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Landing in Seattle at eve is just beautiful. I turn my gaze back to the wonderful boy on my arms and his crazy mother on my side as the car rolled down the streets. Taylor was the one who collected us from the airport which surprises me because I know that my brother has been dying to be with his family.



That chimp, I wonder what he is cooking?


"Don't you think he was fooling with me? I mean, Hey! We are moving to this goddamn place somewhere in the outskirts of the city where possibly, no neighbors would even help me if your brother tried to kill me!" Taylor smirkec at us from the rear mirror and averted his eyes quickly as Jacob pointed around.


"He won't kill you," I muttered, running my hands in Jacob's curls, "you're just acting so crazy..."


"Me? Crazy? I don't even know this place where we are moving in!"


"It's in Seattle"


" 'It's in Seattle'" She quoted, rolling her eyes at me before saying, "I am aware of that. Isn't it that I am the one who bought our tickets? Still, I am thinking about how rainy it is here and what if there are vampires?"


"You really are a psycho." I stated, earning a glare from her. I tried to distract myself by braiding Jacob's curls, saying, "I get it, Elle. This is a change but my brother really wanted something that will be best for the both of you and Jacob. He wanted his son to grow on a place where he will feel belongingness. This is where we grew up, where we find ourselves." I smiled at her but bit my lips as I remembered. "Oh, by the way, our foster parents are just a few kilometers from where you are moving..."


I was surprised when I felt a pinch on my side, "Oww, Elle!" Jacob suddenly let out a squeak as I accidentally let go of him. "Sorry, baby. Oh, Elle...what is that for?"


"You know about this? You know about the place where we are moving in? I thought there will be no secrets between us, Neola!"


I gritted my teeth knowing that I lose. I muttered a sorry before I hear her speak again, "Your parents? But your mom had died giving birth to you and your father..."


"No. I said foster parents." I look down, not wanting to talk further.


"Foster parents? They never existed before in my and Gabe's life. They seem so detached from your brother and you. Knowing this, I never expected that it will seem peculiar and...awkward. " Elle added the last word silently that I almost did not hear it.


"I know. I figure that my brother did not mention them because for Gabriel, they do not exist. Zia Alonza is the one who took care of us when mom died. She is my Mom's twin and she is very good to us but, uncle..." I sigh. I do not want her to have some bad impression about them so I chose to avert my story. "It was hard for my brother to make this decision, I don't even know why he did but you have to trust him that he has a plan. Plus, I will always be here to support you," She nodded at me as she stare back on the window.


I watch Jacob as he pointed back on the things he see around the city, fascinated. "Aunt Nee, look I see a Darth Vader on the shop! I wanna buy that, mommy." He push my hands off which is holding him down and grab Elle's hand. "Baby Jake, you already have five light sabers."


"But I still want more. In the movies they have like…fifty!" He held out his hands and frown, "It's not that many, mommy. We gonna buy, right?"


"Maybe next time, baby." Jacob made a puppy dog face at his mom and to me, making my heart feel like it's being pinch. "Hey Elle. Maybe I could take Jake--"


I stopped short as Elle directed a glare at my direction. I bit my lip and let her take a teary eyed Jacob from me. "Fred has eight, mommy. He has eight!" He held up his fingers, and made that puppy dog face again, “You are so unfair…”


"Jacob, you already have three Batman cars, a whole cart of legos and your hot wheels collection. Isn't that enough?"




"Okay. He's got a point there." Elle look at me, trying to ask for some help. I held out my arms but Jacob doesn't want to let go of their argument. "YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE GOING TO BUY ME A TOY ONCE WE ARRIVE! You lied. You are not like Papa" Elle stared down at his son before Jacob decided to situate himself on my arms.


"Baby Jacob, that's very bad baby." I whispered on his ear as I stared at Elle who is trying  hard not to cry. "Mommy is only telling you not to buy because the paparazzi will see you"


Jacob stared back at me, his brows furrowed before he pulled down my head and whispered, “Mommy promised, Aunt Nela..."


I sighed, not knowing how to fix this. "Do you want Tay and mommy and aunt Nee to have trouble making you safe because you want that toy?" I whispered back and I watch him as he shook his head. "Okay. Now be a good boy and say sorry to your mother. I am sure your Papa have so many surprises for you back home." He giggled before he took a look at his mom.


He slowly inch his way near her and hug her, reminding me of the younger version of Gabriel. Jacob and him really look alike. "Ma," he whispered before lunching himself to Elle. They hug each other for a bit, distracting me that I did not even see the white gates.


I was about to tell Taylor to stop when Jacob screamed, "Papa. Papa! Mommy I can see Papa. He's there at the big house..." He pointed out the car window as he push my hands off him. "Oh, there is a pool and Papa’s holding something. It's a toy, I knew it!"


The driver stopped before Jacob finally escaped Elle's arms, fumbling with the car's lock. "Aunt NeeeNeee," he pulled a puppy face at me before I opened the door, letting the tyke escape.


"He surely loves his father so much," I whispered to Elle as we stare at Jacob, kissing his father's face.


Like the most perfect scenes happening in our lives, we have to be interrupted by reality. Taylor cleared his throat and stared at Elle and me. We both step down the car and smiled at Jacob.


Jacob bounce up and down as he hug a new batman action figure closer to his chest, his hands tangled up with his father's.


I couldn't help but smile as Gabe pulled Elle closer and lean in to kiss her cheek. I momentarily stare at them and can't help but feel jealous.


Why can't I have what they have?


Oh, quit it. Didn't I just had a taste of this yesterday and let me say how it resembles a nightmare rather than a dream.


I know what Elle and Gabe have gone through in the past and I'm willing to experience it too...as long as something as sweet like them would be my precious price in the end.


Still I know, it was a very long shot.


I touched my thumb over the cold metal on my left ring finger and sigh only to be surprised when my phone vibrated. I pulled it out from my purse only to see an unknown number flashing on the screen.


I frowned down on the screen before I push the locked button and silence it. Jacob tugged at my hand but before I reply, the phone vibrated again. Oh well! Someone is pushing my patience off the edge...


I pulled the phone out of my purse and deliberated on answering it or not. In the end, I slide it and answered, "Hello? Who is this?"


No reply. Creep.


"Do I know you?"


"No" there was a pause, before a sigh, "But I know you..." The raspy voice brought chills down my spine before I answered, "I'm warning you. I'm not in the mood for a prank."


"I assure you, Madame. This is not a prank." There was a moment of silence before the voice answered, "I am called by the Queen to inform you about the value of ring on your finger right now. Not only the price but also the responsibility and symbol it brings."


"How did you know that I have the ring?


"We have tracked your location with it. We've been following you around the city of Seattle now since you left France. I am here waiting for you at a restaurant in the city. There is something that I need to tell you." the voice sound urgent that I can't help but feel anxious.


"How should I know that you are not lying to me? For all I know this could all be a twisted prank for some show. Are you from Jimmy kimmel's show? "


"I assure you that this is not a prank. It is every bit of reality. And I would like to remind you that you are halfway done of becoming a part of the French royalty."


"This is insane!" I signaled a thumbs up at Elle as she asked me about the call. She just shook her head at me before Gabe ushered Jacob inside the house with her.


" I know that it sounds every bit as insane as it should to a normal person like you but believe me, you needed to be here in the next fifteen minutes. We worry that the media will know about all these before you even have the chance to grasp the reality..." the voice sigh, sounding troubled. "Believe me. This is all for your safety. "


"Fine, just tell me about the directions."


I put the call on hold before sending my goodbyes to Elle, telling an excuse about some old friends I would be meeting at the city.


With one last glance at the house, I hailed a cab, thanking my lucky stars that I am already inside it before I saw the ghost of my past standing on the porch steps just a few miles away from Gabe's lot.


Oh goodness.




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