Emelia Pov
I got up from my bed as the clock stuck 6. Last night had been terribly slow after waking from my painful memory I couldn't find sleep anywhere near my eyes.
I had to reach my office by 10 and today being Monday, I started to get.
After brushing my teeth, I ran downstairs for jogging.
After an hour of workout I decided to take a bath and dressed into a white shirt with grey pants and heels.
As I walked out of my room I choked with surprise.
Nina was there completely dressed drinking her coffee.
I checked my watch just to make sure that I wasn't late but it was only 8:30.
God forbid what happened.
Nina hates waking up early in the morning. I relived the memory of her ex-boyfriend.
The bell went off indicating someone has arrived.
It was 7 in the morning.
Maybe the watchman, I thought.
I opened the door only to meet Andrew, Nina's boyfriend.
He smiled at me shushing me to keep quiet.
“morning Andrew what brings you here early in the morning?" I ask quietly.
"I wanted to surprise my baby" he replied.
"The house is all yours" I replied getting back to kitchen.
Well it was until 5 minutes when the whole house turned upside down by the screaming noises.
Andrew came out of the room with a bruise on his head ... but before I could inquire he stormed out grumbling 'idiotic bitch'
As I went to check on Nina she was still sleeping
'Never ruin my beauty sleep'
Well the reason why Andrew was her ex - boyfriend.
"Stop looking at me like I have grown two heads" she grumbled. Expected after all she woke up early in the morning.
"Who has the audacity to ruin my monster roommate's beauty sleep" I chuckled at her half asleep form.
"Well a meeting. .. " She said and I gave her 'how did you agree to it' look.
"Cause the deal is good and the client wants it at 9 in the morning" she replied.
"Alright" I decided to join her for breakfast since she rarely makes it.
"And yeah, I am not a monster" she replied shoving her omelet in.
"Whatever makes you sleep at night" I replied as I mAde my way outside the apartment.
Getting a cab I got to my office.
"Morning" the receptionist grumbled my way. She had always been the same way with everyone. Thinking she owns the place as she sleeps with boss's son.... not knowing that he is yet to become a boss and with his current attitude he never would be. They were just using each others for their physical and financial needs.
"Morning" I replied as I got in the elevator to my floor.
Reaching to my office I got to my work.
I barely talked to anyone here except for my boss and that too was all work related.
Make friends..... Something in me said but I couldn't. I mean I can't stay here for long. I will have to run again so it’s better if I keep my distance.
My phone rang breaking my chain of thoughts.
"Boss" it read.
"Yes sir"
"The meeting has been proponed Ms. Richardson and I am afraid that you might have to skip your lunch"
"Never mind sir, I will be in the meeting room in 5 minutes sir"
With that he hung up. I liked it professional. My boss was a man in his late fifties with a beautiful loving wife and a player of a son, reason why he still couldn't handover his hard work.
Walking my way towards the meeting room I started to prepare for the meeting, the room started to fill with people our current clients and some looking forward to join us.
As everyone sat a pair of green orbs met mine with his lips turning into a heart breaking smirk.
"Good afternoon everyone,
I thank you all for granting us with your presence" I started ... I could feel James staring at me but I ignored.
"Pleasure is all mine to be here near the beauty" someone butted in.
Mr. Ashton as my boss introduced earlier.
When had all our clients present and the special billionaire wanting to invest?
Mr. Ashton
Non other than Mr. Washington.
My bad luck with billionaires.
I could practically feel James's hand turn into a fist. Ignoring both of them I continued the meeting.
Finishing after an hour as everyone applauded as I concluded
"Anyone has any doubt?” I asked.
"Are you free tonight miss beautiful?" Mr. Ashton inquired and the room erupted into fIt’s of laughter.
Everybody here was elderly except for me, James and Mr. Ashton.
Well except for James trying to contain his pissed off look.
Instead of the blush I couldn't feel anything.... I was neutral.
"I am afraid that it’s an unprofessional question Mr. Ashton and I won’t be able to answer it" I replied calm.
"Well then what about tomorrow" he pressed but before I could respond a fist banged on the table.
"Can you stop flirting in the fucking meeting" he growled, Making the atmosphere uncomfortable.
"The meeting is over" my boss interrupted as I walked out.
Reaching my office I sat in peace
but not for long as the door flew open with such a force that I thought it would break.
There stood a very pissed James.
"Stay away from him" he growled.
"Mr. Washington I expect you to knock before coming in"
"Cut the freaking crap Emelia.. Just stay away from him and call me James."
"I am afraid I can't do that Mr. Washington" Well that was all it took him to push me to the nearest wall with him all on me.
"Say my name Emelia" he spoke making me weak to my knees. The way my name rolled of his lips mAde it impossible to breath.
I knew I was strong enough to push him but I still stood there frozen.
"Say my name Emelia" he repeated.
"James" I breathed out and he backed off satisfied.
"Now stay away from him.. He is player and bad for you"
"And how do you know that" I replied.
"Cause we are best friends" but that wasn’t James it was Mr. Ashton.
"Nick" he introduced as he took my hand and kissed. And in next second James had his hands at his collar.
"HOW DARE YOU?" He roared.
"Mr. Washington let nick go" I groaned.
James eyes snapped to me
Anger. Fury but lastly hurt visible in his eyes as he stormed out of my office.
I looked at his retreating figure walking out and sighed.
"Relax that man just has an angry bull like temper issues." Nick butted in making an unwanted smile appear on my face.
"And you still provoked him" I asked.
"Yeah ... it was funny watching jimmy jam getting jealous.... that’s a once in a blue moon kind of scene" he smirked and I laughed at the pet name.
"Whatever" I mumbled but I could feel a light pink color on my cheeks.
Heck why am I blushing
"Believe me princess he has hots for you" nick smirked yet again.
"Stop fouling around nick"
"Whatever makes you sleep at night! By the way I have a feeling that we are gonna be best friends.... Well if only jimmy jam doesn't kill me" he chuckled as he left.
An unwanted smile and blush was still lingering on my face.
Rest of the day was uneventful with the loads and loads of work. As the clock stuck 7 I gathered all my stuff.
Nina texted me she wasn’t coming home today so I decided to go to the super market and get some ice cream so I could pair it with some movies.
As I reached the hallway I removed my heels and got in my room.
I was late
First I had to go to the far away market to get my ice cream and then I didn’t find any cab.
As I entered the room my body shuddered.