Voices came from the kitchen. My mother and Aunt Deborah were sitting on the bar stools chatting at the kitchen island, a glass of white wine in my aunt's hand. A box of cheap wine sitting next to her. She took a long sip while my mother stroked my aunt's arm.
As I walk through the kitchen I say;
➖Hello, Aunt Déborah
My mother looked up and her eyebrows rose. I blushed, feeling so self-conscious about the tight top I was wearing;
➖It’s new, darling.
I shrugged my shoulders;
➖Yeah. I picked it up last weekend.
➖Are you going somewhere? A meeting?
I rolled my eyes and said;
➖Ma-mann... I'm heading right next door. Joachim and I have homework to do.
Aunt Deborah, with red eyes said;
➖Oh, that’s nice
She lowered her glass and pressed the tap on the side of the wine case. Liquid splashed as she filled her glass;
➖How long will you stay?
I shrugged my shoulders;
➖Probably late. We'll have dinner, watch bad movies or something. I might even crash there.
My mother declared;
➖Oh, that’s cruel. Making your cousin sleep on the floor when you could just walk next to it
➖DEBORAH: Oh, Joachim wouldn't mind, he's a gentleman like his father.
She took a long sip of her wine. I squirmed;
➖Just like him…
It would be so easy for Joachim and I to take the final step in our relationship, to cross the line between a harmless kiss and love. No one in the family would bat an eyelid if I stayed in their room all night. We had spent our whole lives running together. I had slept in his room and he had slept in mine many times. I pushed the thought away, my cheeks burning, and asked them;
➖Well, uh, what are you going to do tonight?
I needed to steer the conversation away from my sleep with Joachim just in case anyone was suspicious of my tight top and lack of bra.
Mom glanced at the glass of wine in Aunt Deborah's hand;
➖Oh, enjoy the last rays of sunshine by the pool, I think. Probably talk.
They've been talking a lot lately. Aunt Deborah drank too much wine. Sometimes she ended up sleeping and passed out in Mom's room. Maybe we should have an intervention or something for Aunt Deborah?
So I say, squirming;
➖Well, later
It was too intense here. I walked towards the next door. I hoped Joachim liked my tank top.
➖Son, I am disappointed in you; my father said.
This is not how I expected my dream to begin.
➖Sorry, Dad
I shrugged, not sure how I knew I was dreaming. It was just... it was like a dream.
We were in the kitchen. It was a disaster, as if Hurricane Jennifer had done it worse;
➖Things slip through the cracks, my son. Your mother and sisters are not doing their part. What did I tell you about a clean house?
I say;
➖Discipline, dad
I was aware that I was dreaming, so why was this what I was talking about? Why not a sexy girl? Or Amen? Or Rose? Or mom?
Dad continued;
➖If you want to fuck, your cousin is more than willing
➖ME: What?
➖Amen. This girl has had a crush on you since you were a child. Everybody knows it. And about your crush on her.
➖ME: Everyone?
My cheeks burned.
➖So why didn't you move? She is ripe.
➖ME: She’s my first cousin, dad
➖And? You are a man. It's a woman. You want yourself. So take it, my son. Women love it. Be strong, be dominant. Give him pleasure.
He paused and looked at me;
➖I know you're a virgin, but you've watched enough adult films
I moan;
It was embarrassing and I knew it wasn't real.
➖ME: Come on, dad.
➖Now, the adult film is not realistic, but you learned things from it. Women love it when you put them down. You make a woman cum, you lick her to orgasm and she will eat out of your hand. She will want to please you in return. She will suck your cock, swallow your cum, and even let you fuck her asshole. Be strong, confident and responsible. Discipline, son. You must maintain strong discipline with your wives.
➖ME: Fuck, dad.
➖As if I had kept it with your mother and your sisters. Don’t ever let any of them disrespect me. I never let the house fall into disrepair. You all understood your tasks and accomplished them. If you didn't...
I muttered;
➖You would spank us. Do you want me to spank my sisters?
➖And your cousins. I also watched your aunt's house. Discipline your cousins for her. This is man's work.
➖ME: Dad, you can't say things like that. Women are not property.
➖I never said they were. But they like strong men. The answer to that. Show strength and women will want to please you, including your mother.
➖ME: Great, now you're saying I should seduce mom. Damn, I have a horny subconscious
➖Your mother could use a hard fuck.
He gave me a serious look;
➖You saw her suffer. I miss him. She needs what I gave her. I was strong for her. I was there for her to lean on when things were tough. And they have never been so hard on her. So yes, show him that you are a man. And your sisters. And your cousins. Above all, Amen. You like it. She loves You. Reason enough to take hold of her and fuck her.
I say rolling my eyes;
➖So you want me to fuck every woman in my life. And I bet you want me to fuck Leslie too.
He approved;
➖Another girl who needs a man to keep her under control. Glad you understand. Make me proud, son.
The sound of my bedroom door opening chased away the dream. I groaned, the sleepiness of my nap fading, my cock painfully hard in my jeans. I wish it was a sex dream instead of my dad telling me to fuck every woman in my life.
But… that would be…
Amen asked;
➖Are you sleeping instead of solving math problems?
I groaned at the sight of my cousin. She was wearing a tank top. It was a frilly thing, lace, two spaghetti straps over her shoulders, the thin fabric was stretchy and clung to her torso and breasts and…
I gasped;
➖You are not wearing a bra
My cock throbbed harder. She had two hard nipples pointing towards me.
She entered the room and closed the door behind her.
Dad's words in my dream spoke to me. My cousin wanted me. Why else would she wear this top without a bra? Her round breasts were molded by the fabric. Might as well be naked. Her nipples hard, her cheeks red. She moved her hips, trembling. I sat on the edge of my bed as she looked at me.
Strength… Confidence…
She licked her lips;
➖So, you must arrive at…
Amen gasped. I cut her words off as I grabbed her jeans by the belt loops and pulled her close to my bed. Her breasts bounced as she approached me, her breasts right at eye level. I let go of his belt loops, my hands sliding up to grab his buttocks. They were firm buttocks.
She said trembling;
I looked up at his, loose sandy blonde hair falling across his face. She had showered and smelled fresh, a hint of baby powder and the coconut from her shower gel perfumed her. And those lips...
I say pulling her onto my lap;
➖I love you, Amen
She straddled me, her arms around my shoulders. His eyes were wide.
She whispered;
➖Joachim...Are we...?
➖ME: Yes.
My hand went up and lowered his head. Our mouths met. Apricot adorned her lips. Sweet and tangy at the same time. I moaned, kissing my cousin hard as she leaned back on my cock. I could feel her nipples against my chest, rubbing both our tops. They were thick, greasy, so hard. She sighed into the kiss, lips parted as my tongue dipped into her mouth.
Submission. To sell.
Dad was right. Maybe not to screw the rest of my family. But Amen...I loved him. I wanted her. I needed her. I kissed him harder, savoring the warmth of his mouth, of his body. She squirmed on top of me, grinding her crotch onto my cock.
She felt how hard I was. She knew where this was going. She was mine.
This was happening. This was happening.
That thought sang over and over in my mind as I kissed Joachim, his cheeks rough with stubble, his hands strong as they squeezed my ass through my jeans. My nipples tingled as they rubbed against my tank top, pressing against his muscular chest. And his cock…
He was so hard.
My virgin pussy clenched as I leaned on him. My clit throbbed. My tongue played with his as he claimed my mouth. He was so strong, so confident. I just wanted to do what he wanted. It was so hot the way he grabbed my belt loops. No hesitation. So bold.