"How could she have allowed herself to accept this this far? She allowed them to touch her without being disgusted, actu...
Waking Up
Mel felt weird waking up, she hadn't even opened her eyes yet, but she could just tell. Something was terribly wrong. She felt groggy, like her mind had been fiddled with. And how hard she tried, she couldn't remember anything from last night from when she said goodbye to her boss Tim until now.
Slowly she opened her eyes and she wished she had kept them shut. Hanging straight above her was a mobile, you know the kind for babies, with hot air ballons in soft pastel colours. Turning her head she saw white bars surrounding her, they were tall and obviously meant to keep her imprisoned here.
The more she came to her senses the more freaked out she begun to be. Through the bars she saw light purple walls, with clouds painted on them. A white dresser and some sort of bench beside it. A big chest with the letters TOYS written on it. It all was so, childish. Like a room you would have kept a baby in. A nursery. That made Mel very nervous, why was she waking up here, who had put her here?
She still hadn't made any noise, afraid to attract someone's attention. Someone that she didn't want to meet. She looked around in the crib, cause let's face it, it was a crib that held her imprisoned. There was a blue elephant, a brown teddy and the blanket she was covered in. As quietly as she was capable of she shrugged the blanket off , almost groaning loudly to what she saw underneath. She was wearing footed pyjamas that were light blue with Winnie the Pooh on them. How could such a childish garment even exist in her size? She was twenty years old for crying out loud! What was even more worrying was the puffy, soft thing that was underneath the pyjamas.. She sighed and felt with her hands, yep that was a diaper alright. If she hadn't been panicked before, now was as good time as any to freak out.
First things first, she had to make her way out of this crib. She stood up on shaky legs, she must have been drugged she realised. Even when she stood up the bars where above her head. She had no strength to pull herself up, not in this state in any case.
Not caring anymore she slammed her fists against the bars and screamed:
"Let me out of here! LET ME GOOOO!"
Tears were pouring down her cheeks, the panic attack hitting her strong. She heard the door opening, but that didn't stop her screaming or crying.
"Hey hey hey, shh baby girl. Daddy's here, all is okay now."
She wanted to scream that nothing was okay and demand him to let her go. Instead she cried more and backed as far as the crib would allow her. She heard a click and felt hands under her armpits. Soon she was hoisted into the air, but not for long as she soon was cuddled up against a strong, broad chest.
"Shh princess, daddy's got you."
She felt him rubbing circles on her back, surely intended to be soothing, but being in the arms of her captor was too much for her. She started to trash around, trying to escape his grip. When that plan failed miserably, since he didn't even seem affected by her actions only continued to rub her back and bounce her slightly. She swung her arms out, clawing at whatever she made contact with. She heard him hiss and felt victorious for two seconds, before he had both her wrist in a iron grip in just one of his hands, the other propped under her bum.
She did the last attack her brain could think off and bit down on his shoulder, hard. She felt the irony taste of blood in her mouth and clamped down harder, hoping he would drop her. Instead she felt a swift smack on her thighs, making her cry out loud from pain.
He held her a bit from him and for the first she saw her kidnapper. He was.. handsome? Yes, not someone you would picture kidnapping a person. He had brown hair that was in a messy way, emerald green eyes and a stubble. On his right cheek was a small wound, probably from her attack. He was sporting a frown and said sternly:
"Little girl, we do not hit or bite. Especially not daddy."
He was scolding her? How dared he?
"Fuck you, you sick perv!"
She retorted and his gaze changed, it was cold now and she gulped. Maybe she had been a bit too liberal, who knows what he is capable of doing? Maybe he will murder her right here and now?
Instead he sighed and rubbed his forehead.
"I know all of this is confusing baby, and that you must be scared right now, but I will not tolerate that language. Got it?"
His eyes looked down into hers and he wasn't joking around. She looked down, feeling nervous of his demanding stare. His hand tugged her chin up, forcing her to meet his eyes.
"I said; got it?"
She nodded and he seemed content with that.
"Now I think someone owes daddy a sorry for hitting and biting him, hmm?"
He was joking, right? He looked dead serious and was looking rather expectantly at her. Mel crossed her arms and turned away her face. Somewhere in her brain she realised the action would recall a grumpy toddler, but what could she do when she was still in his embrace, forced against her kidnappers body. She decided that until she would find a way out of here she would give him the silent treatment.
She heard him sigh and felt proud, maybe if she was being difficult and refused to work with him he would let her go. It was a long shot, but anything was better than the situation she was in now.
However the feeling of proudness soon disappeared when she felt something rubbery press against her lips. She tried to avoid it, but moving her head side to side somehow gave him access to press the item in. She tried spitting it out, but he tsked at her and she felt something click behind her head.
"If my little girl doesn't know how to say sorry, I assume she's much too young to speak. It's okay though, daddy knows baby girl only wants her paci."
He kissed her temple when he finished and she beyond frustrated. A pacifier?! He had forced a pacifier into her mouth and strapped it into place, making it impossible for her to spit out. She tried forcing it out with her tongue, but stopped abruptly when she realised it only looked like she was suckling the damn thing.
Her hands reached back around her head to unclasp the stupid straps when his hands took hers and said:
"No baby, the paci stays in. If you behave and be a good girl, that I know you are, then the paci comes out. Now does daddy have to place mittens on these sweet little hands or does my booboo understand?"
She cringed at the words mittens and his never-ending stupid nicknames that only seemed to belittle her. But, not being able to have her hands free scared her too much and in defeat she nodded her head.
"Such a smart girl daddy have." He praised and pressed another kiss on the crown of her head.
Mel was starting to lose hope, and from all the crying and fighting with the drugs still in her system she felt her lids starting to drop. She felt herself being fixed against him, her head resting on his shoulder, her legs forced around his torso. Him carrying her with one hand under her rump and the other scratching her back ever so lightly. He was swaying back and forth and humming in a low-key tone. She could feel his chest vibrate and the last thing she heard before she let sleep take her over was;
"Sleep princess, daddy will be here when you wake."