Since his father's death, everything has started to fall apart for Joachim. He will have to mobilize to regain control o...
VOLUME I; Chapter 01
➖Ahhh, I can't believe how much homework Ms. Lucresse gave us for math; moaned my cousin and best friend.
She shook her head, her braid of sandy blonde hair dancing on her shoulders and continued;
➖Doesn’t she know it’s the weekend, Joachim? I don't want to spend it figuring out the sign, cosign, and tangent.
I sniffed, shaking my head. Amen hated mathematics.
➖ME: How long will it be before you yell at your homework and throw it out your bedroom window?
She said giving me a glare followed by a light punch on my shoulder;
➖I did it once, asshole. Once. A long time ago.
➖ME: Not that long ago.
She rolled her eyes;
➖I'm just going to copy your homework.
I asked with a grunt;
➖What makes you think I know how to do it?
➖AMEN: Because you don't want me to fail.
She moved closer to me, her arm almost brushing mine. My hand tightened. I wanted to reach out and take her hand, hold it.
But we were in public. It was one thing to be best friends with your nineteen year old tomboy cousin, it was another to hold her hand like she was your girlfriend. I couldn't stop looking at the profile of his face as we walked, his nose a cute little protuberance, his lips pursed. They were pink. Amen didn't wear a lot of lipstick. But she really didn't need it. She had a natural beauty even when she wore loose t-shirts and comfortable jeans. She didn't wear tight clothes like the other girls at our school, flaunting her body, wanting all the boys to stare at her.
It was the reason we were best friends for as long as we could remember. We were both nineteen, although I was a month younger and we had grown up living next door. I don't know why our mothers, who were sisters, decided to live side by side, but it was hard not to run around with Amen when she was a child. She loved climbing trees, playing soldiers, riding bikes, and playing video games. She was truly my best friend.
And then a year ago, things changed. We were in my room, hanging out on my bed, talking, doing homework, fucking and... we kissed. It was almost accidental. She had turned to face me as I leaned in to tickle her, and our lips collided.
And we didn't move away.
Now we were kissing cousins. We took advantage of every chance we had. I wanted to do so much more with her, but we were first cousins. Our mothers were sisters. It was wrong. It was incest. We both felt it. But we both enjoyed the kissing, the touching, the intimacy.
I felt like she was even more of my best friend after a year of sneaking around. And when my father passed away six months ago, she was the only one in the family to help me cope. Mom was lost in her wine boxes, my older sister was an idiot and my younger sister withdrew even more into her books. Aunt Natasha, Amen's mother, tried, but she only made things worse, and my other cousin, Jennifer, was a brat as always.
But Amen was someone I could talk to, share things with. Hell, I could even cry a little around her without her thinking I was a cat.
Amen bumped his shoulder into me;
➖So you better do your homework.
It was our way of holding hands. We had lots of little ways of showing affection towards others that didn't seem weird;
➖Because I don't want to fail.
I raised an eyebrow;
➖So, as a man, I have to take care of you? Quite sexist of you.
She smiled and licked her lips;
➖I appreciate traditional gender roles when they benefit me.
It was a deliberate, slow lick.
My heart was beating faster. It was his way of kissing me in public. Damn, I wish we weren't on the sidewalk of our street, our feet crunching the first fall leaves that had fallen from Madame Bénédicte's Japanese maple. Why did we have to be first cousins? If she was just the girl next door, we would have fucked by now. We could have fucked for months.
Then I wouldn't be a fucking virgin.
In a light tone with a smile on my face, I say;
➖Alright, I'll take care of your lazy ass
➖Amen: Lazy?
She raised an eyebrow then lowered her voice;
➖I thought my ass was hot, not lazy. You loved these panties I bought.
My smile widens, eager. Recently she was stripping down to her underwear for our make-out sessions. We flirted closer and closer as we went all the way. Crossing that line into actual incest.
I smiled;
➖I loved it. Maybe if you want to copy my homework, you should show me another pair of exciting panties.
➖AMEN: But you already told me you would. No turning back, Joshua Moukav Third.
I groaned. My father was Joshua. I was Joachim.
➖ME: Good. But... if you want me to do my best, I need incentives.
His smile widened. His lips were so kissable. I was wondering what flavor of lip gloss she was wearing today. I was hoping it was apricot. I liked that flavor on her lips.
We reached our homes, the shadow of the giant chestnut tree in my garden falling over us. The tree's broad green canopy covered most of my yard and a quarter of Amen's. My house was gray with purple trim. My mother chose the design and Dad painted it and was three stories tall, my bedroom was in the attic. Aunt Natasha's house was reddish brown, only two stories tall and smaller.
Dad had painted it too. Aunt Natacha had no husband or even boyfriend.
Amen said giving me a smile;
➖So do your homework, sir. I'll be there in about an hour.
I grumbled;
➖Very good
I took his hand for a brief moment, squeezing it. It was my way of kissing him in public. She only laughed when I slowly licked my lips. It was sexy for a girl, but not for a guy apparently.
She licked her lips slowly. My cock hurt in my jeans. And then my cousin ran off to her house and I headed to mine. My mother's car was in the driveway. I groaned. She should be at work for another two hours. I hope it didn't take half a day longer.
She would get fired if she continued doing this. Dad's death hit mom hard. Everything was falling apart and I was the only one who cared.
I walked into the house and almost ran into Jenny, my eighteen year old cousin. She and Amen were a year and a few months apart. Aunt Natasha had made them go out with the deadbeat asshole she was dating before he took off with another woman. Neither Jenny, short for Jennifer, nor Amen knew their father as anything other than the sperm donor. My father was the closest thing they knew to a father.
➖What are you doing here? I asked, groaning at the piece of Nutella covered toast stuck in his mouth.
She mumbled something that might have been: Eat.
➖ME: Don't you have anything to eat at home?
She snatched the toast from her mouth and stuck her tongue out at me. She may be eighteen, but she acts like she's five. Her black hair was cut into a fairy bob that only highlighted her youthful and braying figure. She was slim and had more energy than a speed junkie.
She beamed;
➖Your food is better, Joa
I groaned because of his annoying nickname for me;
➖Have you cleaned up your mess?
➖Jennifer: No.
She gave me a smile then darted around me with rapid dexterity, dodging my arm as I tried to grab her and drag her ass back to the kitchen. But she played football and knew how to dance around a defender.
As she walked through the screen door and away from the house laughing, I screamed;
➖Jennifer, get your ass back here. Shit.
My older sister, Rose asked;
➖Was it Jennifer who got out of here?
She came down the stairs wearing tight denim shorts and a backless top that showed off her already impressive breasts, the mounds jiggling as she walked down the stairs, so big and soft. I know I shouldn't look at my sister, but when she was built like a brick house, it was hard not to. Copper hair fell over her sensual face, her lips dark red and looked so plump and kissable.
Rose had the biggest breasts in the family. I know I loved Amen, but damn, my sister had a body that wouldn't quit. She had just turned twenty and loved showing off her stuff. She sauntered next to me, her hips rolling, her tanned stomach exposed and sleek.
She asked ruffling my hair;
➖How was school, squirt? Did Ms. Lucresse give you a ton of homework?
I frowned as I straightened my black hair. I hated it when she bothered him. And when she called me a squirt. We were a year and a half old, but I was only a year behind her, a junior. It didn't matter. She treated me like I was a fucking child.
➖ME: Yeah.
➖ROSE: I knew it. She still likes to give a ton of homework on the weekends. I got it last year. The worst.
I followed her into the kitchen and groaned at the disaster Jennifer had left behind. How did she make such a mess while making toast?
➖ME: Do you see this shit?
➖PINK: Yes
She opened the refrigerator and leaned over. These denim shorts molded to her butt. They were so tight and I didn't see any panty lines. I blushed, my cock hardened. Why couldn't Amen dress like that every now and then. Rose's hips swayed as she rummaged around the refrigerator. She leaned in further and I could see a prominent camel toe, the denim shorts hugging her pussy.
➖ROSE: Ahhh, mom hasn't gone shopping yet.
I looked away before she caught me looking, my cock so hard, and grabbed the still open jar of Nutella. I screwed on the lid;
➖She said she would do it tomorrow.
Rose settled on a pitcher of grape juice and said sarcastically;
She poured a glass and leaned against the counter watching me clean up Jennifer's mess.
➖ME: Do you want to help?
I sealed the loaf of bread with the plastic thing when putting it in the cupboard.
➖ROSE: Not really, squirt.
I grit my teeth. Everything was going to rot. She wouldn't stand there watching me clean if Dad were alive. And he could never stand Jennifer making messes and not cleaning them up either. He allegedly bent his niece over his knee and spanked her.