As I entered a hallway of the college, first I noticed the freshmans. Hannah and I were once that. Nobodys. We call them fresh meat for Gorilla now. You know, the scary, gray and strict one? Freshmans are everywhere. Lost and confused. Neither of them know each other, they are all alone in this. Accept the ones who got here with their friend, like me and Hannah. When we first walked in this hallway we were just as confused as they are now. Well, me. Hannah was taking it like a champ!
"I know."
We were both super excited when we recieved a letter from the principal of the college that they will be happy to have us on board. Our best acknowledgement of past years as med students and working our asses off. University of Washington is one of the top choices you can go if you want to become the best doctor, surgeon or even just a nurse! Their best students get the chance to win internship in Seattle Hope hospital. SHH has the best health care, best surgeons, pediatritions, doctors in WA, well pretty much everything. They even have my mom for Head Surgeon and soon to be Cheif of Hospital. Can't say I'm not proud!
Stupid bi-
"Did you see that?" Hannah snapped me from my thoughts. Right on time, I say. She shook my shoulder as she tried to make me focus on a few guys who walked pass us, carrying books and bags as they talked something to each other.
"Hannah, we didn't came here to look at that." I rolled my eyes slightly annoyed. She smiled huskily and sighed deeply.
"They were heading towards the basemant, you." She said teasingly. "It's where the dead guys are." She eclaimed bluntly but with so much excitment I had to laugh!
"Psycho." I said pushing her slowly, making her laugh.
"I'm just glad you are here with me." She said quietly after she stopped laughing. We started walking towards an information desk at the end of the hallway and I slowly and gently caressed her hand.
"I know. Same here." I said barely audible. I think we are both ready for this new chapter.
"Miss, do you know where the A-02 classroom is?" Wow, I thought. They know how to speak! Well, yes, this one looks totally scared and nerdy but I give him a credit, he spoke to Seconders first! Unfortunately, he spoke to the wrong person. A guy in a smart glasses, a very black hair and green eyes spoke to Hannah. He looked a little bit nerdy with his style but he is a well built up, I may say.
"Oh well look at that. A baby boy knows how to talk." She began to make fun of him in a cute way. Everyone who knows Hannah knows that when she's making fun of you, she likes you. I bet, the first thing she noticed was his hands and eyes. You heard me right, if the man has strong yet softly arms and green eyes, she will sleep with him on a spot. I laughed at myself as I reflexively remembered that time when I came home from a bar last year and I bumped into a similar face as he 'walked-of-shamed' out of our apartment! Well this nerd is way hotter tho.
"I... I didn't meant to..." He began to stutter, becoming aware of the redness all over his face. He started fussing over his papers, like he's trying to rapidly write down something. That made us both laugh but I stopped when I realised he is really messed up and embarrassed.
"Oh, Hannah, come on. He is a fresh meat for God's sake. Just tell him." I felt sorry for him. We were his kind just a year ago! Like it was yesterday, I entered this hallway with Hannah holding each other by hands, hoping we will make out of this mess where not just students, but the professors is trying to find classrooms. It seems like Hannah remembered that too because her face softened.
"Write down. -A- means the classroom is in right way. -B- means left. From 01 till 05 is basement. We are having bunch of dead guys there on which we practice." She giggled when she saw how he looked at her when she mentioned dead bodies. She continued to talk and that hot nerdy guy started writing it all down on a small paper. Hannah seamed oddly amused by this. I kind of was too. She thinks she has the power over him, so typically! I shook my head and smiled acidly, hoping he would notice that we mean well, she's just trying to make fun of him a little bit. He kept looking into his paper as he still tried to write every information down.
"Got it?" She looked at him, encouraging his fast writting.
"Look, I am not a baby. I'm just a freshman. Like you were. You don't have to talk to me like you're talking to 5 year old ok?" He looked at her just a slice angrily but he softened when he saw her surprised face. I thought, she is more surprised how a nerd can have such a sexy deep voice then by him actually acting like a jerk. "But hey, thanks for help. At least, I know where to find dead guys." He suddenly winked at her and walked away. We stood up like frozen with our puzzled look. What just happened?
"How in the hell a nerd can have such a sexy deep voice?" I smiled when she leaned towards me to say this so he can't hear her. We do have the same thoughts!
"Maybe he's just acting like one, but inside, he's some macho man with a lot of muscles and girls and..." She interrupted me in my day-dream and pulled me by my hands. She made me start walking and I wanted to day-dream just a bit more.
"Without wet dreams, please. We do have a test today." She rolled her eyes with a tiny smile on her lips.
"Or maybe he's ruining other people dreams like you." I gave her the pointy-eyes look and we smiled. Time to face the reality. Geeks are only geeks and Gorilla's hungry.
“May I ask how this year started for you?“ Asked Mrs.Tomlinson after collecting our finished, and hopefully, good written exams. Every student in this classroom looked exhausted, barely looking, half-asleep, tired of her and medicine for the rest of their lives. Yea, as you assumed, I was one of them. I mean, who is even writting exams on the very first day of school? Who besides this spawn of evil?!
“I want to kill her.” I said quietly to Hannah. I was holding my head with one hand, letting the other stand still over my desk, but Hannah was not looking tired at all. She was reading a book, checking her answers.
What in the name of Lord is she doing? Why?
“Well Jess, you really should't drank too much the other night. You could study home with me. Instead of banging with some guy you've met.” She replied coldly, not giving up a single emotion as she continued to read the book. "I thought that was my thing." She sighed.
Ouch. Touché.
I rapidly shook my head and I sat straight on my chair. She made me remember of the day before yesterday. Funny story actually. I was meant to study. Really, I was. But my mind was bouncing up and down, playing jumping Jacks in my head and I just couldn't concentrate. So I went for a drink. One drink, I said. And then I will go home and continue to study.
“Your drink.” A lovely waitress handed over drink to me, with a 'shouldn˙t-she-study' smile. She is working here for 3 years now, dealing with angry and sad medicine students and occasionally some old drunk guy. She has seen it all. Maybe I should quit college and become a waitress. That would piss my mom.
“Just one. Then I'm going home to study.” I told her weakly but she looked like she don't believe me. She just gave me a reassuring smile and walked away. I can't even lie...
“Rough day huh?” A deep strongly voice spoke to me. I turned left where he was standing and I almost collapsed. He was older then me, maybe around 34 but he was so good looking that I couldn't say a word. He was in a black suit with a red tie. Casually, with his hand in his pockets. With his dark brown hair and blue eyes, he was the sexiest man I've ever seen. Or maybe I'm already drunk. Or I didn't saw a cute guy for so long I forgot how they suppose to look.
Oh God...
“Cat caught your tongue?” He smiled widely making me stare in his perfectly white teethes.
“And what would person like YOU do in a bar like THIS?” I said slowly, leaning my head on my right arm on a bar counter, gently going from his last whip of his cute brown hair to tip of his black shiny business-men like shoes.
“And why a girl like YOU drinks THAT kind of a drink?” He was getting closer. I could smell his aftershave mixed with his cologne and my head was spinning for a few seconds. Who smells so good?
Oh God...
"Jessica. And that drink over here is a beer that says- drink me fast.” I smiled and stop leaning on my hand realizing how stupid that must look. I sat up straight, not wanting to came out drunk because I'm not. I'm just oddly mesmerised by his... Everything.
“Mike." He said smiling huskily, bitting his lower lip as he watched me improve my posture. "And come with me, I will make sure you'll drink the alcohol you deserve.” He winked, pulling his suit up and well shaped body closer to me. Not only I was absorbing his smell so naturally and smoothly, I could feel his fresh mint breath on my face which made me dizzy. Am I dreaming this? I will wake up in my apartmant with probably a book on my face.
“I like you. Lets go.” I exclaimed as I jumped off my chair. Today, I didn't care if I sound trashy or slutty, today, I decided to go whenever this perfection takes me. If I'm dreaming this, I can at least have some fun! He enchanted me and it's been a while since I even talked to a guy if I'm not considering Hannah's rebounds after I explain that there is nothing wrong with them after I see them as they try to leave our place.
“Come Jessica.” He took my hand lightly, and I felt tingling sensation going through my body when he touched me and said My name. His deep voice was taking me in some kind of trance, like I was on a drug. I realized, I am already under his influence which normally doesn't end well but... A girl has to live a little!
From the door, I saw that this isn't just an ordinary bar. It is spelled –classy- all over it, even the windows looked fancy. I reflexively took a look at what I was wearing. Tight light blue jeans, pure white Nike shoes, and a ordinary white T-shirt with a big letters spontaneously printed on it. I am most definitely not a girl who would ever enter this bar. He noticed that I was checking myself out, and he smiled lightly. I was embarrassed but I had no choice of walking away now. We entered the bar and he lightly took my hand and walked me through the bar to a table in the dark corner.
"I will have a glass of Aglianico wine, and give a lady the best cocktail you have.” He said bluntly and relaxed when the bartender came. Nice man in black and white uniform nodded simply yet very classy.
“Thanks…” I said shyly as I nodded too. Mike didn't even try.
“So, bad day huh?” He neglected my awkwardness and leaned forward, putting his strong hands neatly folded on the table, making his very expensive watch popped out alongside his hand veins.
Oh God...
“It could have gone better.” I simply said, shrugging my shoulder. A bartender from before came with our drinks and I nodded to him again which made me think that this guy is no older than me and I am sitting here with a man probably 10 years older than me looking like a milion bucks while I look like someone he picked out on a street. Well, in a bar.
He smiled with the most beautiful and desired smile I've ever seen and leaned even more close to me even though I was on the opposite side of the table. Last thing I remembered, I woke up in his bed, in his apartment I think, without knowing where am I. He was sleeping, with his sheet just at the end of his strong back, revealing his sexy back muscles and leaving me wanting more. I was still able to feel his every touch on my body. I looked around me and I saw the most beautiful view over the city. Sun was coming up and it lighted his naked back even more. I saw fresh finger trails on his skin and I instantly looked at my hands. They were shaking. What have I done? I slowly and quietly walked out of his apartment, watching carefully not to wake him. I had a worst hangover ever!
"Jess, wake up, look, the new professor is here!" Hannah woke me up from my day-dream again. Seriously, I need to stop doing that!
Oh God, no. Please no! No. It can't be! No!
"Hello everyone, I am Mike Dupont, your new Latin teacher. I hope we will understand perfectly." He smiled like he smiled to me the other day and you could hear quiet moaning sounds coming from every girl in this class. What is he doing here? Who is this guy?
I felt my eyes blurring and my body had zero strength in a second! My heart was pounding not only rapidly but I thought everyone, including him, heard it! How did this turned to bite me in my ass?!
I slept with my professor. I've been drunk and naked in front of him.
Nice way to start a year, Jessica.