I slammed my hand down on my phone, blindly trying to swipe the screen to silence the stupid alarm. Why did they have to make alarms so annoying? At some point, I must have managed to swipe because my room filled with blissful silence. The temptation to go back to sleep was so strong I had to force myself to sit up. I groaned, rubbing my stiff shoulders. I hadn’t gotten much sleep again.
My head was too busy replaying my conversation with the future luna Brook. What Michael Howe had done to her was nothing short of atrocious. He beat her on daily bases. He had humiliated her in front of all the student body of their high school. If that wasn’t enough, Michael didn’t allow for anyone to be kind to her so she would be in total isolation from the pack. Yet, Brook also told me of the things he didn’t do.
He didn’t disrespect her in her home when around her mother. He was careful when he beat her. Michael didn’t give into his father’s demands when Alpha Ryan wanted her completely broken. She believed he was a victim too and it was her that let him go. Brook believed he deserved a second chance. All of that wouldn’t let me condemn him completely. Foolish or not, they gave me hope that maybe Michael could get better. Maybe if he saw a therapist or something like that he could work out his baggage or maybe I was just delusional.
Once I showered and dressed I went downstairs. I wasn’t hungry, but I knew I needed to eat. I was halfway through breakfast when Mario joined me, looking grim. “What’s wrong?” I asked, pushing away my plate.
Mario gave me a look of disapproval at the unfinished food but didn’t say anything on the matter. Instead, he said, “Alpha Steven demanded an audience with you yet again, and he insists it be now.”
I glanced at the clock. “It’s not even nine in the morning. Doesn’t the man ever sleep in?” I demanded with irritation. Mario just shrugged with a sympathetic look. I sighed and stood up. “Of course, he doesn’t. I bet you he doesn’t even need an alarm clock. His ambition is so strong that it forces him to sleep only what is necessary.”
I went Dad’s office, well I suppose it’s now my office, but I can’t bring myself to see it that way. I sat down in the large leather chair and opened the laptop. Hitting a button the self-assured face of Alpha Steven filled the screen. “Good morning Alpha Steven. The early riser I see. What may I do for you today?”
Alpha Steven was a man of some forty years. He became alpha at sixteen and was one of the youngest alphas in the country’s history. His pack was only fifteen strong and occupied one of the slums of L.A. when Steven started. In a matter of a year, he doubled his numbers and territory. By the time, he was twenty he had conquered all L.A. Now he had the southern half of California under his control.
“I heard about the rogue attack,” Steven said, getting right to business.
How? How did he know about the rogues? I was afraid I knew how. Someone from my pack was feeding him information. “It’s nothing we couldn’t handle.” I gave him a bright smile for good measure.
“Is it?” He asked and steepled his fingers before him. The index fingers tapping his chin as he looked thoughtful. “And shouldn’t it be I not we, my dear?” He didn’t wait for me to answer as he continued. “Word choice, Alice. You must always take care when speaking with others. The wrong word said the wrong way and it can change the underlying meaning of your message.”
I forced the smile on my face to grow instead of telling him exactly what I thought of his little nugget of wisdom and where exactly he could shove it. “Of course. You’re right. However, I like to believe taking down threats is an accomplishment not only mine but of my pack.”
He dipped his head ever so slightly. “That’s noble of you, but it makes your pack look weak. Just as much as these constant rogue attacks do. You need to do something to put a stop to them now, Alice. The longer they continue to defy you the more danger you’re putting your people in. If the wrong alpha took over your pack—”
“No one will be taking over my pack.”
A hint of skepticism had crossed Alpha Steven’s face before he gave me a patient look one might give a child. “If you don’t do something to turn the tide it will only be a matter of time before another alpha makes his move. Your father and I not only were partners, but friends and that is why I am asking you to give the pack to me. I will treat you and your people kindly,” he told me.
“Right and your ambition to expand your pack has nothing to do with it,” I replied tartly.
Steven grinned and shrugged. “I didn’t say that. My ambition is what planted the idea, but my friendship with your father helped it grow. My concern for my own pack has allowed it to take root. Your weakness can infect my pack, and I can’t allow that,” he said, his voice stern then sighed. “I don’t enjoy this any more than you do. Please, think what is best for your people as well as yourself.”
When I scoffed his eyes narrowed just a bit. “Take a serious look, Alice. Look at your people. They’re unsure and afraid. They’re all looking over their shoulder waiting for the next attack. Never knowing if it’s going to be their family they lose this time! Look at yourself too. You’re not much better off. You’re thin, pale, and look like you’ve aged twenty years in these past months. You were never meant to be a sole ruler.
You’ve never trained to be one, and you know it. Now this doesn’t have to be unpleasant. You don’t have to fear some kind of cleansing if you step down. I know you were planning a road trip before that tragic night. I’d be more than willing to fund one for you. You could even take Flinn with you. Without being Luna, you wouldn’t have to fear his inevitable death at some alpha’s hands. When you come home, you’ll both have the freedom to make your home anywhere in my territory. I’ll even help you buy a house if you wish it.
Your people would feel better with me as their alpha. They wouldn’t have to fear for their safety or the safety of their families. You wouldn’t even have to step down completely. I could keep you as one of my many provincial Betas. You will not get an offer like that from any of the other alphas or from the rogues.”
“Your offer is generous, but it still requires me to give my pack over to you, and that is something I won’t do. I am the rightful Luna of Willow Pond. Nothing you say or offer will change that Alpha Steven. Have a good day,” I said and with a quick jab of my finger, hit the disconnect button on my laptop. A slow growl rumbled from me as I clenched my hands into fists.
I hated that he was right about my pack and me. We were all afraid, and I couldn’t stand it. I needed to step up I needed...God, help me, but I needed Michael Howe. I took my phone out of my pocket and started to make some arrangements. All the while hoping I wasn’t making a big mistake. But then again what choice did I have? It was either this or lose my pack to Steven.
When I finished, I called in Mario to take me to the holding cells. I can drive myself, but Mario gets pissy if I don’t include him. “So you’ve made your decision?”
“I have,” I told him, keeping my attention on the passing scenery as we drove. “He’s got baggage, but if it’s dealt with, then a lot of my problems are solved.”
I felt Mario’s gaze slide over towards me for a moment, and I felt when it returned to the road. “From the way he talked yesterday, I don’t think he’s going to be in the cooperative mood.”
“He’s not,” I agreed then sighed. Doubt gnawed at me like a mouse through cheese. “I wasn’t thinking of giving him a choice in the matter.” I cringed, realizing how lame and desperate that sounded. I’m pretty sure I heard Mario choke on his own spit.
“Oh,” he said when he seemed to recover.
“While I talk to Michael, make arrangements for him to room in the one next to mine. I want a guard at his door and one to shadow him when he leaves twenty-four/seven,” I explained.
Mario looked back at me through the rearview mirror briefly as the boring little building came into view. “Alice, are you sure about this?”
“I don’t have a choice. I need to find someone who can help me make the pack feel safe,” I replied. My eyes burned with unshed tears. “I’m so close to losing the pack. I can’t lose them. I can’t.”
The broad man nodded though I heard him sigh. “Alright. I’ll make the arrangements. I just hope this works.”
“Yeah, me too,” I said wistfully and went into the building.
Michael Howe made a silent laugh as he saw me standing in front of his cell. “What will it be today, Peaches?”
“Today’s your lucky day.”.
His laugh echoed off the walls, sounding cruel to my ears. “Oh really? You going to come in here in give me a lap dance?”
“I’m not going in. You’re coming out.” I decided to ignore the lap dance part. If he wanted to me to blush or get offended, then he was going to be disappointed.
“So you finally came to your senses then?” Michael said as he stood and dusted off his dirty jeans.
“Probably not,” I said and glanced over my shoulder when I heard Koreyon join me. I could tell by the tightness of his jaw muscles, he wasn’t happy.
“You,” he snapped at Michael. “Give me your wrist so I can silver ya,” he demanded. Michael looked at Koreyon then back to me the uncertainty clear on his face. “You are not getting out of this cell without one of these,” He said, holding up the black, plastic zip tie.
The zip tie had a silver core and once on my mate’s wrist, he’d lose a lot of his strength and ability to shift. He also wouldn’t be able to heal, smell, see, or hear things as good as before.
Michael scowled and stuck out his right wrist. “It wouldn’t be the first time,” he said with a sneer that grew at Koreyon’s look of disgust.
“Luna,” the chief enforcer said when he finished snapping the zip tie around the other’s wrist. I could hear the unsaid I sure hope you know what you’re doing just as well as if he had said it. I took a few steps back, and he opened Howe’s cell.
“Let’s go,” I said, turning on my heel to leave. As I walked out of the building, I could almost feel the heat from Michael’s gaze on my backside. The flush of pleasure that brought me made me disgusted. I was so pathetic.
Mario opened the car door and a snickering Michael slipped inside. Ignoring his look of displeasure, I got in the back with Michael as well. “Look at that a personal escort from the Luna,” he said with a cold laugh. I ignored him and watched Mario get into the front. “So what gives?” Michael asked after a moment of driving. “Why are you here escorting me out of your territory?”
I turned to face him and gave him a small smile. “I’m not escorting you out of my territory Michael. I’m taking you to the pack house where you’re going to stay. You’ll be receiving help to deal with your aggression issues so that you can be a worthy mate.”