Mel sat between her kidnappers and was dying to get some answers. She was still holding her sippy cup, which she had actually brought up to her lips a few times herself. Even though every instinct of her body wanted to twist the lid off and drink it as any sane adult would she hadn't given in to the urge, hoping to please the men so they would reveal as much as possible.
"Now honey, we understand that you have many questions, but before we begin we only want you to know that you're in a safe environment."
Mel held back a scoff at the back of her throat, safe environment? Had he actually said safe environment? These guys certainly has some wild delusional problems. Mel took the silence as an ok to ask a question. God, where should she even begin? She needed to know basic facts about them, shouldn't that be important for the police?
"Soo. Umm. What's your names?"
They looked at each other for a moment, and the green eyed one shrugged. He seemed to be the one making the shots.
"I'm Damian Falls and he's Luke Falls. But sugar, you are to call us daddy and papa. Ok?"
Mel didn't answer, of course she would never call them that, instead she pushed forward with her questions.
"Where are we?"
"Home, Damian smirked as he answered this, and that's enough of where we are."
Mel pondered, she didn't expect the men to just give her the info willingly, it would have been to easy. And if they were going to avoid her inquiries, she might as well ask the question that burned deep into her to know.
"Why have you taken me?"
Gosh it sounded so stupid. Obviously because they were mentally deranged, that's why.
"Well baby cakes, Luke spoke, you see your daddy and me have searched for a little for a very long time. We hadn't found anyone, but when we saw you we just knew that you were our little girl. You were ours to spoil and love and cherish. We just want to make you happy."
This information swirled in her head, she frowned at the word little. She was 20 so not a little girl anymore, and sure she had heard about daddy kinks, but never to this extent. Outside the bedroom she had never even reflected that this might exist.
"What do you mean little, I am 20 years old, not a little girl."
They scratched at the back of their heads and looked uncomfortable.
"Well you see, we know how hard life has been on you lately, and we want to give you a life without worries. A life where you can just let go and be you."
The answer sent chills along Mel's spine. They really thought they were doing her a favour. And how did they know she had been through struggles lately, the only way was if they had spied on her. Her heart sank with this realisation. This wasn't some random grab, they had studied her, chosen her, and now that they had her.. They would never let her go.
"How.. How long have you been planning this?"
There was a silence, silence was never good.
"Three years ago."
She felt her heart sink. Three years ago? They have planned this for three years? They have stalked her without her knowing it? She was devastated to say the least.
"Why me?"
She asked with a broken voice.
"Because, you deserve it sweetheart. And we both felt it in our hearts that you were our to love. And as I said we have always wanted a little girl to care for, just waiting for the right one. And here you are."
"When will I go home?"
It was a question she had been afraid to ask. She was afraid what the answer would be.
"Honey, you are home."
Tears burned behind her eyelids. It was just what she feared. They intended to keep her forever, she really had to come up with an escape plan.
"But I'm not. I had a home, which you took me from. I had a family, which you took me from. I had a life you know! You say you want me to be happy, so please set me free."
She saw what she said was hurting them, and she was glad. These men just thought she would play house with them happily? Ha, they had another thing coming.
"Please just let me go home and I won't tell a soul about this. I swear."
"No. You. Are. Home."
Damian spoke through gritted teeth, he was getting worked up. Good. Luke just looked sad and hurt at the same time. Good.
"I think that's enough questions for one night baby girl. It's time for some rules instead."
Damian spoke again, he was pinching the bridge of his nose in an effort to try to calm himself down.
"What no? I wasn't done! You said I could ask my questions!"
Mel cried out, feeling cheated.
"I said we could talk, I never said that you could ask all your little questions. And we have talked. Too much if you ask me. Now it's daddies time to speak."
She was about to argue when she saw Damian's eyes. They were sporting a 'do not push me or you will be sorry' stare and her arguments died down. She still didn't know what the men were capable of. Damian hoisted her up and placed her on his lap so she was facing him.
She felt uncomfortable there, but her instincts said she shouldn't push her luck right now.
"So princess, you are going to have some rules. The rules are there for your benefit, to help you."
More like to control me, Mel thought.
Luke took her hands in his, his eyes were glazed over and he looked like he might cry at any given moment.
"Just know darling that we love you so much, and just want what's best for you."
Yeah, besides living my own god damn life that is..
"Rule number one: we are daddy and papa. You will address us thereafter.
Rule number two: always respect others. No hitting or biting.
Rule number three: what daddies say goes. We know what's best for our little girl.
Rule number four: always tell daddies if something feels wrong, even though you think it'll make us sad.
Rule number five: baby does not speak any foul language.
Rule number six: baby takes one nap a day.
More rules may be added on later, but these are the most important ones. If you break the rules daddy and papa have no choice but to punish you.
Punishments can vary from time-outs, early bedtime and spankings. Depending what you did wrong.
Do you understand sweetums?"
Mel stares at him in shock. Does she understand? Yes she understands that they are totally bonkers, they really expect her to do all those things? That she won't fight them with every inch?
"Mel, did you hear me? Do you understand?"
She snaps out of it. It was the first time they had called her by her name. She figures it's best to keep the lunatics happy for now, until she finds a way to escape.
"Yes I understand.."
Damian caresses her face.
"Such a clever girl. Aren't we the luckiest daddies in the whole wide world?"
"I believe we are."
Luke responds and they kiss quickly before grabbing Mel and squishes her against them. It was a long hug and Mel tried to picture herself anywhere, but there.
"How about a movie, hmm?"
Damian says after a while and places Mel in Luke's lap. As usual he doesn't wait for a reply, but gets up either way. Mel is faced forward towards the big screen and Luke is hugging her from behind. She knows he's not about to let her go, but she doesn't want to give him the satisfaction and lean back and rest against him. He doesn't push her either.
Damian comes back with two pacifiers. She groans, not this again.
"Okay baby, you know you did a very naughty thing before when you bit daddy, but since you have been such a good girl since, I'm going to let you chose. Do you want the paci with the straps or the one without?"
"Ehm. Neither?"
She says truthfully. He shakes his head.
"No babygirl. That wasn't an option."
She huffs and Luke is massaging her back, she wished it didn't feel so good as it did. She felt trapped and unable to do anything, but for the time being abide to these mens sick fantasy.
She mumbles real low. Not low enough cause Damian lits up and hand her a paci. It's a pink guard and on the button it says daddy's girl with pink hearts. She holds in her hand unsure what to do. Damian is busy picking out a movie when she hear Luke whisper:
"I would pop that paci in angel, daddy's not known to be patient."
She looked at him scared and swallows her dignity and plops the object in. Damian turns and a big grin is spreading across his face. He nears her and coos.
"Such a cutiepie. I could just eat you up!"
He attacks her face with kisses and give her a final one, right on her paci. She manages to hide her disgust and try to focus on finding a way out of here and stying calm.
"Come on, let's cuddle with daddy!"
He says as he lifts her up in the air spinning her around before bringing her close to his chest. Luke laughs from the background and gets up to fix some snacks.
He lays down and she is snuggled tight against his chest her legs on either side of him. A soft blanket covers her and he offers her the blue elephant from before. She takes it and shrugs. Better to cuddle with a stuffie than with him she reasons. The movie starts and she is actually pleased with the choice, Ice Age, one of her favourites. Her excitement dies down when she realises that he probably knew this and that was the reason for putting it on.
They have just watched the vultures singing scene when Luke gets up again. She hated to admit it, but she was quite comfy. Damian had massaged her scalp a longer time and his touch should be disgusting, but it felt so relaxing. He paused the movie and said:
"I think that it would be much comfier in our pjs, what say you love?"
She rolled her eyes at him, she knew that she didn't have a choice. Nevertheless she pushed herself up and started to get off him. Her feet barely touched the floor before he scooped her up and placed her on his hip.
"Hey. I can walk you know."
"Hmm, yes, but if you're walking I wouldn't be able to do this!"
He said and placed big smootches all over her.
She whined, not finding it as funny as her 'daddy'. He chuckled but listened to her at least. He entered her room and laid her down on the changing table. Once again he did a quick job of stripping her, but before he put some PJs on he checked her diaper. He did it just like you would an infant, by sticking his finger through a hole and felt on the inside. Mel felt her face turn bright red at the intrusion. He clicked his tongue.
"It's not good to hold it in honey."
Mel wasn't sure why she was shocked that he was expecting her to use the diaper, they did really think of her as a baby. But some small part of her had hoped that she wouldn't have to do that, it was too degrading to think about.
He put her in Batman pjs, thankfully her feet were free this time. Then picked her up. She couldn't picture ever being used to this, she felt so exposed to them.
"Daddy's just going to change real quick. Be a good girl and stay here."
He said and placed her in the crib and raising the bars. She huffed, she had managed to get out once, but she figured it was better to wait until tonight, when they both were sleeping. Damian strolled back in wearing just pyjama bottoms and wow he was buff. He looked like he lived at the gym, and he had tattoos too, more of a tribal sort. Mel knew she had no chance in taking either of the men and had to be smart in order to succeed to break free. He lowered the railing holding his hands out.
It took Mel a moment to realise what he wanted. She looked at him dumbfounded. Did he really think she would walk into his arms and let him pick her up? Well, she scooted to the end and placed her feet on the floor ready to take off when she heard a sigh and was hoisted up again. Seriously why wouldn't they let her walk on her own?
"I guess daddy got an independent girl on his hands huh?"
He said and bopped her pacifier, which to her horror she realised she had forgotten about. It stopped bobbing between her lips immediately and she felt devastated. It had only been one day, how could she already be used to it? Damian seemed to notice her distress and whispered to her:
"Shh it's okay beautiful, it's okay to let your guard down just a little and enjoy."
Only it wasn't okay. Because if she let it down a little, maybe she wouldn't be able to get it up again. And she wasn't enjoying it, she just forgot about it. Nothing more to it. She was startled from her thoughts when she heard Luke coo.
"Ah is it my superhero?"
She was passed on to Luke after being given a kiss to her temple by Damian. Luke laid her in his embrace so she was resting her head in the crook of his arm. Damian pressed play again and then started to rub her feet, which was positioned in his lap. She felt herself relaxing again, massaging does that to you!
She barely registered Luke taking out the pacifier, but she felt another nipple pressing against her lips. She looked up at Luke and saw that he was holding up a bottle full of milk. Luke nor Damian however was watching her. They both was focused on the movie.
She pushed it away little, making Luke look down at her. She wasn't ready to see such a loving stare from him.
"It's okay sweetie, it's just some milk, I think you will like it."
His brown eyes held a warm glow and he looked so hopeful.
"But, I don't want to drink from a bottle."
Mel whispered, feeling embarrassed to be babied to such extent.
"Just try it, for me?"
Mel didn't have the power to fight him over it. She let him place the nipple inside her mouth and gave a careful suck. The milk that came out tasted divine. It wasn't plain milk or baby formula like she had feared. No it was spiced with. Hm what was it? She sucked again and more milk trickled down her throat. She could definitely taste cinnamon and something more.
Luke smiled to himself, he had to angle the bottle so his princess wouldn't drink to quickly. If only she knew how cute she looked like this. The bottle had the desired effect and her eyelids were working their way down, she was fighting it with all her might though. He gently pressed a kiss on her forehead, forcing her to close her eyes. He stayed a moment longer and when he lifted his head up again her eyes remained closed. He swiftly traded the bottle for her paci, which she suckled on contently. He looked over at Damian and saw his own happiness mirrored.
"Day one completed. Welcome to the rest of our happy life."
He said before locking Luke's lips and kissing him passionately.