Sometimes i talk to myself , trying to give answers about a lot of questions , to solve problems , the reason why I count on myself a lot ,never trust ,no love , no secrets ,and no best friends ,even I feel sometimes that the only thing I trust is a book , but it doesn’t make sense , how can you trust a book that was written by someone you don’t know him. This kind of questions that I really want to have an answer for .
I spend a lot of time , to develop myself and become a perfect person ,until one day , and I’m sleeping , I met someone , a person that makes me live hell and heaven at same time , I don’t understand am I living this dream , I have been doomed to live that moments , please tell me who are you “the old wizard said inside his dream
I’m your soul , I’m everything you did in your life , I’m all your mistakes , I’m all your acts , I’m all your days “the black man said
Suddenly I felt some cold in my feet , lights flickered in my eyes ,and , I’m in a big house , such a big one , a house looks like no one dared to enter in , I tried to ask him why I’m here but he just disappeared , and then showed on ,a small table , a lot of papers with a black pen , I felt that moment that everything is intended to me. “The old wizard said “
A soft voice: you are the chosen one; yes the chosen to write the story of this house, the house of spirits, here where any injured soul will be treated, here where you will treat your patient’s souls
The old wizard :What? Which patients? Hey!
No one answered no voice, no person …. Just me, alone.
Lonely in the house, with candles lights, setting on armchair, rainy day , so cold and dark day , other word a sad day
Suddenly knocking on the door
The old wizard scared a little bit rather can move : alright , let’s open it the old wizard : then a man was looking to the roof of the house , give me the impression of feeling lonely , a dark soul upon the door , with cold words I said , enter please it’s very frosty and windy outside .
The man entered and his face so unresponsive.
Me trying to touch him for asking about his problem , unfortunately he stood up , with an angry eyes I can see darkness and hate in his soul ,his spirit so tired even of speaking , then he told me with some kind of weakness : please help me. who said that life can be full of hate . That moment , showed up in the mirror , a person !! yes it’s the one did bring me to this house , and he is telling me now to treat the soul of this man , or the visitor ; what’s the ill , why he is like that ?All my questions were at the exactly position, but his eyes inspired my inner brain, a wave of impressions gave me the answer, it was depression
When depression was a signal, a big one telling us that we have to be more logic, more sensitive and more intelligent. A lot of people died , closed their hearts doors ; neither me or you can open it again , some have suicide and some killed there friends , there family , even their children .
I am the queen (depression simulated like a woman) of this house, before a lot of men, women passed here to let their prints, there history.
I have been born to make you never can care about yourself , not just yourself , but anything , and make your life a nightmare you never forget , I reduce your reactions , you won’t sleep again , no love , even meditation will not help you. This is the house of spirits, you can die here or fight and save you soul and let people call you survivor.
MY first day in the house was difficult , it was a stormy day , when I was reading a book and suddenly a knife thrown at me , it was hard to recognize in the beginning the doer , then things had been illuminated and it was the man, wait a minute he is not very old , his voice so cold , little rough , brown eyes lighten like sun , blade skin , he is coming to me with slowly steps , me scared I backed two steps back , when you imagine the situation maybe you will be scared , you will have fears , actually I will not blame you but if you see the real situation you will change your idea
The man for years was without friends without someone can trust , his parents were the underworld they were the hell in his life ; where to go where to escape , he started taking drugs trying to heal his injured soul , trying to forget what he lived before until one day , that day when the queen visited him and PUT HER hand on his face , that hand removed his smile and canceled the beauty of life , and stopped his time , for many years lonely in his room , with thoughts of death and suicide
It’s terrible but all of this , was like a fast story in my mind , yes this is the house of spirits where every insulted, injured ,abused soul will be treated
I putted my hand in his hand and said : I swear with my own soul , I will treat you , you won’t be alone anymore , you will survive and you won’t let your enemy live laughing about your pity suicide
The man had many physical symptoms like: loss of appetite with excessive loss of weight, loss of interest in sex, loss of energy, even when not physically active, loss of sleep and slowed activity and speech, so I tried to give him some antidepressant potion, but ineffective, because the queen still in the house but not any house, it’s his heart, you can’t delete depression if the main cause still in your heart and brain.
Stress , it is difficult to give it the perfect definition , if you hesitate to reveal what makes you stressed , the stress will continuously stay consuming your spirit and this is the absolute sooth , but there is no problem without a solution , and his depression will be treated by love , loving his parents i told him that only his parents can heal him , the man despised my solution and replied : “they are the hell and fire “ , I said : “ but in your deep cave you know that you are the mistaken “ and suddenly his eyes sank with tears and he said I killed my brother ,
I closed my eyes feeling pity for him , ( thunder’s sound)
I stood and went to an empty room ; because for me in that moment was hard to talk with him after his confession , and then my soul appeared again and told me : “you vowed yourself to treat them , you can’t let him you have been doomed to stay until you treat all your patients “
It was difficult but in the end I had to come back to him and use the power of healing the spirits on him with the papers which were on the table with the black pen ,after I took him over there where the armchair he started writing his story his reality and his disease , because the patient is the best descriptor of his own illness , and because of the power of those papers the queen appeared again but this time with dark and orange flames eating and burning her , it was the end of depression but the paper had been taken by my soul , why? I really don’t know …
Finally we can accept the illness or we can destroy it by telling the causes and defeat them, we can’t hide forever in the end we have to confront the truth
The Queen died, but the royal family has long and large roots, they have many ways to kill people from Inside whereas they are constantly exist and alive, after death of depression, and during the twilight, hate was born in the darkest hours.
The black man, that name, will tell and give you many dreadful hurricane of emotions which will take your mind and heart to the deepest misconception, that’s why the prince of hate must die too, I have to save the black man from its darkness.
“It’s so sad to see many people , living with many psychic diseases , like a bird in a cage , every time , he tries to get out , he makes himself tired ; until his soul dies with an empty heart from happiness “
The black man hates everything shines, what if he rewrites another story of his hatred, what if , instead hate destroys his spirit , he will tear down , the prince of hate .
that prince who makes you create distance from others , from love and happiness ;and take down every valuated thing , sometimes you will put down , insult and despise your soul , it kills you , every day , hour , minute perhaps every second ,
Harm self is a sign of hate self, it begins with prohibit yourself from the best moments in your life, preventing familiarity to blocking any new opportunity; it’s a signal that you are in a grave danger.