may use a few profanities if you wish," he suggested.
"I had rather now," I mumbled and covered the receiver with my hand, "May, I know the reason for you being here Ms. Allen?" I asked her.
"Do I now need a reason to see him!" she screeched, a few officials working seemed to eye us, Madeline, a rather kind colleague of mine, raised an eyebrow, I just shook my head and said through the phone, "Sir, the lady insists on meeting you,"
"By all means," he said, exasperated, "You will not let her in, Sid,"
"Give me the phone, you little brat!" she cried haughtily, while walking towards me with a click-clack of her heels. I quickly muttered in the receiver, "I am sorry, Nate,"
"What are you-" I put down the receiver and quickly said, "Mam, Mr. Williams would see you now," I said while giving her an apologetic smile.
She nodded at me, chuckled to herself quietly and I think she called me a 'bitch' but I wouldn't press on the issue. I noticed that as graceful and confident her stance maybe, there was something slutty about her. Her butt seemed to literally fall off in her tight dress.
Must be one of his whores, I thought to myself. A pang of jealousy hit me, as I thought that.
I must really be going mad.
You already were, a smug voice suggested.
It's been one hour since his whore has been inside the room. Wonder what's going on in there. Should I call Nate to ask whether everything is alright? But he may think... What can he think AHHHH!!!! Why do I care. I still wonder what they are doing inside...
You already have a guess. Don't you?
Yes, I do.
So, what is it?
I am not telling you that.
Ah.... so you do like him...
Then why were you overly jealous over the fact that they have been inside for one hour. Huh?
"So Sydney, did you change your mind?" asked Alexander suggestively. Alexander is in the HR department and has been nagging me to go out with him, ever since I talked to him. We didn't even talk about anything serious! It was just the weather, colleagues and our bosses. I told him no, but he doesn't stop. Though, I must admit, he is really good looking.
Not as good looking as him though.
Shut up! I tried to put my best fake smile that I could muster and replied sweetly, "Alex, listen... I not interested. Maybe some next time?" I meant both. Not interested in him or his damned coffee. Alex merely smiled at me gorgeously and said, "That time isn't very far..." My telephone ringed, I picked it up hastily but to be met by Nate's cold voice, "Is your flirting over? Because, as far as I know, I don't pay you for it!" My jaw dropped, as soon as I was about to retort, the line went dead.
"Alex, I think your break is over. You may leave," I gritted through my teeth. Thankfully, he obliged.
A few moments later, Natasha came, no scratch that, stormed out of Nate's room. She stomped he foot, like a small child who was denied sweets. "You stay AWAY from him, little slut!" She sneered at me and left with another disdainful look at me. WHAT DID I DO!
It's been two days since that incident and thank the gods, people have stopped giving me weird glances. Except for Lily, who demanded a full report about the incident.
"DO NOT MISS even a second of it!" she had said.
I hadn't argued with Nathaniel about his remark or we had discussed about the incident, because of two reasons- I didn't really care and second- he had some really big dark circles under his eyes, he was always sweaty even when the air conditioner was on. He clearly had fever, yet he came to office in this condition. Every time, I tried asking him about this, he evaded all my questions. THE MAN WILL DIE IF HE KEEPS DOING THIS! So as a long-lost, concerning friend, I asked him (when I was going to tell him about a meeting) , "I cancelled your meeting."
My head has been aching since the last two days and it is not going. My hands are incredibly sweaty, I can't even write properly without wiping my hands in the handkerchief every few minutes.
Sid entered. Dude she was like so hot from here. With the curvaceous ass and the beautiful breasts! I am also sexually frustrated! Did I mention that? I haven't had sex in like a month! I may set record for myself. The past incident does not help me either. Natasha and my relationship was a on and off one. She had been the only girl to be in my bed more than once, just because she gives a good fuck. But recently, she has been irritating me! turning up at my office and house, unnecessarily calling me etc. She has been demanding nights, but I just can't do that! I just want Sid in my bed. GOD! I sound like a whiny baby.
"I cancelled your meeting," she said firmly.
"What?" I asked her, bewildered. Did she just say that she cancelled my meeting! It was a fucking important one... I didn't give her any orders to do that!
"I cancelled it," she confirmed.
"WHY!?" I asked angrily.
She sat down indignantly and shouted , "NATHANIEL WILLIAMS! You have fever, do you really think that overworking yourself will solve he problem! From your conditions it doesn't even look like you have been taking medicines! You stubborn PIG! And whenever I ask you about it, you IGNORE me, real mature Nate," she huffed.
NOBODY ever shouted at me. But her outburst just turns me on. Did I mention how sexy she looks when she's angry? Well she does. Her face turns red and her eyes turn a darker shade.
"I do have some trouble sleeping," I admitted. It's true I do, and even the freaking sleeping pills do not work well.
She didn't reply for a few seconds. She seemed to have some internal battle before replying firmly, "I will be at your house at eight,"
WHAT!? "What for?" I asked confused.
"To take care of you of course, pig," She said.