I never wanted for this to happen in reality but it is always been on my dreams.
You know those things that only happen in the movies? The magical part where a random boy falls in love with a girl because they were in Paris; shared a drink, kissed and did IT? Well, it wasn't that magical and not like the movies; in fact, the man didn't even fall for the girl. It can possibly happen like it was in a book but not in romance or comedy side....it's far worse than worst.
A horror story, maybe?
I grip the sheets tightly as I felt the skin beneath me, the way this particular pillow rise and fall, really creeps me out. Oh. It’s not actually a pillow, because it's fleshy and hairy.
It's a chest of the guy with whom I slept with.
I bit my hand to avoid screaming bloody murder. I catch my breath, exerting much effort to pull myself away from his death grip. I am very much aware that I'm naked and so is he...geez
I am disappointed that I didn't get to remember anything from last night. I hated that my first time is simply composed of a blurred memory of me and him kissing.
Getting rid of his body was such a very terrifying act. I do not know the guy for crying out loud! Yet, I did slept with him.
The warmth left my body and I shivered, shaking as I recovered my conscious mind. I leap out of the bed in my pure nudity and was shocked when he suddenly let out a groan. The man turned his head to the side and I was shocked to see his face.
No, it can't be!
Without thinking I pulled a pair of white pants from the floor and a dress shirt. Grabbing my purse with my left hand, I proceed to open the window with my other hand before I jump down. I bit back a scream as I collapse on a heap. The guards are rounding the hallways and I felt like a burglar invading this place. I hastily avoided the maids and made it out the gate once the guards change shifts. I breathe out a sigh.
I walk down the street and got weird looks from almost everyone. Of course, it's not everyday that you'll see an almost naked woman walking down the street. I guess, I have brought the Las Vegas vibe in Paris. It was still early in the morning and I am very tired, sweating like a pig as I nurse a hangover. Not to mention that I was dressed only in a pair of white dress shirt and pants. Very fashionable.
I probably look like a ridiculous psycho who just came out of rehab.
Entering a café, I slip inside a booth and stared at the menu. I was startled when a young lady came barging beside me, "Bonjour, mademoiselle..." I just stared at her not knowing what I would say. I can fully understand her French, but my mind has some problem on processing right now because it's drowning in too much liquor I drank last night.
"Oh, ma'am? Would you prefer me speaking English now?" I cringe at her grammar as she spoke. I urge for her to dictate the menu, ending up with some black coffee and the famous croissant of Paris.
I almost jump out of my seat when my phone rang. Pulling it out of my purse, I answered in a nonchalant tone, "Hello?"
"Neo, where are you? We are boarding on the plane in the next thirty minutes. Now get your ass here right at this moment or I'll be leaving for Seattle without your sorry bum!" She ended the call, not giving me any chance to respond.
I stared at the young lady as she scurry off, bringing back a disposable cup, "You, take it out?" She asked. I just nodded at her as she pour the remains of my coffee on the cup. I didn't wait for her another word as I grab it, handing her a tip "Merci, Celine..." She gave me a toothy grin before I ran out of the shop.
"Come again, Au revoir!"
I wasn't surprise when almost all of the passengers are looking at me with curious stares. I shrug off my shoulder and stare ahead, looking for that particular brunette mother and child. I am delighted to see her not far from the entrance, carrying a very hyper Jacob whom I assume is having another sugar rush.
"There you are! Oh gosh, you don't know how I've been so worried for you didn't came back home last night. I guess you really enjoyed the party because I gave you my invitation card-and oh my gosh!" She gave me a sweep from head to toe before pointing a finger at me, "You should rather keep hold of your nephew right now while I get you some shirt and jeans of mine. You look ridiculous, m’lady...”
The address made me soft. Memories of last night became rushing back as the velvety voice of his caress me with every word. I shrug at her as she hand me her son, getting me a pair of jeans and shirt from the duffel bag on the floor.
I give Jacob the cup of coffee that is now empty and he happily wave it up on the air, "Darth Vader! Pingpingping," the coffee cup flied on the space around my head as Jacob made sounds. "Silly, Jacob..." I shook my head as he giggled, pursing his lips for a kiss. I lean on him and was surprise when he suddenly grab my hair and pulled "Jake-"
"Aunt Ne-la," he whispered on my ear before puffing his cheek and letting go of the air slowly through his lips. "Brblrrblrrr..." Rains of slobber wet my cheeks as I closed my eyes, shaking my head at my nephew who is now laughing at me. Oh, this boy. He love to act like a baby!
God, he just told me yesterday that he is a big boy and I shouldn't baby him much.
"Neo, here...."Elle handed me the clothes and I happily pass her Jacob. I blew him a kiss before I scurried off to the rest room, entering a cubicle and began stripping out of this clothes.
Oh this clothes, his clothes. Royalty...
Goodness, what am I thinking?! Have I gone nuts? I don't even know what I'm doing last night. I should've been more careful but my heart wants what it wants and the odds led me to it.
Sighing, I undo the buttons, reminiscing how my weekend had flip unto this confusing end. It started out right, with only the three of us landing in the city of love; Elle carrying his son as I carry our things. We had our reservation at the hotel facing the tower. During the afternoon, I went out to the park to watch the sunset with my nephew as we waited for his mother to win a deal from her client.
It was all good, but then that invitation has to ruin it all.
Of course, I didn't expect that the outcome would be like this when Elle urged for me to go. I agreed because of the reason that I'd like to attend to one of this 'royal' balls in my lifetime rather than babysit my hyper nephew. He is very addicted on playing with his stupid robots and light sabers, I find it hard to relate.
It was all good and perfect before that evening came. I was suddenly fetch by a limo and I came face to face with different people, I know it won't end good.
And I was right.
First, I was intoxicated. Drunk myself to death and was out of my mind. Second, I talked and flirted to different people not caring who they were. And third, I slept with a man and gave my v-card without even knowing who he really was. Not until I saw his face a while ago...
Lovely? No! Absolutely not.
I was rambling with my angry thoughts, pulling the jeans up on my leg when I was suddenly distracted by a sudden gleam that caught my eye.
God, I can't believe this.
There on my right ring finger, was a platinum band, littered with small diamonds. The oval shape sapphire located on the center made me go weak.
Did he propose to me?
Well, according to the ring, the answer would be 'yes' but not to my memory; I don't remember any proposals or him getting in his knee, or this freaking ring!
With pure and utter angst, I slipped out of the restroom before dumping his dress on the nearest bin. I tried for countless times, pulling at the ring but it won't budge. Not one inch or even a millimeter.
I was delighted when they announce our flight, urging us to prepare and board. In that way it kept me distracted, my thoughts focusing on finding Elle rather than the stupid ball last night.
As I saw them, I offer to take Jacob on my arms as we pass through the gates. We proceed down the aisle and then we situated on our lovely seats. I pulled Jacob closer as he began to squirm, trying to bang both of his favourite robots as he make sound effects with his mouth.
I glared at Elle as she pinch my sides, pulling Jacob back to her arms. Frowning, I just stare at her and say, "What's with the pinch?" I screamed, my voice now an octave higher. She just giggled, focusing her attention to his son. "I would love to inform you that it hurts, like a bitch, if you wanna know..." I shrug again, lowering myself down on the seat.
"Neo, now tell me...do tell." she urge, pinching me again.
"Ow, fudge balls...Elle? What would I tell you?" I whined, earning a bunch of curious stares from the passengers on our left. I just glared at them and was delighted when they duck their head down, "Tell me about last night." She blurted out of the blue as she gave me a grin. Her son matching her smirk.
"Noooooo, I won't believe that. You just say that there's nothing because you hide the fact that something's up." She stated, pulling my arm as Jacob nuzzled his head on my shoulder. "Tell me, Neeeoooooo...I know there's something. The way you forgot that this morning will be our flight, the way you reacted, that hangover thingy, the cup, the clothes and not to mention....that ring!" She pointed at it with her eyes shining.
Oh, Geez...I'll be dead before we even reach New York.
I turn my gaze out on the window and sighed, watching as we flew up on the sky, "No, Elle. There's nothing and as much as you insist. That’ll be all for now," I heard her sigh as I also let out one.
I don't know how I'm going to face all this.
With that I urge for sleep to come, but I know as sleep grab me, memories of last night will hunt like nightmares I used to have.