I glared at him " I'm done with you."
I got ready to leave as I sidestepped him but got pulled back by a furious Asher. His grip wasn't bruising but it was firm enough to not let me go.
"And who said that I was done with you?" Asher asked fuming. By now there was a crowd forming around us, some already had their phones out ready to record us.
My back stiffened as my eyes scanned the many eyes who looked at us in interest. It disgusted me that none of them would stop him from bullying me.
Yes Asher's parents were the riches in the country making him be praised. And no matter how many rules he broke he never got into trouble. It must be nice for him to be such a praised little shit.
My attention was brought back to Asher and I looked at his hand that was wrapped around my wrist securely.
"Let me go, or are you going to start physically abusing me now?" I asked him sarcastically. Asher had never physically abused me and I knew he wouldn't start now. I just wanted to rile him up and by the look on his face it was working.
He withdrew his hands as if I had just burnt him. His eyes softened a little before he covered it up with hatred. He was about to retort when the ringing of the bell cut him off.
He smirked " The bell just saved you little mouse." He reached out his hand to playfully tug softly on a strand of my hair in a mocking manner.
I stepped away from him and without another word walked to class. I was the first one in class other than Mrs Ramroch who I refer to as cockroach in my head. It was just a nickname I had come up with because of her surname.
Her plump figure was slumped on her desk as she waited for the rest of the students. It was a wonder her temper hadn't risen as yet when she hadn't seen Asher enter. She was the only teacher who had a dislike for the pompous fool.
But I must've talked too soon because he sauntered in, hands in his pockets as he chewed on a toothpick. Mrs Ramroch's face morphed into anger as she scowled at him.
"Nice of you to finally join us Grey." She vocalized. But Asher only rolled his eyes at her in annoyance before plotting himself down on a chair at the far back.
She let out an angry sigh before hosting her glasses back on her nose. Her eyes scanned everyone before she got up to walk towards the front of the class.
"Everyone I'm going to be pairing you up for this term project and yes I'm choosing your partner." Mrs Ramroch announced. Well fuck my life.
I waited with anticipation for the teacher to announce my name and my partner's. My hands became clammy as I feared of being partnered up with my worst nightmare.
Really Mrs Ramroch do we really need a partner for that stupid project. God please don't make cockroach (Mrs Ramroch) partner up Asher and I that would be hell, and I had enough of it.
Mrs Ramroch started calling out the names, taking her time as the names rolled off her tongue.
"Daphne and Connor," " Liz and Joe," Brad and Ellis" "Asher and Lily."
I was doomed.