"Ugh, try to concentrate!" I said to myself while studying health care. I can't get my head straight. All I can think of is him. Us, sleeping together, our kiss yesterday... I just can't focus on anything else.
"Then go out." Hannah added entering my room. She threw herself on my bed, lying on her stomach, leaning on her both hands, looking at me like a small child.
"No way!" I shot back at her, gently hitting her with a book. She giggled. I sat on the edge of the bed straightening up. I sighed deeply, thinking how would a nice, hot shower help me for some time.
"What, you're afraid you will hook up with some other professor?" She smiled and turn herself on her back, playing with her hair. I glanced over to her, not even slightly surprised by her sarcastic comments but she didn't mind that. She was in her own world too and I think I know what's borhering her!
"Shut up." I said quietly and she quickly stood up like she remembered something very important. I twitched and I pressed my hand on my chest. "What's wrong?" I asked when I saw her pale face.
"George is hot." She eclaimed seriously. That made me laugh. She looked so confused which made me laugh at her even more! She looked at me in disbelief, nodding her head. I smiled to her and lightly pinched her chin. She's so cute!
"No, you don't understand, he's hot as hell!" She sat on the floor opposite of me grabbing my knees. Her eyes were wide opened and shiny. I giggled. I never saw this side of her and I am kind of freaked out but at the same time, this is so good! It's usually me on her place so this is what Hannah see most of the time!
"So what? Ask him out." As I said that, she stood up rapidly again and covered her face with hands. I was confused but it was funny. She was funny, all messed up like that! I didn't saw her like that in years. I miss that old Hannah but one thing I don't miss is that jerk who made her feel like crap which led to her closing in again.
"He is a freshman! I can't date him!" She yelled. I shook my head, trying to wrap my thoughts.
"I don't see any reason why you shouldn't date him." I sighed. "So what he's freshman. A bit younger then you, yes but..." I didn't finnish because I saw how she looked at me. She slowly sat on the bed beside me and sighed deeply.
"I don't know, he is like a baby. Cute, hot, sexy, nerdy baby." She started talking and I smiled to myself. "With cute glasses and deep voice, and..." She covered her face with her hands again. "Ugh, I want him. Ok? I admit it. But I am third year, he is first. He is a baby!" She talked through her hands and I could barely understood her.
"He is NOT a baby. He is 21 years old med-student, you have 24. Not such a big deal." I said a bit annoyed as she leaned her head on my shoulder. I reflexively remembered Mike. He is 9 years older then me.
"I need my Jack Daniels. He understands me." She said and I nodded, befitting to her proposal.
"Lets go meet that fellow Jack now, shall we?" I stated. She smiled and stood up. She held out her hand, winking at me before she pulled me up. I giggled and stood up as well. We started walking towards our kitchen, where our friend Mr Daniels waits for us in a fridge.
"Your phone." Hannah said vaguely pouring another cup of that fine Whiskey. On our table there was two cups, one empty, one half full. Bowl of chips, few cans of Coca Cola and a new edition of Cosmopolitan. All that girl needs is right here on this table. We were drinking for some time now, I realised it as I felt tingling sensations going down my hands and legs, making it numb. I felt dizzy but so good!
"My phone what?" I started turning around, searching for my phone. I felt vibrations but I couldn't find it and frankly, we were drunk. Now, either she flipped out, or I started imagining vibrations. Either way, we are already screwed!
"There." She pointed somewhere but I couldn't understand where. My head went up and down but nothing, I couldn't find it! "On the table estúpida!" She started laughing herself out. I started laughing with her too and we were no longer looking for my phone. You should know, when your friend start to talking in a different language, they had enough of booze!
My phone started ringing now, and I calmed myself thinking why would anyone need anything this late! I grabbed it and noticed I have a message from unknown person. I opened it.
Hi Jessica
Friday is tomorrow so... I was wondering if you want to go out with me? :)
I promise, I won't let you drink as much as that day.I want you to remember this time. ;)
P.S. Start learning Latin, you will need it. ;)
Mike Dupont. :)
I froze. I was watching my phone with my eyes and mouth wide opened.
"What? Someone's dead? Needs a CPR? I will get my scalpel!" Hannah started fussing around, with her eyes half closed. I, unlike her was sobered in a second when I noticed whose message it was.
"Hannah." I said quietly but she didn't listen. She stood up, searching her scalpel. I didn't know why she needed that but she was drunk so it doesn't count. She was pacing up and down, opening drawers in our kitchen. I looked at her for a second, then back to my screen. I couldn't kept my eyes from "Mike Dupont" part.
"Hannah!" I raised my voice a bit, trying to get her attention. After a few seconds she looked at me seriously. "Come here." I said quitely as I sighed. She sat on the floor besides me and I handed her my phone. She started gazing and squinting at a message as her lips were moving without any sound. I waited. And waited. And waited.
"fuck!" She stood up rapidly. Her left hand was holding my phone and her right hand was on her forehead. She caressed it strongly as if she's trying to think of something smart! I noticed she sobered too by the way she looked at me dead serious. She then covered her mouth with her hand, not saying anything.
"Yea..." I said listlessly as I started playing with my cup. We were quiet for a few minutes, neither of us moved.
"Your hot professor Mike Dupont." Hannah then started talking with a deep voice trying to emulate Mike's voice. I suppressed a laughter, still looking at my cup and she sat opposite of me like before and gave me my phone. As our eyes connected we both smiled acidly.
"What will I do now?" I asked more to myself then to her.
"I don't know." Hannah replied in the same decibel as me.
We were quiet again. Hannah poured us another round of Jackie with Coca Cola and we drank in one shot! My head started spinning around again and I felt heat in my throat. Hannah shook her head as she lightly slammed her cup to the table. Neither of us knew what to do next. Should I reply? If so, what should I write? Do I say yes? Will that be a mistake? And how in the hell he has my phone number, I don't have his!
Suddenly, Hannah's phone started buzzing too, and we instantly looked at her screen. I looked at Hannah's face as I tried to find some emotion or anything to help me figure it out which ex is texting her now- and then it happened. She smiled so widely, it made me smile!
"Look!" She eclaimed, handing me her phone. I had to narrow my eyes and read because Jackie made my sight a little worse than it is.
Yo, Hannah ;)
You free tmrw? Go out with me.
That nerd who likes u, George. ;) xo
I was amazed by his boldness! I placed her phone beside mine, and shook my head still smiling.
"Lets drink more." Hannah added through smile and I nodded. Without any word, I took my cup and placed it beside hers, and she was blissfully opening another can for us.
We toasted to our doom and sighed. Another cup was drank in one gulp. We own that son-of-a-Whiskey!
I finished our night with a nice, steamy, "get me sober" shower, and put my hair in a towel wrapped on top of my head, making me a few inches taller. I smiled to a mirror when I saw how stupid it looks. I wore my favorite blue dressing gown. It was a gift from my mother so naturally, I hate it. Cashmere feel good on my skin now so it will do for today.
I brushed my teeth and I washed my face. I looked at a clock and rolled my eyes realising it's over 3 am so I will look like shit tomorrow!
Our private party was ended just an hour ago. We spent the whole evening drinking and messing around. Now my head hurts, I am once again convinced that it won't happen again and I am so ready for sleep.
I came to my room, and left the door opened. I heard a perfect silence so I smiled satisfiedly.
She's sleeping.
I smiled to myself as I remembered I put her in her room before I went in mine. I was sitting in her bathroom, reading Cosmo as I waited for her to shower. Can't let anything happen to this drunk gem. Last time I let her shower alone, she fell out of the shower and hit her head. Which was actually funny to watch but still. So we kind of have this tradition where I sit on her toilet, reading while she tries to not kill herself!
I hit the bed, letting my body fall and sink into my beautiful and soft sheets and cushions making my body like it is a feather. Soon as I closed my eyes, his lips popped into my head. I smiled as his smile appeared in my thoughts.
"I can't sleep." Hannah came into my room with her wet hair and her PJ's, waking me up from my thoughts. I slowly raised my head but she was already on my bed with her face stuck into one of my pillows. I laughed, nodding my head.
"Me either." I said quietly and she layed on her back. We were now both looking at a ceiling, quietly.
"I can't stop thinking about him." She said quietly and softly.
"Me either." I replied barely audible.
We both sighed deeply. I closed my eyes and touched my lips with my finger. I felt his fresh mint breath on them, making me smile weakly.
I could feel a small, barely seen, smile in a corner of my lips. I remembered his text from earlier today. I glanced over to my nightstand where my phone was. I am sure he noticed that I left him on seen but he didn't text me anything else. What am I doing? Am I really considering the fact of going on a date with him? With Mike Dupont?
I shook my head lightly and slowly sit up not wanting to wake up Hannah. As I pressed my neck, I remembered how his hands felt on this part od my body. Memories of him, his body on mine slowly came to the surface. I recall everything now. How he undressed me, how I slowly unbottoned his shirt, taking my time with his buttons, looking straight into his dreamy eyes. How he gently removed a lock of my hair and placed it behind my ear. I remember everything. I closed my eyes and bit my lip. What is wrong with me?
Then it hit me. Just like that, past 3 am.
Yes, I am totally into Mike Dupont.