A snowy day, so cold when foziane got his freedom , he was so sick and tired he returned to his castle , to make some drugs , in this time centinella was watching all of what happened with the eyes of her insects everywhere , only one thing it escaped from her insects is the ball of water where the age stone is ,but now centinella knows , and she was about to attack again the two wizards
We all know that love hurts , but we always forget that when we meet someone we love , because inside our souls we are convinced that person is different , the age stone where death , love , darkness melt in the purple color and give him the great force
“I dreamed always about peace, a new world without wars, and no darkness ,but where there is white ,it black will be close to it ,such a sad truth like a white shining butterfly flying around black fire “the old wizard said
Centinella the beautiful witch with her white dress ,walking barefoot, in the garden of her castle between flowers , insects and her servants , she asked a tree : am I looking very old ?
The tree replied :my lady , you are always the queen of sun and moon
Centinella said : I know that I m getting old every day , my power will never back like in the glossy past ,at least without the age stone , if I just know where is it ……
During this moments , foziane was going to learn new spells , to recuperate the age stone and the old wizard made his biggest spell to make everything alive and talk, but his spell went out of the control, before that , his spell was only applied on objects but this time ,the spell incorporate with Corpses and made them alive Again. Centinella and foziane felt that
“Oh my god, you old stupid old wizard What have you done “Centinella said
“This is not Good at all “foziane said
The old wizard was in shock ,and said : I made a very bad step ,I m afraid I have build my grave
A lot of people revived again, a lot of wizards, witches,
From now on there is not only three wizards, but a lot of sorcerers
Earth will dive again in darkness and wars, time will repeat itself.
The story of the age stone didn’t begin from the three legendary wizards, but from long time ,fortunately the spell of the old wizard didn't spread in all the world but only a part of it , and particularly touched Marie's grave and many special people Too.
Foziane knew that everything is about to change , the world of magic will be revived again , but the most fearful thing is marie , this spell will bring her back to life , and what no one knows about the secret of the age stone but only foziane is ,in that night when centinella went to cemetery and killed marie , and during writing her death story , the blood of marie got confound with the stone , and the curse was activated in that moment , and made the opening spell useless, only if marie died again or been used as a sacrifice with another spell practiced by her killer
Every moment is precious and countable now , no time left to think , wizards should move quickly , foziane went to his library and took a lot of books about forbidden black magic for some help ,to find the age stone and bring it back but this is so difficult it’s a very high magic and needs a lot of knowledge and power , even foziane with his intelligence and wisdom but it still arduous .
During this moment centinella , decided to close all the doors and bring back all her servants to her ,tightening the guarding of her own castle , not only that she prohibited any movement outside the borders .
In a silent night , on her throne , drinking coffee and thinking about the revived people , she knew that a lot of death wizards killed by her , will attempt for revenge , and her location is known and because she is not already prepared she decided to move on from the castle and she gave a formally decision to all her servants that , before the shining sun , they will go to the GLOOMINESS ISLAND .
THE GLOOMINESS ISLAND , an isolated island in the ocean , there ,where only fairies of darkness live, they let no one enter but only centinella , she was there creator , in her younger age , they protect her and sacrifice their life for her .
When the old wizard is trying all the spells to stop this reviving spell, but it’s useless, when the gate of souls had been opened, it’s was too late to go back from the spell
Centinella get her big dragon, and all her serves from insects to animals it was such a huge company, full with power and flames and shadows, it’s a long trip, with a lot of bad expectations .everyone silently flying in the sky, when one of her crows told her : “our queen ! I just come back from fosiane’s castle “
“Very well , so what our old friend is planning for “centinella said with low voice
“The genius is searching for a way to recuperate the age stone “the crow said
“Did you know how he did lose it?!”Centinella said
“yes my queen , he used the water bull spell to save it from you and the old wizard , that day when you attacked him by your storm “«the crow said
“ mmmm , I can see , foziane is about losing his wisdom every day “centinella said with a worthless voice
A morose day, fog and frost, when a lot of revived wizards get convinced that they are alive again, hugging, parents and their children happy that they met again after long time; it was a day for the veneration of being alive.
Furthermore , marie is alive again , princess of love , she touched her face , tears in her big black eyes remembering what esteban did to her , and she said :I can’t believe I’m here again , I still remember my last day but how I died , and who killed me? Is it esteban ? and with angry voice and face , she said :I will not forgive him this time ! I will send him to hell .
she went ,so hurry to the orphan house , to be surprised by finding everything got changed in her village , no doubt it was a very long time when she wasn’t here , What made marie fascinated is wizards , she found a lot of people talk about reviving spell , using special sticks and move with magic , she asked a little boy and he told her that everyone here are wizards and use magic and asked her with a pretty voice :Don’t you use it?
Marie smiled and went away from the village ,where it supposed to be her home, now she is a stranger
The old wizard’s spell, had mixed all the times to only one dark, different generations are existing in the same time.
When Marie was supposed to live in the decencies after the era of wizards when magic was only in histories and just a legend .
Marie, princess of love kept thinking about what is happening, but she didn’t found any answer it was like everything is about to change so quickly , she walked blindly when a woman shouted : Marie !!Marie is that you my friend?
Marie turned to her and said : your friend ?!
The women smiled with tears in her eyes and said : yes don’t you remember me , I ‘m your best friend from the orphans house
Marie said : oh my god is that you massilia ?
Marie hugged her and said : but how , you are too old , and I’m still young what happened ?am I dreaming ?
Massilia said : no , you are not , it’s magic , it’s kind of a miracle that we had a new chance to live again , I read that before but I never thought that magic really exist
Marie replied: so it’s magic after all, oh my god, if this is so real , we are strangers here
Marie and massilia silently looked around where they were, cold wind, silent, dark sky, they decided to get out from the village.
During this moment , when centinella was above the village with her force in the sky , marie suddenly looked there , holding her heart and said I have this sentiment .
“oh, what was that !!!!”centinella said
“What is it my queen “ one of her servants said
“this feeling , something bad will happen… never mind continue we have to go to the island”centinella replied .It was a moment where marie and centinella were in the same place , between sky and earth , there was princess of love and queen of darkness
The reviving spell, did bring a lot of spirits, powers and forces in this worlds.
Fosen , poison man , a big user of the most deadly and dangerous poison in the world of wizards , he can even extract poison from any animals just by destining his hand in front of the animal or insect , he was killed by foziane , in the last war of wizards , when he used his final poison but fosziane the genius was already prepared and he made the antidote , when fosen used the last dangerous poison as an attempt of a suicide also to kill foziane but when it was in the air fosen inspired it , that moment when he was shoked by the intelligence of the legendary wizard when he told him before dying :don’t underestimate the genius you poison man !