If looks could kill, I would be long dead by now. I stood still and speechless as I stared at my sister who was glaring at me with fire in her eyes. Connor beside me, watched the both of us confusedly.
"Do you know each other or something Freya?" He asked me. I opened my mouth to form a response but Kelly beat me to it.
"Oh, I would have you know that Freya is my house maid. She must have sneaked out of the house the moment I left to join the auditions." Kelly said, she stepped closer to Connor who was frowning at me. I took a shallow breath, feeling the tears well up in my eyes. "You should send her home Mister. I will make sure my mother deals with her for deceiving everyone."
"I seem to remember that the audition is open to every female in the land that is not married or promised to another man. So Miss Freya is just as free as you to partake in this program. If you will excuse me now, I have to be with the king." Conner said, brushing my shoulder lightly with a kind smile before he walked off, leaving me with Kelly who was now regarding me with a sneer.
"Well, well, well, who would have thought the ugly duckling would try to sabotage me," she said mockingly. "What do you think you are doing here at the palace Freya??"
I straightened my spine and lifted my chin. "I'm here for the same reason as you, Kelly. To compete for the role of Luna and become the Alpha's breeder."
Kelly let out a cruel laugh. "You? His Luna? Don't be ridiculous. We both know I'm the one with the looks, charm and pedigree for the role. You are insane if you think the king will take a look at you not to talk of picking you"
I bit my tongue hard to stop a sharp retort. Arguing with Kelly would get me nowhere. I was here for one reason only: to escape my family and have that freedom that I've always dreamed of. I would not let her distract me from my goal. Not when I was so close.
"We shall see," I said simply, then turned and walked away before she could reply.
My stomach roiled with anxiety. Of all the girls here, why did Kelly have to be one of them? I'd hoped to escape her torment when I left home. But I wouldn't let her ruin this chance for me. I would endure. For the opportunity to have my freedom, I would weather anything.
Even Kelly.
After about an hour of me sulking at the back of the room, we were all ushered into a grand hall. The room was filled with the scent of jasmine and lavender, and the walls were adorned with beautiful tapestries and paintings. I wished I could stay and admire all these paintings But I moved forward as a guard reached me.
As we lined up, I couldn't help but feel like a small fish in a big pond. There were so many beautiful and talented girls around me, and I didn't think I stood a chance. But I had to try. I had to show everyone, especially Kelly, that I was capable of great things. I stood in line with ninety-nine other young women, waiting to be presented to the Alpha. We each wore a huge white collar that had our name inscribed in gold lettering.
A man came forward and ordered us to get ready. He stated that only five ladies would be chosen from among us. My palms grew damp at the thought. So few, out of so many. What were the chances I would be one of them? Zero I hoped. I knew I was no match to these beautiful girls and I was even the last on the line. No way he would see me.
A fanfare sounded, interrupting my worries. It was time.
Doors opened, and we were led further into the hall. Sitting on a carved wooden throne at the far end was him - the Alpha King, Rafe Jackson. The one who would decide my fate today. And standing beside him, was none other than Connor, my new friend. Just as my eyes fell on him, his also found mine and he smiled all the way at me. I smiled back at him.
Rafe Jackson rose from his throne and descended the steps towards us. Murmurs rippled through the gathered girls as we took in his appearance. He was tall, way too tall, with broad shoulders and muscular arms that spoke of physical power. His jet black hair was cropped short in the middle, accentuating his sharp, masculine features and grey eyes. He moved with grace and authority that immediately marked him as the Alpha. I couldn't deny that he was a good looking man, even though he looked very intimidating and I had a feeling that he might be wicked.
"Isn't he just perfect?? gods!" The girl beside me squealed at me in excitement. I turned to look at her. "I hope the gods will make him notice me! I will probably kill myself if he doesn't pick me!"
"Uh... I'm quite sure he'll pick you. You're very pretty." I said awkwardly to the girl. She smiled at me and took my hand in hers, holding it softly. I could feel the excitement in her. All this for a man that might end up not loving you?
Despite myself, I felt a flush rise in my cheeks looking at him. He was probably the most handsome man I'd ever seen. The raw magnetism rolling off him was palpable, even at a distance. No wonder every girl here was swooning over the chance to become his Luna.
"Welcome," Rafael's voice boomed out, deep and commanding. "I know you are all eager to begin the selection process. Please form a single straight line so that I could get a good look at every single one of you."
With a rustle of skirts, we hurried to arrange ourselves in a long line before him. I found myself at the very back, my heart pounding. This was it. Rafe began looking through the girls, most of which giggled, curtseyed or batted their eyelashes at him, an attempt to catch his attention. I could see how bored he looked and the smile didn't reach his eyes.
But then, as Rafe's eyes swept over the line, they came to rest on me. I felt an electric shock shoot through my body as his gaze held mine for a moment. Was he looking at me because of how shabby or looked or was he looking at me because I was glaring at him when he had caught my gaze?
Oh no. I was actually glaring at the king!
My hands dropped to my side as our gaze held. The tension between us causing the hair to thicken. Or was it just me? His piercing grey eyes seemed to stare right through me, seeing my very soul. I couldn't look away, transfixed by his powerful presence. Did he sense something in me that the others lacked? Or did he find me lacking, just a common peasant girl out of her depth here? I couldn't tell from the hard, unyielding look in his eyes.
After what felt like an eternity of silence, he turned abruptly away from me. I released the breath I didn't know I'd been holding. "I have made my choices," he announced to the room. There was complete silence. Everyone watched him with stark attention. Even his generals.
"The first girl I have selected is..." he paused for dramatic effect.
"Freya Hadid."
Gasps echoed around the hall. I froze, certain I had misheard.
"What!!" I heard Kelly shout from the other side of the room. I knew she would be more shocked than I was. It simply wasn't possible that somehow I'd been picked first.
But Rafe gestured for me to step forward. Completely shocked, I somehow made my feet move, still unable to believe the Alpha had chosen me first of all the girls present. Me? How could he pick me? This was impossible!
I knew Connor must have had a hand in this, I had told him I didn't want to be here anymore but I should have known he would take it as a challenge to keep me here.
I stepped out of the grand hall in a daze, my mind spinning. I stood alone for a few tense minutes before I heard a commotion back in the hall. Another name was called out - Addy Spencer. A tall, slender girl with flowing auburn hair hurried into the room. She gave me a hesitant smile as she introduced herself.
Before we could exchange more than a few pleasantries, a third girl entered Aurora Margo. Aurora wasted no time embracing us enthusiastically. "Hi, Freya, Hi Addy, I'm Aurora and I'm so happy to be here! aren't you guys??" I nodded even though I knew I wasn't really happy. I didn't want to be here.
Our chatter ceased abruptly when the fourth selected girl arrived. Jessica Gabriel, a popular beauty and aristocrat. She didn't spare us a glance as she passed us and picked a seat to sit down.
"And the final pick and fifth of my favorite ladies is... Kelly Hadid!" I froze as I heard her name. My step sister was part of the five.
I was stuck at the palace with Kelly.