Sarah's POV
I wake up with a start, sweat beading on my forehead, and a lone tear appears on my cheek, another nightmare.
I angrily wipe away the tear, readjust my tank top and throw my blanket at the other end of the bed, which is suffocating me, I take a look at the time, it's 4:17.
I breathe loudly knowing in advance that I won't be able to go back to sleep.
I massage my neck, and pull my long blond hair up to my shoulder, I really must think about cutting it.
After more than an hour of lying on my bed unable to sleep a wink, I finally get up to get ready.
I put on a white t-shirt, black jogging and my sports shoes.
I don't even know why I got ready, I don't have to go, but there's something pushing me to do it, who knows what?
It's 5:58, I decide to leave my room, I go down the stairs, take my phone and a bottle of water and leave my house. I lock the door, all I have to do is wait for him.
I turn around when I see him right in front of me, and I scream in fear.
"But you're sick my word, you got into the habit of scaring me or what" I said in a low voice to make as little noise as possible.
"I'm sorry" he replies with that smile that annoys me.
I raise my eyes to the sky, and detail it more closely.
Gentleman handsome without a suit, hum.. it's quite weird, his outfit looks like mine, and he's devilishly attractive in sportswear.
My eyes meet his smugly.
The discussion we had yesterday comes back to my mind, it is true that I spoke badly to my future father-in-law, it is very embarrassing.
Absolutely not wanting to argue with him, I put on my headphones and start my playlist.
I bypass him and start walking without really knowing where we're going, finally he follows me silently and we start running side by side, in silence.
It is still dark, only the dim light from the streetlights illuminates us.
The sun begins to rise, I am out of breath, which is not the case for David since he is breathing normally.
After a good hour of running, we start walking, I realize that we are now in a forest, the same one where I picnicked with my father, where we camped together and where I also took refuge to mourn his dead.
I hadn't set foot here for a long time.
He stops abruptly, I take off my headphones and try to resume normal breathing.
"We're going to rest a bit" he says, sitting down on a rock and I settle down against a tree.
David's POV
The sun has already risen, I want to continue my race but I can see that she can't take it anymore.
I drink a few sips of water, out of the corner of my eye I see her suddenly finish her bottle, this sight makes me smile, she's not used to running, the lazy
“Why didn't you suggest it to my mother instead?” she asks in her soft voice.
"We've already done a jog together but unfortunately it didn't please her at all" I replied without taking my eyes off her.
She's sitting carelessly on the floor not paying attention to the bugs, or complaining about blisters on her feet, or whatever, which was the complete opposite of her mother.
They absolutely don't look alike!
I find Sarah's sloppy style and indifference to everything around her to be her charm.
Her eyes stare at an imaginary point, they are devoid of all expression, it's almost disturbing, she seems far, far away, I'd like to know what she's thinking.
"How old are you?" she asks, staring at me this time.
"Hmm how much are you giving me?"
She places her index finger on her chin pretending to think.
"Uh I would say quarantine" she said in a provocative tone.
"Ouch! I would have preferred that you make me younger, to answer your question I am thirty-four years old"
"Hum you are really old tell me"
"Don't exaggerate girl and stop addressing me as you" I said annoyed.
She gets up suddenly, and puts on her headphones.
"It won't happen anytime soon," she replies.
Without further ado, I also get up and yank out his phone and headphones.
She glares at me, trying to grab what's hers but I raise my arm high enough to make it difficult for her.
She looks at me impassively, I wait for her to jump up and try to get it back, but instead she gives me a nice smile and places her hands on my shoulders and unexpectedly she kicks me. knee on my private parts.
"Oh shit" I cried, withdrawing into myself.
She retrieves her camera without any difficulty, bypasses me and leaves.
I pull myself together after his inappropriate and unexpected gesture.
"Run Sarah, run" I threatened out loud.
She doesn't need to be asked and takes to her heels.
Without further ado, I pursue her.
Unfortunately for her, she is not fast enough, neither one nor two, I circle her waist thus making her scream and the plate suddenly against a tree.
She breathes noisily and swallows her saliva with difficulty, she wanted to free herself but unfortunately her wrists are firmly imprisoned.
The proximity of our bodies is very small, his chest rises and falls quickly brushing every movement my chest, which is not unpleasant.
"You've been naughty Sarah" I whisper
"What are you going to do to me" she whispers innocently.
Her innocent eyes, her half-open mouth, her breath mixed with mine, and our closeness prevent me from thinking normally.
I have a mad desire to smell her, so I lean towards her and nestle my face in her neck, I breathe in her delicious natural scent, mixed with the perspiration and her fruity shampoo, the smell is everything simply exquisite.
"You deserve a little punishment" I continued.
She doesn't push me away, she's just frozen, I step back slightly from her.
"Stop" she whispers unconvincingly.
I lay a soft kiss on her neck making her shiver all over, she's not indifferent to me, should that please me or scare me? I do not know!
Her skin is so soft, so white, so tempting, she is perfect as I imagined, yes because this devil sometimes haunts my mind. Eventually I move away from her, for fear of going further.
She stares at my lips now wet with her sweat, and slowly brings her index finger closer to my face.
Her finger rests on my forehead, just at the birth of my hair, she gently slides it, I close my eyes and savor this gentle contact.
Her index finger slides to my moist lips which she brushes lightly as if to wipe away her perspiration and suddenly I find myself suddenly propelled backwards.
"You big pervert" she exclaims, gesticulating in all directions.
She does not wait for my answer and turns her back on me to continue on her way.
"Why didn't you push me away from the start?" I asked as I followed her.
"Because you scared me" she replies
I know this is absolutely false, those eyes expressed anything but fear.
I catch her firmly by the wrist causing her to turn around, but she pushes me away violently.
"Don't touch me" she threatens
“Sarah, we are going in this direction, come back immediately”
She turns a deaf ear, and continues on her way away from mine.
With a determined step, I walk towards her until I am at her side, I lift her by the waist and place her quickly on my shoulder.
"Drop me, drop me I tell you" she cried agitated, kicking me everywhere.
I give her two light pats on her perfectly plump posterior and immediately she calms down.
"I'm dreaming, you don't dare touch my butt?"
"You deserved this little spanking, I can do it again if you don't stay still"
“Help, help me, he wants to rape me” she cries hysterically.
"Scream all you want Sarah there's no one here" I said simply.
She huffs loudly and mutters a "dumb," which makes me smile.
"It's ok, I'll be easy, now please get me down, I just want to go home" she begged me.
"Okay I'll let you go but first we're going to eat I'm so hungry"
"But I'm not hungry, let me down" she protests.
At the same time her stomach rumbles loudly, she tenses up embarrassed by the situation and I burst out laughing.
"I hate you" she breathes.
"I believe the sentiment is shared," I replied.
I bring her down under her protests, and then we take the shortest route to the bakery.
We arrive after a few minutes, we go inside under the curious gaze of customers.
"Hello Tom" I say against the baker.
"Hello sir, what would you like to take for today?"
"As usual and…what are you taking Sarah?"
"Two pain au chocolat" she replies
We take our orders after a few minutes and then I go to the cash register to pay.
I notice that it's a new cashier who is quite beautiful, she makes eyes at me, she gives me the sum and voluntarily bites her lower lip, I hate this kind of woman.
Suddenly, Sarah snaps her fingers in front of the girl's face.
"I don't mind maybe, you're done watching MY man" she said with a frown.
I look at her just as surprised as the cashier. This one red with shame stammers excuses and we go out after having paid.
"I can know..." I started.
"Stop, don't say anything, I'm not going to let someone flirt with you without reacting when you belong to my mother" she cuts me off in a hurry.
"Girl, why don't you just assume you were jealous"
"Why should I be? You will be my stepfather, it's absurd that I am, don't you think" she replies, the insolent little one.
In response, I ruffle his hair not without receiving a dark look from him.
During the return trip, we walk in silence while eating.
We arrive in front of her house after a few minutes.
She is about to open the door, but I hold her back.
"This afternoon I'll take your mother to a nice restaurant, would you like to come with us" I suggested.
She looks at me, arching an eyebrow.
"No! See you soon" she says dryly.
She goes home, leaving me speechless outside, plus she didn't ask me to come in, what a dirty character this girl is!
She will always amaze me....