It was raining again.
But this time, it was a little bit harsh. The coven decided to stay in doors tonight because Hayden had come home late and he was thoroughly exhausted. They all say cozied up in the living room, fire burning brightly. It crackled and popped against the dark wood burn logs and it gave the atmosphere a homey vibe.
The girls sat at one end and the guys sat on the other, Max however, perched himself against the window seat. He watched as the clothes turned the sky a little greyish even though it was almost midnight and watched as the water droplets seeped down the glass like tears.
"Max seemed pretty pissed about the whole new member thing..." Tyler continued explaining the situation to Hayden. He and Benji played a game of chess while Tyler leaned back against the coach and relaxed.
The girls were doing each other's nails and playing with their phone silently, sometimes picking their head up to hear what had happened during the day.
"Speaking of pissed.... Why were you so angry Max? You don't usually lose your cool that way?" Tyler asked and Max took his time to answer. He stared out the window a little more before the pressurising beams of 6 pairs of eyes settled on him. All attention focused on him... Waiting to see what he had to say because they noticed his unerviness.
He slowly turned his head toward them, his gorgeous red eyes looked amazing against his flawless skin.
"I don't know why but... Every time I think about the treaty being disrespected, I just get angry."
"That's not it, you weren't particularly angry at Chase this afternoon... It was that new wolf— Connor." Benji said calmly, pointing at Max using the white queen pinched between his pale fingers before he placed it on the board, an excited "Checkmate." Leaving his lips.
Max stared at the window again, his eyes narrowed at the water droplets. He was trying to grasp the situation, he gets angry when he sees or even hears about the new wolf because...
He can sense something weird... Something strong from him. The strength rippled off him in folds and it had Max on edge...
Maybe because he hadn't felt that kind of power off any wolf... Not even Chase.
It unsettled him ...
He was never afraid of a wolf before but he feels there should be a little worry when it comes to this one.
"I think it's because—"
"He challenges you. He blurs your control."
Hayden cut him off simply, his eyes not leaving the board as he slid his sneaky bishop and knocked down Benji's queen easily. The blonde man swearing loudly. Max felt his heart thump, he was always amazed by how Hayden always hit the nail on the head.
Max remained quiet after that, everyone seeming to get the gist of the matter at hand. Hayden finishes Benji off in the next five minutes and then he's dismissing all of them— wanting some time alone with Max.
Hayden would never admit it but... He had a soft spot for Max from all the vampires he's turned. Max was something so special... It was something natural. Maybe it was because of how fierce he was, how he never bowed down to anyone...
Anyone besides Hayden. Max felt attached to Hayden, seeing as the doctor was the one who saved his life.
Max watched in curiosity as everyone instantly stood up and emptied the living room just on one command. He noticed how Hayden stood up, his black three quarter pants baggy against his legs, blue shirt tight against his lean torso and a thin white cardigan draped over his big frame. His blue hair pushed back and a pair of spectacles sat on his nose as usual.
The tall male made his way over to Max, pulled out a stool and sat Infront of the vampire. They both remained silent, just staring at each other for a bit before Hayden folded his sleeves.
And Max looked away instantly... Because he knew what Hayden wanted to do.
"You like control Max .. you like order, I've noticed that about you from day one of seeing you. I just need you to not overthink this..." The older male spoke calmly, his voice soothing and despite Max hating being lectured or spoken to as if he didn't know what he was doing— he couldn't help but pay attention because Hayden always awed him with his words. He respected Hayden with everything he's got.
"I know I said that you need to lighten up and show your emotions more... But, I didn't mean you should show your anger in specific." The blue haired male slowly hovered his wrist against Max's mouth.
The brunette knew what he wanted to do yet he refused to acknowledge Hayden's hand. Persisting him to take a bite.
The elder sighed again, despite Max having control and being the most obedient— he still acted like a baby sometimes. Max wouldn't drink blood for weeks on end sometimes ... And as much as vampires could live off human food...
They needed their blood to keep them strong and healthy. So that they could defend themselves if ever needed. Depending on human food wouldn't last them long in a fight.
So Hayden had to sometimes force feed him.
Hayden ordered and this had Max turning around slightly,
"You know what blood does to me Hayden." Max spoke softly, his voice controlled and leveled. Max didn't like drinking blood because once he had a taste, he lost control, he would drink until there's nothing left. He would delve in the divine taste of sweet nectar and then reach peaks of euphoria that no one else trekked. His mind would get fuzzy, sometimes he wouldn't remember where he was...
Who he was.
It's not like he didn't like it... It's just that... He hated losing control. Blood controlled him like a drug...
"When was the last time you drank blood huh?" The blue head asked softly.
"Two days ago." Max spoke but Hayden detected the tone— the brunette was lying.
"If I remember correctly ... You didn't drink fresh from a human when they arrived. You said you'd have a blood bag later but I never actually saw you follow through with that." The elder raised a brow and Max wanted to hiss in discontent but he knew he's attempt of denial would be futile because Hayden knew him too well.
He stared at Hayden with slight annoyance but Hayden gestured toward his wrist. Hayden had drunk quite a few blood bags that morning for the soul purpose of feeding Max.
Max wouldn't feed off anyone else otherwise.
The brunette slowly sat up and took a hold of Hayden's wrist delicately, he slowly caressed the soft skin of the elders— his skin was so smooth and beautiful. Max slowly pulled it toward his lips and instantly... Long fangs began to retract from gums a little painfully. They were sharp, pointed edges that could cut you even if you ran your finger over it.
And then he sank his fangs into Hayden's wrist, a groan leaving the elder while a hot puff of air left Max's nostrils at the lack of air from his mouth. Instantly, a gush of slightly sweet blood filled his mouth the way a straw would deliver a drink to your tongue and he let out a hungered moan. There was nothing sexual about it, just pure hunger. Max began to swallow softly but he knew it wouldn't last long...
The blood had made his pupils dilate and sooner than later, a haze had settled over his brain like a butterfly net. Hayden adjusted himself on the seat so that he would sit comfortably, because he knew this was gonna take a while. Max's mouth became more desperate, as small swallows turned into desperate gulps... His Adam's apple bobbing harshly. His mouth had become so full, blood streaked out the corner and leaked down his chin, dripping onto pants.
"Careful... You're messing." Hayden spoke adoringly, he always felt good and content when he made Max feed. He felt better about himself too. He swiped away the blood from Max's chin and licked his thumb quickly and watched as Max desperately drank.
Max felt as if he had been starved, seeing as he never had blood for almost a month. His stomach felt like it was expanding... Wanting to accommodate the sweet liquid.
Max practically ripped himself away from Hayden's wrist and his large blown eyes stared up at his elder, the blood almost making him look deranged. Hayden knew Max wasn't finished just yet tho, so he loosened the collar of his blue shirt and tilted his head to the side.
Max pushed forward eagerly, his once composed demeanor shattered, and left behind was someone too desperate. He hated it.
He instantly sank his fangs into Hayden's neck, no hesitation and groaned at the sweeter feeling of Hayden's neck pumping sweeter blood. It had Max almost dizzy, Hayden kept strong hands on Max as he fed. The blood seeping down and soaking into Hayden's shirt despite pulling the material out of the way.
Hayden let out a soft chuckle because Max had always been a messy eater.
It had been ten minutes later when the smaller pulled off, his eyes droopy as his hunger had been Sated. He knew that the next day... He would be in top form.
Hayden hugged him before using his speed to lay Max into his own bed, watching as the boy fell asleep instantly.