"Someone's really energised huh?" Tyler teased as he nudged into Max's side a few nights later. The silver haired male clearly knew of the younger's feeding the other night.
They all picked it up when they went down to the living room the next day and smelt the pungent smell of their leader's blood. They were a bit envious, they wanted a taste too but Hayden only ever fed Max and sometimes Bridgette since that was his lover. Nothing about it was sexual besides the fact that it was healthy for them to feed off the person who turned them.
Max's response to Tyler's antics was a heavy glare that could even make the dead die again. The coven was preparing themselves to go to the wolf pack for their monthly meeting to discuss new additions or amendments to the treaty.
It was the only day in which the wolves and vampires compromised. They were never allowed to enter each other's territory any other day besides the prescribed date. Only one day...
That was the only time they were allowed to cross territory. They alternated between locations, sometimes the wolves would come to the vampire's home or vampires to the Wolf's pack.
In this instance, they were headed to the pack. The sun had just set and Hayden was still in his room, changing. He had only come home minutes ago, which caused a delay in the usual time.
"Ready?" Hayden spoke, his voice was his usual calm and soothing, the mere sound had the other six visibly relax. They were always on edge when they entered the pack territory, not because they thought the wolves were stronger—no. Rather, they were clearly outnumbered. The pack consisted of 30 while coven was 7. Quite an unfair ratio to be frank.
All six vampires nodded their heads slowly and with a flick of Hayden's finger, they were walking out the front door. The driveway lights had illuminated the house with a soft gold and made the modern house look even more stunning. The sky rocked gorgeous stars, twinkling like fairy lights in a dark room.
Crickets filled the air with their soothing sound and an owl made it's night call nearby. Max closed his eyes and took a deep inhale of the fresh earthy air. There were so many perks of staying in the mountains. There were so much peace—
A deep howl filled the air, it was spine chilling and Hayden sighed.
"Let's get going, seems the Alpha is pissed that we're late." Tyler spoke for Hayden and in an instant, they vanished from their spots at the speed of light. Max of course was the fastest, so he made it there first.
Instantly stopping at the mouth of the wolf village. Right outside the entrance, stood a gigantic tree— bigger than the others. It's trunk was massive and it's branches extended so far, that it provided shade for the entire village.
Max leaned up against it, his arms folding beneath him as he waited for the others. The wolves guarding the entrance spotted him and one of them instantly retreated to inform the alpha of their arrival.
Not even five seconds later and the rest of the coven were appearing before Max. Benji gave Max a look, "Could you not have slowed down a bit and ran with us Max?"
His older brother scolded and Max replied with an eye roll.
"Leave him be Benji. Speed is his power... Let him use it." Bridgette scolds the blonde. To say the three females had a soft spot for Max, would be an understatement. The cherry blonde female came forward and ruffled his hair before following Hayden to the entrance waiting for their escorts to take them in.
They weren't allowed to just walk in.
The vampires waited outside the camp. Hayden was quite patient so he endured it because they were late anyway. He knew Chase was gonna be more bitter with him than usual and he couldn't help the sigh that escaped his lips.
"Follow me bloodsuckers." One of the guard 'dogs' spat just to rile them up and surprisingly enough, Max beat Benji in delivering a comeback,
"Sure mutt."
Tyler and Benji snickered while the guard growled in threat. Hayden, who watched it all, simply shook his head— this was definitely going to be a long night.
As usual, the women and children of the pack strayed away from the incoming enemies, their eyes filled with fear while the males held their ground and glared at the intruders.
They were led right to the end of the pack, where a giant wooden cabin sat— home of the alpha. There was a small fire burning outside the house, wolf pack men circling the perimeter while Chase sat Infront of the flaming flower. His black shorts holding his thighs perfectly, top half was as usual bare— showing off his defined pecs and light abs.
"You're late." Chase growled, his eyes dark and teeth clenched as he glared at Hayden in particular. Hayden nodded in agreement before opening his mouth to speak,
"Work was a little hard today, I only got off only an hour ago."
Chase didn't say anything and simply gestured to the vampires to take a seat on the seven tree stumps placed at an arc opposite him, while three wolves flanked his side's, left and right. Now here they were, wolf to vampire once again.
Max didn't appreciate sitting next to a wolf but what could one do.
"As we finally commence with the monthly meeting of the peace treaty, I want you vampires to take a look at the perimeters— I want no shit tricks from you seven." Chase growled out and everyone exchanged looks. Chase's mood seemed to be on the peaks.
For some reason, they could sense the bite in his tone and Max felt as if the tone had nothing to do with them being late.
The fire crackled lowly and the warmth had just made everyone feel slightly closed in. Vampires couldn't feel warmth... They were always cold. Their body temperature is never a normal one.
Hayden seemed to pick up on Chase's prickled state and he couldn't help but open his mouth to query,
"Is something the matter?" The blue headed male watched wearily through his thick rimmed glasses. For some reason, this kind of made Chase bristle further. His eyes going darker and his teeth in a sharp grind.
"Throughout this whole week... There's been vampire sightings all over my land." He grinded out, his body visibly straightening in order to intimidate the others.
The vampires exchanged shocked looks with each other, a look of confusion settling onto their features while Max watched CHase with narrowed eyes.
"That's impossible." Hayden spoke calmly—confidently. Deep down, he knew that he had no relation to those vampires whatsoever but the thought of new vampires had certainly put him on edge.
Hayden seemed to get a little more ticked off at that, as if he believed Hayden was lying.
"Impossible? It would seem inevitable... " The alpha spoke dangerously low, his eyes turning red. Tyler spoke up this time,
"So you're insinuating that we are the ones that brought them here?" Tyler asks, his tone edging deeper into the dept of hell. His fingers clenching at his side.
The alpha shrugged before putting on a fake smile, while underneath, he was fuming.
"If the shoe fits."
"Why you—"
Tyler's legs sprung up in an attempt to leap at the alpha. Stupid move if you asked anyone but was quickly sedated by Hayden placing a hand on his chest, pushing him back down. The other wolves were also on their feet— ready to attack as well.
Max, however, sat completely still. His skillful eyes roaming each wolf face and each wood crevice. The small fight that was about to enrage, had done nothing to spark his attention beside sharpening his senses.
"Chase... Listen to me."
Max's eyes now darted over to the speaking figure. Hayden.
In all his years, he hadn't heard Hayden speak in such a tone. It was soft, sweet, cautious and slightly pleading. Hayden had stared into the alpha's eyes,
"Stop this hostility and believe me when I say... That we have no link to the vampires entering your territory. There's only seven of us..." He spoke softly, his veiny hands outstretched and placed Infront of Tyler and Benji— just a precaution.
"Stop bullshitting me 'Hayden! Stop fucking lying! In the span of this week, I've lost three pack members! Three fallen brethren to your filthy kind!" Chase rose to his feet too, the vein popping on his neck. To any normal person, you would wonder how the situation had gotten so out of hand, so quickly.
But to Max, he expected it. For a while now, he noticed the way Hayden and Chase spoke. Chase seemed bitter about something and Hayden always seemed apologetic.
Did something happen between them?
"Hey... Now you watch your tongue." Benji warned before standing up too, Rose gripped his arm tightly.
"Do not speak to our alpha that way, you disgusting excuse for a species." The Alpha's beta stepped forward, the look of disgust clearly etched on his pretty face.
Rose stepped forward and hissed, her eyes going black and veins protruding. Her face so red from anger, she hated anyone who disrespected her lover,
"Disgusting mutt—"
Hayden's voice roared out, his facial features contorting tightly, his feline like eyes falling back onto Chase. His teeth were clenched harshly,
"Listen to me Chase, whatever feud we have... Should be kept out of serious and political matters. What good will it bring?!" Hayden's voice rising, fist clenching by his side. Bridgette remained quiet, she refused to step in because she knew her lover was more than capable of handling himself— and he despised being interrupted when he was engrossed.
"You! Brought our relationship in the middle of a political matter when we were little! Don't go back on your word, you hypocrite!"
There it is.
Hayden stiffened.
"We've settled the matter Chase..." Hayden spoke softly, as if warning the alpha to keep his voice down, to not reveal anything but—
"You definitely settled it, didn't you?" Chase turned around suddenly and revealed the base of his neck, gasps filled the air.
Max's eyes widened when he noticed a matching pair of white puncture wounds similar to the pair adorning the entire covens. The coven was on edge, their confused looks falling onto their leader.
Hayden's panic showing, fear sheening his once always confident expression. Max didn't like that one bit.
All it took... Was one second.
Hayden launching himself over the fire and taking hold of the alpha's throat, both males tumbling to the dirt. Chase lay flat on the ground, Hayden over him, with his fingers wrapped around his neck.
Surprisingly, Chase remained where he was, just glaring into Hayden's eyes. It was so intense, Max felt like he was intruding something so personal and private— that he actually felt uncomfortable.
The other pack members made a move to intervene but stopped instantly when the alpha picked up his hand, signalling them to stop.
A sudden rip of a howl erupted deep within the trees, causing everyone to dart their eyes toward the brush of trees to their right.
Max's eyebrows narrowed, squinting his red eyes, widening instinctively to the dark figure racing toward them. It's golden orange eyes glinted and got bigger as it approached.
Max's heart began to beat erratically for some reason because ...
He knew who this was.
The wolf burst through the trees in one giant leap and the vampires gasped slightly at its size. Max had certainly mistook his size, he was so much bigger than any wolf they had ever seen. Basil and dew filled his nostrils and burnt him, like molten lava.
And as if reading the wolf's mind, Max knew where it was headed.
Straight for Hayden.
And Max will never stand for that.
Before the wolf could go any further, Max was standing in front of Hayden and Chase in a protective stance. Knees bent and teeth bared, a hiss shrilling its way toward the wolf.
Finally... The moment has come.
Wolf vs Vampire.
No barrier in-between.