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Chapter 2 Chapter 2

“A problem with one of them? Why would we have a problem?” I asked, keeping my tone stiff and all business.

“You’ll see, little Luna,” The chief enforcer replied. His tone was just the opposite of mine. It was gentle and filled with affection, but I saw the concern in his dark eyes. He, like Mario, served my parents most of his life. He was close friends with my father and had thrown all his support behind me becoming Willow Pond’s Luna.

Koreyon lead me to a room that looked a lot like a cafeteria. “Bring’em in.”

I straightened even more as the four rogues were lead into the room, two of our enforcers to each of them. An unfamiliar scent tickled my nose, catching my attention. I couldn’t place what it was, but something about it was intriguing. Before I could get too distracted by the scent, sounds of a struggle brought me back to the here and now. One of the rogues was pushing and shoving the enforcers holding him.

I wasn’t sure what he wanted to accomplish as he was silvered. Silvered meaning that a zip tie with a core of silver laced steel was around his wrist. It prevented him from shifting, or using other werewolf abilities. On top of that, he was also handcuffed, hands and feet. The rogue managed to shove off one of the security and took several steps towards Mario and me. I bit down on the urge to take a step back. I couldn’t show weakness, no matter how small, to the rogues or my pack.

Mario took a step forward, placing his body slightly in front of my own in a protective stance but not blocking me. It told the rogues that I’m protected but in charge. One of the enforcers hit him hard on the back of his knees, forcing him to fall just a few feet from me. The rogue growled at the guard then look up, and our eyes met. It was as if the world stopped right there in that moment.

He looked to be about my age. His shaggy hair was light brown, with blonde highlights or dark blonde but looked brown because it was dirty. With the ragged and dirty state of his clothes, either option was possible. He was good looking, though, very good looking with dark brown eyes. His eyes and his expression were hard, cold, and mean.

Koreyon was right; we were going to have a problem with this one. He was none other than Michael Howe, son of Ryan Howe, alpha of the Black Mountain Pack, in North Main.  Ryan Howe was one of the cruelest and feared alphas of the whole continent. That is until the Blue Crescent’s future luna pushed him off a cliff and to his death. Rumor has it Michael had abused physically and mentally said future luna for years.

They also said he used his position in the pack to coerce women into sleeping with him. He regularly abused and bullied the weaker members of his pack. This rumored cruelty is what lead him to be “gifted” to the Blue Crescent pack. They released him into exile instead of executing him like the new alpha of Black Mountain wanted to do. All of this was bad, but it got worse. This exiled alpha was kneeling before me was none other than my long awaited mate.

You have to be kidding me? This couldn’t be real, but I felt it. I felt the pull towards him. The pull urged to go to him. To feel his arms wrap around me, holding me as he kissed me and made me his. The whole thing made me feel sick to my stomach. 

Mario give me a discreet, but not so gentle nudge. “What would you like us to do with them, Luna?” he asked, a frown touching the edges of his mouth.

Crap! I’d been staring at Howe for longer than I should. Howe actually had the audacity to smirk at me. Frowning, I jerked my chin towards the other rogues. “Get him back in line,” I ordered in a barking tone.  It may be wrong, but I couldn’t help the small grin as Howe’s eyes widen in surprise. That’s right buddy. I’m boss! My hands behind my back and I walked in front the line of rogues like a general before prisoners of war.

“I’ve got some questions, and you’re going to answer them,” I said. They didn’t have anything smart or stupid to say. I stopped in front of one. He was older than me, but not the oldest of the group. He dressed in a clean t-shirt and jeans which only made Howe’s dirtiness all that more confusing. 

“What reason did you come into my territory?” I wasn’t all that surprised when he didn’t answer. It’s never just that simple. I moved on to the next rogue, he was about the same age as the first one, and I repeated my question. Again, silence. Going to the third and oldest rogue, yet again I repeated the question. 

The older wolf made a breathy laugh as he stared up at me with a defiant glare. “You think I’m going to listen to you? You’re a slip of a girl playing alpha. I’ve seen humans scarier than you so quit wasting my time.”

Anger swelled in me at his dismissive tone. The instinct to attack, to hit him so hard he’d beg me to let him take back those words, was so strong. I lifted my chin and sucked in a breath to calm myself. No. I couldn’t give into my animal urges. That’s what the rogue wanted. For me to lose control and prove that I was weak. Once I was feeling calmer, I looked to Koreyon and said, “This one thinks he’s tough. Take him to the Cell 3-B and we’ll see if he still feels so tough in the morning.”

“Yes, Luna,” Koreyon told me and nodded the guards holding the rogue. They pulled and dragged him out of the room as he growled like the rabid dog he really was. Cell 3-B was tiny, little more than six foot squared cement cell. There weren't any beds or windows, and it was cold, even in the summer. People ended up in that cell for one reason, and one reason only - to put them in their place.

I moved on to Howe, asking him the same question. “I’ve got nothing to do with these idiots. I was just passing through,” he replied, his tone sharp and bitter.

“He may not have been with the others. He did attack when he saw us,” Koreyon stated before I could ask.

“Only because they came at me looking for a fight.”

Koreyon made a disbelieving snort, and before he could say anything more, I held up a hand. “If you were passing through why were you on foot? Why that part of my territory?” I demanded. “There is nothing there but a few secondary roads and woods.”

“Because I didn’t want you to know I was here. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not exactly Mister Popular.”

Again Koreyon gave another snort. “No wonder, you’re just like that bastard of a father of yours!”

Quicker than I would’ve expected, Howe stood up and somehow freed himself of security. He rushed over to Koreyon with a furious growl. Acting on pure instinct I put myself between the two, with my hands out to stop them. “Stop,” I yelled and to my surprise, Howe actually stopped. I had expected he’d run me over to get to my chief enforcer.

Pure anger radiated through Howe’s expression as he glared down at me. The intensity of it took my breath away. There was also something else that looked a lot like pain, or maybe shame. The enforcers jerked him back away from me before I could determine what it was I saw. I masked my frustration at enforcer’s interruption and cleared my throat. “Put him in with the rogues until I decide what to do with him.”

“Yes, Luna,” several of them mumbled before dragging off the two rogues and Howe.

I inwardly sighed. I wondered if being a leader was as stressful for my parents or was it just me? “Let the rogues stew in thought for tonight and I’ll deal with them in the morning. Offer them dinner and breakfast. Show them I can be kind, except for Cell 3-B. He’s allowed no kindness until I speak with him tomorrow.”

“And Howe?” Koreyon asked.

I should’ve expected that question. “Until I figure out if he’s telling us the truth or not, he’ll receive the same treatment as the rogues.”

“But he’s Michael Howe, an abusive son of a bitch. Just like—”

“I know very well who is Michael Howe,” I snapped at him. “But he’s done us no harm besides trespassing.”

“Tell that to Ronnie,” Koreyon said bitterly.

“That wasn’t Michael’s doing but his father.”

“They’re the same,” he argued back, growing angry which in turn made me just as angry.

“I will not punish the son for sins of the father. That’s not how my parents ran this pack. I wouldn’t dishonor their memory by changing that! Can you do this Koreyon? Can you put away your personal opinions and follow my orders or do I need to have you relieved of duty?”

The chief enforcer looked at me as if I’d hit him. He finally mumbled, “Of course, I can follow your orders and I will.”

“Good. I’m glad to hear it. Now I’ll be here at nine tomorrow,” I ordered. Nodding to Mario to follow me, I walked out. I noticed this whole time, he hadn’t said a word or made a move. I wondered what that meant.

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