« You make things so damn hard for me, » he grumbled, his eyes trained on my lips.
I swallowed, I didn’t know what he was talking about but I began to feel apologetic.
« S-sorry, » I said timidly.
He looked at my eyes and I blinked. His fingers left my chin and opted to cup my right cheek that was bright red. Could he feel how hot my face was right now ? I felt like I was going insane.
I squeaked quietly when his other hand reached up and slid my glasses off my face. Self conscious, I tried to turn my head away but he wasn’t having that and he kept my face in place as he brought his face closer. My heart was racing. What was happening right now ? I wasn’t gay ? He’s not gay ! We’re not gay ! But then why was this happening ? I blushed mildly. Is he going to kiss me ? My heart was thundering inside my chest, would I let him kiss me ?
Anything that was happening at this moment stopped as the door opened and I unconsciously tried to pull myself away but he still held me in place but I jerked my face and turned my head to the open door. The guy who stood there wore a surprised but amused smirk on his face looking at the scene before him.
« What a surprise we have here, » he mused.
I think my face was so red that I resembled period blood, don’t imagine that.
Killian glared while I resembled a bell pepper and shuffled out of his grasp and stood up nervously. I gulped, I hope this guy doesn’t go around telling people about this. I didn’t want to become the bearer of bullying and I didn’t want Killian to suffer in any way, not like he would considering his status here. I nearly face palmed, it was still just the first day.
« And I’m the indecent one, » the guy laughed to himself, looking at me with interest without breaking eye contact.
I shifted uncomfortably and looked down with my cheeks lightly coating red. I flinched and jerked up when I heard a loud and thunderous growl. My eyes widened significantly as I look up and drift my eyes to Killian who was glaring dangerous with black eyes at the guy who stood by the doorframe.
Did that come out of him ? I shook lightly. There was no way. It was so inhuman, so animalistic, so terrifying. I racked my brain to figure out where the sound could’ve came from and for a rest of mind, I planted it in my head that maybe it was someone’s ringtone. Not the best thought but it worked.
« Woah there alpha, hold your horses, » he snickered teasingly but there was respect lingering in his tone.
I looked up at the guy with raised eyebrows and confused eyes. Alpha ? That was a weird term to call someone but as I thought about it, it worked well with Killians character so it fit.
« I’m Declan, » the guy said suddenly and my attention snapped back to him as I nervously stared at him.
« I’m F—«
« Fucking hungry, » Killian stood from where he sat.
He shoulder bumped Declan as he walked out of the door harshly and I winced knowing how sculpted and built Killian was. Declan seemed unfazed and turned to follow him but must’ve remembered me and walked over. I shyly ducked away but was surprised as his arms wound it’s way around my neck and he began to lead me in the same direction Killian was walking in.
We caught up with Killian and were soon walking by him. I shifted weirdly with Declan’s arm around me but didn’t have to face the weight of his arm any longer as he removed his arm from my shoulder as if my shoulder caught fire. I looked up to see why the sudden movement happened and turned my head to peer up at Killian who was giving Declan a deathly glare.
Looking at Declan, he stared at Killian with a look I couldn’t pin point and I felt awkward between them. It was as if they were having an internal conversation and purposely keeping me out of it. That wasn’t possible so I shuffled slowly along with them.
I nervously swallowed as my nerves hit me when he neared the lunch room doors. I could practically feel the mass of students that were probably in there and I was dreading going inside. I pictured their beady eyes and my heartbeat accelerated beyond control and my breathing became rapid.
No Finnick, not here. Don’t do this. Remember what you taught yourself, remember….oh those eyes are so nice. Hm, and I could die breathing in this scent. I blinked and I looked up to see Killian towering over me and this time, almost completely clearly, I could see worry on his face. His brows furrowed, his lips bending into a frown.
« Are you okay ? » He asked and I blushed, looking around and anywhere besides his face profusely nodding my head.
« Y-yes, » I stuttered.
I’d never seen anything but a stoic expression on his face so it strangely made my heart flutter seeing such a tender look on his face. His sculptured face with a jaw line sharper than knives, cheekbones that were protruding and eyes that made you melt into a puddle. Let’s not mention his hair that was styled previously but him running his fingers through his hair tousled it up and gave it a messy look that still managed to look dashing.
I bush scarlet, what was I even thinking right now ?
« Not to end your love fest but my stomach is eating at itself and if I don’t eat, » Declan smirked mischievously at Killian, »I’ll fill myself up with something small, adorable and with glasses. »
« Your testing my fucking patience, Declan, » Killian seethed in annoyance and I flinched lightly at his tone.
« Am I ? » Declan smiled innocently.
I noticed how Declan seemed to easily push at Killian’s buttons and I had this sense that if he was anyone else Killian would lose his temper and I’d see a part two of the fight I saw earlier. They seemed to have a close relationship that I wasn’t jealous of in anyway because why the bajeezus would Finnick Green be jealous.