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"Hey miss.. miss?" The continuous tap on my shoulder pulled me out of my short nap. I opened my eyes slowly with a yawn. My body felt so tired and I knew I needed more sleep. "Miss, you are at the palace road. You should get down before the train takes off" My eyes shot open at the mention of Train.

"Oh! We are here? Oh!" I hastily pulled my bag from under me and bolted out of the train in excitement. I stood in front of the Crimson palace. My breath caught in my throat at the beautiful sight before me. The palace stood tall and so huge, white marble gleaming in the sunlight. I'd never seen anything like it before. I couldn't help but stare at the beauty.

As I made my way towards the palace gates, I noticed that I wasn't the only one here. Women from all over the kingdom have also come to audition to be the alpha king's breeder. everyone was talking excitedly amongst themselves as we all waited for the gates to open. I could hear whispers filling the courtyard as we waited to be let inside. We were all here for the same reason - the chance to be chosen as the Alpha King's breeder. Who would it be? definitely not me.

A fanfare sounded and the giant Golden doors swung open. We all moved forward, pouring into a hall so large my father's whole house would fit inside it a hundred times. Crystal chandeliers glittered high above and a long red carpet led to a beautiful golden throne with three seats.

I couldn't help but feel intimidated by the type of girls that filled up the palace. I felt so out of place among all these glamorous women, and tried to stay at the back of the room, hoping no one will notice me. Especially not my wicked stepsister.

As I scanned the room, a familiar face made my breath catch in my throat. Just who I thought. Kelly. My cruel stepsister was in a certain group, looking all beautiful and dazzling in my mother's dress. She tossed her golden curls, laughing with a some girls.

My palms grew slick and I couldn't stop the fear and shock that overtook my body even though I expected it. I couldn't let her see me. I shrank into the shadows, wishing I could disappear completely. My eyes scanned the room again, this time looking for an escape route. I needed to leave the hall for now if not, Kelly would cause a scene and embarrass me the moment she sees me. My heart pounded as I slipped along the wall, heading for a small side door I spied across the hall. I had to get out of here before she noticed me. This was a mistake. I didn't belong in this glittering room with these polished girls. I couldn't do it. No.

I reached the small door and pulled it open, revealing a very dark passageway. Glancing back to make sure no one had seen me, I slipped inside with my small bag in hand. The heavy door swung shut, enveloping me in musty blackness. I crept down the passage, one hand trailing along the cold stone wall to guide me. It was very quiet so I believed no one was passing here. I released a breath of relief at being alone at least before moving forward. Where did this passage lead? With any luck, it would provide an escape from this place. Away from the judgment, away from Kelly's cruelty. I just wanted to get away from here. Maybe start a new life in another place that was far from home. I knew I couldn't go back home anymore. By now, my stepmother and my father would have found out that I had ran away. And the funny thing about all this was that they wouldn't guess were I was. I smiled at myself.

They wouldn't dare to believe that the pathetic, gentle Freya would attempt going to palace. They would be so clueless of my whereabouts. I trusted Gerard not to tell them a single thing.

My footsteps echoed as I hurried through the dark. As I rounded a corner, I collided with something solid. I stumbled back with a cry as the sound of scattering paper filled the air. "Ah!"

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" I gasped. A small lantern came on, illuminating a man gathering up the papers now strewn across the floor. Oh no. Just when I thought I had escaped, I came face to face with probably one of the guards. Now I could even be in trouble. I groaned in mortification. "I.. I didn't see you.. I'm so sorry!"

He smiled kindly as I knelt to help him. "It's okay, No harm done."

By the warm glow of the lantern, I could see he had a gentle face framed by tousled brown hair. His clothes were finely made but rumpled, he had ink stains on his fingers. He looked to be about my age. Maybe a year or two older.

Once the papers were all collected, I passed him the ones I had managed to pick up with an apologetic smile on my face. He studied me curiously. "What are you doing wandering down here?"

I wrung my hands. "I...I was lost. I wanted to leave but I think I missed my way. Please, can you show me the way out?"

The man tilted his head. I couldn't help but notice how handsome he was. I felt my face turn red and I couldn't imagine how stupid I looked right now. God!

"You want to leave? But you've only just arrived for the auditions, haven't you?"

I nodded, my eyes downcast. "I don't belong here. The other girls are so poised and beautiful. I could never compete with them."

He laughed then, a warm, melodic sound that made me smile. "Don't sell yourself short. I'm sure you're just as lovely."

I shook my head ruefully. "You're kind to say so, but I'm no match for those ladies. And to be honest, I don't see anything sensible in trying to compete to be the king's breeder. I'd rather just go back home, than stay here and hope some king will choose me to be his baby mama." The man let out a loud laugh that filled the passage way.

"Well, I'm afraid I can't show you the way out, it is against my job," he said apologetically. "But I can promise that no harm will come to you here." He extended his hand. "I'm Connor Turner. I work in the palace."

I took it hesitantly. "Freya. It's nice to meet you. And sorry for.. knocking down your papers."

Connor's eyes sparkled with kindness as he chuckled. "Oh, that's alright Freya. Now come, let's get you back to the hall. The auditions will be starting soon."

Though anxious, I followed him as he led me through the passages. His gentle temperament and reassuring presence made me feel I could trust him. Perhaps I had found a friend in this strange, intimidating place after all.

Connor led me back through the palace halls, his hand warm and comforting around mine. Though I still had misgivings, his kindness had softened my resolve to flee.

As we neared the great hall where the other girls awaited, the sound of lively chatter reached my ears. I hesitated once more, stepping back. Connor gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

"There's nothing to fear, Freya," he said gently. "I'll speak to the king on your behalf. I will tell him not to pick you even if he notices you. All you just have to do is be on your own. Once he picks his choice, you will be free to leave on your own."

I nodded, gratitude welling up within me. "Thank you, Connor. I'm glad we met today."

He smiled. "As am I. I feel we're fated to be friends, you and I." His eyes were so green and I knew that his wolf skin would be green.

With an encouraging pat on the shoulder, he guided me through the towering doors into the hall. I took a deep breath, steeling myself. The room was even more intimidating now, filled with beautiful, exquisitely dressed women.

As we entered, a hush fell over the gathering. Dozens of eyes turned our way. And there, directly before me, was the last person I hoped to see.

"Freya? Freya?? What the hell are you doing here!" Kelly screamed at me. All eyes turned to me and Connor.



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