Why God, what did I do to deserve this! I have been nothing but good, I help those in need,I pray every night, okay that was a lie,but I do study and get good grades.... I mean sure I curse but I don't say it out loud, okay that was another lie. Sure I said some mean stuff about Asher but he deserves it ...... thinking about cursing, if only I could curse that stupid teacher.
"Mrs Ramroch, can I have another partner who is not an idiot?" Asher said, suddenly getting me out of the tantrum I was having in my head.
My head swiftly turned around and I glared daggers at his head making sure he could feel the hate I was radiating. His eyes held an odd gleam I couldn't decipher, as he gave me one of his cocky little smirks.
How dare that fucker, I'm a straight A student! He's the one that's the idiot, I mean he skips classes and I'm pretty sure it'll be on his record. I taunted in my head, something I wouldn't dare say out loud.
My head snapped back to the front as I faced my now worst teacher. I tried to have the most convincing look I could muster. Maybe she'll take pity on me and make me switch partners.
" Mrs Ramroch I kinda agree with him on this one, except for the idiot part we all know I'm anything but an idiot, plus Asher and I don't get along so it would be difficult to do the project." I told Mrs Ramroch hoping she'll take the bait.
"No! No one is switching partners!" Mrs Ramroch yelled. Her eyes darkened in rage as she looked between Asher and I.
Well bring the whole roof down then miss,no need to shout.
Was it that difficult to switch up partners? Fucking teachers and their cliche ways of bringing enemies together.
Asher started cursing at the back of me being all dramatic. I mean I'm sure he'll leave all the work for me to do anyway, so why get all worked up?
The dude got the better end of this, with me being the top student and all, but having the worst luck I had to get an imbecile who barely takes part in class. One who hates my guts and thinks I'm revolting.
" Now everyone get close to your partner to discuss more on the project." Mrs Ramroch announced shooing us to our partners. My face said it all, I wanted nothing but to get out of here. But that would be impossible with a cockroach(Mrs Ramroch) looming over us and watching our every move.
This is it, this is how I'm going to die young. And I never even got to have a boyfriend.
I got up to sit by Asher because apparently he didn't want to leave his seat. He had an impassive look on his face.
He suddenly turned towards me with a sneer on his face. His mouth curling into a snarl as he looked at me in disgust.
" Don't say a word to me." He says.
"Don't worry I won't, no need to waste my time talking to an imbecile." I said softly hoping he doesn't hear me.
"What did you just say?" He asked.
"No-thing!" I stuttered while shaking my head.
It's sad really, I'm an eighteen year old who is still afraid of her bully. God I don't know why I can never stand up to him. Well he is 6'1 and has a lot of muscle while I on the other hand look like a toothpick. Plus I'm all by myself. I don't have any friends who attend this school.
"We will discuss this project at my penthouse, don't bring your slutty friend with you." He said.
Even though we were currently attending a boarding school,Asher's parents had allowed him to stay off the premises and leave on his own. I guess another perk of being rich.
My eyebrows scrunched in confusion as I thought of who he must be referring to. It must be Rose since she and her brother are my only friends.
But Rose isn't a slut, she's very much of an introvert who loves playing video games and watching movies.Wle her brother is the most friendly and outgoing guy I have ever met.
They are pretty cool to hang out with, too bad they take courses online and don't attend the same school as me.
"Hey I'm talking to you!" He sneered, getting me out of my thoughts.
"Sorry Asher didn't hear you." I mumbled.
"What were you thinking about? Was it one of your many fucktoys?" He growled. His eyes held a glint of anger before he hid it with a nonchalant look.
My mouth slacked as I looked at him in shock. I wasn't expecting him to say that or think so low of me. Oh who am I kidding Asher has always thought low of me so this shouldn't be a shock to me.
But he was far from the truth, I was still a virgin for crying out loud, I never even had my first kiss. I was innocent in more ways than one.
But who is he referring to if it isn't me? What gave him the conclusion that I had fucktoys?