Sunlight streamed through my bright blue curtains. I could hear the birds chirping in their usual shrill voices. Something was different yet pleasant about this morning. May be because I am not in clutches of the monster, that's why.
I rolled over my bed and stuffed my face into my fluffy pillow. Man! I should marry my bed, it's sooooooo soft. Suddenly my phone ringed, I got up with lightning speed and picked up the receiver,
"Hello," I said, in my groggy sleepy voice.
"Hi, am I speaking to Sydney Parker?" a voice from the other end asked.
"Yes you are ma'am," I replied.
"Ma'am, I am speaking from the Williams Industries, you are shortlisted for the PA candidate list, would you be able to attend another interview with the CEO today at 9:30 am?"
I looked up at my alarm clock, it was 9, "Yes please," I replied.
"Okay, I will schedule your appointment, thank you," the line went dead.
I must be dreaming.
I cannot imagine.
Shit! I got selected for the PA. YAY!
Technically you are not, just shortlisted.
Wait who are you?
I am you, you moron. Now get dressed you just have like half an hour! Make yourself presentable.
Yeah, yeah just let me complete my happy dance.
DO IT FAST! By the way your breath smells.
Ugh! I rushed into the bathroom and squeezed some toothpaste on the brush. After brushing, I jumped into the shower. Hmmm... I should also marry shower. time to relax. I got to my closet and took out the best business suit I had and also the most presentable flats. Did I mention, I cannot walk in heels? I almost toppled over a man when I wore one. It was a very expensive hotel. We were there for my best friend Lila's birthday. I had, in my toppling over process, threw the cake on the waiter. Suffice to say, we were kicked out. I sighed, those were the days.
I took a deep breath, locked my door and then, made my way towards the taxi stand.
And here I am in front of the beautiful William Industries' building again. I made my way towards the receptionist, who told the girl whom I met yesterday, Lily to lead me to the waiting room. This time from the six only three candidates were there. Lily told me that the CEO had many qualms about what his PA would be like, beautiful, highly knowledgeable, smart... sounds like a whiny baby to me. Also Lily had told me that the CEO was a very dashing and charming man. Men wanted to be like him and women worshipped the path he walked on. They even offered themselves to him only for a night, even when they knew the next day he would just discard you. She said this all in a very dreamy stance, meaning- she indeed lived in her fairy tale world.
I waited there for what seemed to be like fifteen minutes, when first candidate came out. After another fifteen or twenty minutes the second one came out and a lady motioned me to come in.
Taking a deep breath in, I made my way into the room. I was awestruck as soon as I entered it. The floor was, I guess ebony and the walls were cream colored. There was a huge desk in the center of the room, a sofa on the side and many shells were stacked. The windows there provided with a magnificent view of the skyscrapers outside, with just a glint of sun visible. My income of two years wasn't even enough to main such an impeccable room like this. My best suit looked plain and bland as compared to this.
The lady nodded at me and said, "Take a seat Ma'am, Mr. Williams would be joining you in a short while,"
I thanked here politely and sat on one of the chairs.
"What there's another one left! But I only said to short list two!" I could here two muffled voices outside, surprisingly one of them seemed to be really familiar to me. Nah! I must be being paranoid.
Suddenly a man entered the room, I stood up but kept my eyes down. In front of me, was maybe the sexiest body man alive (I hadn't seen his face). The suit matched his skin tone perfectly. There was the evident lining of an extremely muscular body visible through the suit. But, his confident pace faltered and he came to an abrupt stop (I still hadn't made an eye contact, I don't know why! He just has this aura around him).
"Sydney?" the man asked in an astonished voice.
My breathing stopped. My heart beat accelerated. Oh no no, no, no this voice is much too familiar, it cannot be Nathaniel. I looked up and indeed there in all his glory stood my old childhood friend, still as sexy and hot as ever.
I could just stare at him. He with his bewildered expression at me. He was still as hot as ever.
This is not the time to admire him you moron!
You again!
Yeah, who else will talk in your head. Why are you so naïve.
SHIT! I am so naïve. Williams Industries, Nathaniel Williams, the familiar magazine photos! Shit ! shucks ! shit!
"Are you alright Sid?" he asked with surprising gentleness.
Instead of replying I....
I fainted.