I didn’t literally pee myself, I think I would die right then if that happened but my face had flushed till I was tomato red and my organs melted into a puddle. I wasn’t even able to move from where I was due to my muscles deciding to go absent. My heart was beating so loud my head was hurting, I swallowed slowly.
Killian stood, the guy he was beating up hanging by his collar that Killian had a tight hold over in his large fist. I lay on my back by Killians feet, my glasses slanted by the impact of what happened. My heart jumps out of my throat when he releases the guy from his grip and he goes falling but quickly scrambling up and rushing away. The crowd was watching with such intent, curiosity and beady eyes that it was getting to me and my anxiety was bubbling up my throat and waiting for me to release in a form of a panic attack.
I began an breathing heavily on my own accord as I tried to get my heart and nerves on the same page as me. I cannot have a panic attack in front of all these people. I cannot embarrass myself like this and become known as a freak. I can’t, I can’t…
My eyes flickered around catching the eyes of everyone watching the display and my chest felt even more constricted. My eyes flickered over to Killian and I paused as I saw his dark black eyes fade into these clear blue orbs that I’ve never seen before in my life of living. My heart calmed on its own and my breathing gradually became normal.
Squinting, I could see a brief flash of indecision in his eyes but it was gone as soon as I saw it and he turned and began walking away. The crowd began bumping into each to quickly get out of his way and many people knocked heads with each other and fell just to avoid even brushing shoulders with him. I frowned and I began to feel sympathetic for him. My heart constricted, I knew that feeling all too well.
My shoulders were shaken by someone and I turned my head to see Kai. He hoisted me up and dusted off my bag.
« Damn, I’ve never seen anything like that before, » he said with a playful smile.
« What ? » I asked him, thoroughly confused.
He slung his arm around me and we began to walk together.
« What I mean is either luck is on your side or he was feeling tired, » he choke held me and I coughed feeling constrained and tried to pry his arms off my neck.
He suddenly released me and started walking backwards in front of me. I rubbed my sore neck and attempted to glare at him but it looked completely non threatening and he could see that by the grin on his face.
« Damn Bolt, this must be new kid magic, » he laughed to himself, »any guy that even momentarily stops him from shredding his prey would become his prey as-well. »
I didn’t know what to say to that, I could only awkwardly blow my curly locks out of my eyes and trip in the process causing me to blush mildly and frown. Kai laughed loudly with nearly tears coming out of his eyes. He was so smiley, I looked at him and admired how carefree he seemed to be.
« You think I’m cute ? » He said suddenly and my eyes widened, my cheeks flaming.
« W-what ? » I stuttered quickly coming to disregard his claim.
« I mean I know I’m attractive but there’s no need to stare that much, Bolt, » he grinned cheekily and I actually reached out to punch his shoulder.
« Shut up, » I mumbled.
He chuckled once more and turned starting to walk with me. My head shoots up to look at him as I remember that we have a class to get to.
« What period are we in now ? » I ask him quickly.
He takes out his phone and checks the time. He shrugs.
« Third period, » he says uncaringly.
I quickly pull out my schedule from my pocket and check what class I’m meant to be in. I’m supposed to be in Physics right now and looking at his phone we’re already fifteen minutes late. I freak out naturally and look at him.
« Do you know where room 313 is for physics ? » I ask him, his eyes brighten.
« Thats my class, » he tells me, snatching up my schedule in his hands and skimming over it without permission.
I’d grumble over his bad habits but I was more worried I’d make a bad impression on the teachers who’d be instructing me this year by being tardy. He wore a smile.
« Looks like we’re being seeing a lot of each other, Bolt, » his smile turned into a smirk, »and Killian as-well. »