The sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden hue across the ceremonial area. I stood by the waiting chambers close to the flower-adorned archway. My heart racing in my chest, waiting for the moment I would have to step forward and fulfill my duty. I could still hear my father's voice in my head. "Duty comes first before self."
"Are you okay Isabel?" Sara my best friend asked, looking concerned.
"I really don't know how to answer that." I said softly while trying to fight back tears.
"What do mean 'you don't know how to answer that' by the gods. You are about to commit yourself to him." Sara asked, a bit agitated.
"I don't know Sara, I don't know anymore, I thought I did but I really don't." I confessed as rivulets of tears came running down my cheeks ruining my makeup.
"Oh come here." Sara held me in her hands while I wept. "If I may, are you being forced to marry this Alpha Xavier." She had a no nonsense tone that made warmed my heart.
I raised my head and looked up at her, unsure if she'd understand if told her the truth. "Don't worry, I'll understand." She said, recognizing the unasked question.
I took a deep breath before speaking. "Most people may not know, but the Zuzkies have been waging war against our pack for a while now. My father reached out to Alpha Xavier for help, offering both our pack’s wealth and yearly tributes in return as payment for his help."
"That's a smart move by Alpha Dario." Sara nodded her head, there had been rumors and whispers of battle with Zuzkies going on for a while now but only members of the council knew about it.
"Well, Alpha Xavier rejected it."
"You don't say." Sara asked, surprised. "What then, did he want?"
"According to my father, he only wanted a third of our pack's wealth, half our yearly tributes, and me as his mate."
"Wow." Sara smiled mischievously. I could feel the gears turning in her brains. "And how does that make you feel?"
"I don't know how to feel about this." I confessed.
"But do you love him?"
"I'm not sure anymore." I sighed.
Sara had compassion in her eyes. "Isabel, take a deep breath and calm down." she hugged me and rocked me like a little child. "Have you decided on what you want to do?"
"I don't understand."
"You are about to marry someone you only just met. And more importantly, you are unsure how feel about him or how he feels about you. Is this a risk worth taking?" Sara asked softly.
I sat up and looked at her. "What would you do if you were in my shoes. My father will be heartbroken and may disown me for putting myself before duty to the pack...." I trailed off and studied Sara but she was shaking her head. "He could even declare me an anathema." But she shook her head more ferociously.
"If we traded places, I'd be out of here. Alpha Xavier or whatever he calls himself can go screw himself. If my father is truly serious about protecting his pack, he'll find a way to do it that wouldn't involve me throwing my life away." Sara said and I could feel the passion and emotion in her voice as she spoke.
I smiled, knowing she was right. "Well, thank goodness you are not me. My father would possibly died if I don't go through with this. I'm not sure he has any more options in his plate."
"Interesting." Sara said slowly and we all desended into an awkward silence.
"What's going through that mind of yours?" I asked after a while.
"Nothing love." She said and touched my cheek lightly. "This mating ceremony is a somber affair, but it's a necessary sacrifice for the safety of our pack and our kingdom in these tumultuous times. I understand your sacrifice and feel bad that no one in our pack would know that you were the key to our victory, should we defeat the Zuzkies."
A tear drop escaped my eyes. "When I'm alone, Alpha Xavier is all I think of, but he's leaves me feeling less of myself all the times that I've met him."
Sara smiled. "What if he does that to mask his affection for you."
"That's definitely not true." I confessed. "You need to see the way he treats me, with utmost disdain. The most humiliating part about it is that he does it in the presence of his girls."
"His girls?" The shock on her face was priceless.
"Yes, Alpha Xavier has a collection of some of the most beautiful females I've ever seen, who worships and adores him. I must add that they are mean too, I cried when I heard the despicable things they said about me."
"Enough Isabella, since we know you are not going to change your mind. Let's focus on the good things and enjoy this day." Sara said firmly and I whispered my thanks.
"You are probably right." I concurred eagerly. Sara was my childhood friend and guardian angel, ever since I lost my mother.
Sara watched me closely for a while before proceeding to peep through the blinds into the ceremonial era. "This place looks like a fight would soon erupt at any slightest provocation. Are you sure your father and this Alpha Xavier are friends?"
"What do you mean?" I said, rushing to go look through the blinds.
The air was thick with tension as pack members gathered. I saw my father, Alpha Dario, conversing with Alpha Xavier. Xavier, tall and commanding, exuded an aura of power that made my palms sweaty. He was here to claim me as his mate, in exchange for his support in the ongoing war that threatened our very existence. But there was something about him that suggested that there was more to him. It seemed like my father was deferring to him which should not be the case since he's both the Alpha of Thornridge and the father of the bride.
"And now, let's make welcome, the groom." The mating ceremony master announced.
I watched as Alpha Xavier approached the ceremonial area, his entourage following closely. He was adorned in regal attire, his eyes sharp and calculating. As he reached the archway, our eyes met briefly, and a shiver ran down my spine. There was no warmth in his gaze, only the cold recognition of a duty to be fulfilled.
"Can you go call him for me?" I pleaded with Sara.
"Call who?"
"Alpha Xavier."
"No." She snapped and spoke in serious face. "Why do want to talk to him? Its bad luck to see your husband before you are mated."
"Oh Sara, spare me the stupid myth." I sighed, waving at her dismissively.
"Regardless of what you think Isabel. Why?" She insisted.
"Just go get him, he wanted my hand in marriage. He should at least have the decency to look me in the eyes before all this starts." I fumed.
"I don't know what you are driving at, but I do know you've always said he treats you shabbily and with disdain. Why do you want to set yourself up for a heart break." She appealed softly.
"Just do as I have said."
Sara sighed and went out to the ceremonial area and whispered to Alpha Xavier. Whose demeanor was far from warm and welcoming. His posture was rigid, his expression cold and aloof. But he followed her almost immediately.
"Isabel, what do you want?" Alpha Xavier asked the moment he entered the waiting chambers without making eye contact.
"Xavier, I thought... I thought since we were to be mates." I paused, willing myself to sound coherent.
"Let me stop you right there. It's Alpha Xavier. You can now continue."
I took a deep breath before speaking with. "Alpha Xavier, I believed we would be close, that you would welcome me." I paused again, my voice quivering.
"What are you getting at Isabel?" He asked softly, with an emotion I couldn't figure out.
I took another deep breath and gathered my thoughts. "All I'm trying to say is that I'd love to enjoy this union and not have to endure it. Forever seems like a very long time."
Alpha Xavier sighed heavily. "Isabel, this wasn't entirely my choice. You know the circumstances that led to this union. It's about duty and maintaining your pack's legacy, not about emotions. If your slothful father was responsible and not shiftless, he won't have to give you away to save his ass." He said in a matter-of-fact way.
"That's hurtful, you insisted on having my hand in marriage." I whispered.
Alpha Xavier looked looked at Sara who was about interjecting and she cringed, and fled. "Since you want to be a spoilt girl, then you should get this into that stupid head of yours." He said in hushed tones. "There's nothing you have that makes you unique or special besides a pretty face but even at that, you are not that beautiful. Have you seen the number of girls I have? All of them more beautiful than you. This union is me doing you and your lazy father a favor."
Tears welling up in my eyes. "I know. But. Alpha Xavier. I thought we could at least try to make the best of it. I love my pack, but I'm leaving them to join yours, and I thought we could make a powerful team."
Alpha Xavier finally looking at me for the first time, his gaze piercing. "Isabel, love wasn't part of this arrangement. I didn't ask for this mate bond. I have other plans, other ambitions." He turned swiftly, as if angry at my presence. "Marita, get her ready. We ride for Tarrenhall immediately after the ceremony." He instructed and left.
A lady enchanting beauty and grace, captivating all who lay eyes upon her stepped. Her porcelain skin possesses a radiant glow, complemented by the soft flush of rose-pink cheeks. I recognized her as the lady who had pushed me away. But I was too broken to care. "Why does he hates me this much?" I asked softly. Fighting back tears
Marita looks at me with compassion filled eyes. "Alpha Xavier is the sweetest male I know. He doesn't hate you. Why do you think we all love him so much and are willing to die for him. Male and female alike."
I looked at her keenly, trying to relate her words to my reality. "You'll pardon me if I find that hard to believe." I whispered.
She looked a bit tense for a moment. Checking the entrance, I couldn't understand why. "He doesn't hate you, but he really hates your father."
"My father, Alpha Dario is an innocent and unassuming man. Who hates violence and pursues peace at all cost."
Marita smiled, the kind that was suggestive. Again checked the entrance. "Back when Xavier was 18, long before he became Alpha Xavier, his mate Sue was kidnapped by your father. Alpha Dario, and tortured to death. Now. Many years later, he has only one thing in mind. Revenge. And now, you. The daughter of his rival, has fallen prey to him. Alpha Xavier vows to use you to destroy your pack and get his revenge, right before he destroys you."
Marita explained and I felt my life force draining out of me. "But.. My Fa.. My father would never do such a thing."
"I'm not here to argue with you. Get ready and let's get this whole thing over with." She said and left.
"She'll be out soon." Marita said as she came to meet me outside.
"Finally, I can't wait to leave this freaking land." I snarled quietly.
"I still think that it is not fair to take out your revenge on this innocent girl. Children shouldn't have to pay for their fathers sins." Marita whispered.
I listened to her for a while, playing back in my head all the encounter I've had with Isabel. She was naive, innocent and sweet yet firey and dedicated to her duty and pack. "Hold your tongue. You were not there when they killed Sue." I said and went in to check on Isabel.
I opened the waiting chambers and it was empty. No sign of Isabel. "Marita!" I gave I whispered shout.
"Where's she?" I demanded.
"She was right here." She said with a confused expression, gesturing to where she had last saw her.
"She's escape." I said silently.