Sarah's POV
7:00 am... And still my morning cigarette between my fingers.
The Marlboro package hasn't left me since my father died. As I don't want to ruin my health, I only smoke in the morning, what better way to start my day.
"Sarah my darling" I hear my mother call out to me.
I put out my half-eaten cigarette, take my now empty cup of tea and leave my room, go down the stairs and join her in the kitchen.
"I have to leave early today, I can drop you off" she offers
I place my mug on the sink and pour myself a glass of water.
"No it will be fine, I prefer to walk"
She sighs and stares at me strangely pretending to want to say something but changes her mind. With her free hand, she arranges her already perfect hairstyle and ends up abdicating.
She comes closer to me and hugs me lovingly.
"I love you my darling"
"Me too mom" I whispered, responding to her hug.
"Come on, I'm off! I'm already late" she said, taking her bag, her jacket and the keys.
After she leaves, I go up to my room, put on my eternal sneakers, get my bag and go to college.
A few hours later
My God it's hot, my t-shirt sticks to my skin, my hair don't talk about it, I should consider cutting it.
"Table 10 order ready!"
I hasten to take the order at the indicated table. I find that there are many more customers this evening than usual in this small restaurant, it becomes stuffy.
"Child, you didn't bring me my drink!" Launches a fat, bearded man with a perverted gaze.
Little.. Yet another asshole. Besides, who does he think he is? He hadn't placed any orders yet as far as I know.
"You didn't order a drink, sir" I tried to answer politely but confidently.
“She has a lot to say about this kid,” remarked another man sitting on their table. They all start laughing like buffaloes, aiming to have fun and waste my time.
"The kid is telling you to go fuck yourself" I cursed beside myself and left their table.
These kinds of ill-bred species really need to be put in their place!
I hear them insulting me and grumbling but I don't pay attention and very quickly they attack another waitress.
It's getting dark and my shift is coming to an end. I take off my apron and rub my tense, sweaty neck, it's exhausting being a waitress.
After putting away my things, I rush outside to go home. It's cool and my skin shivers to adapt to this pleasant coolness.
I take the shortest way home, the alleys are dark and deserted so naturally I hurry.
Only a few minutes left for me to arrive at my destination and take a good refreshing shower.
I hear footsteps behind me, without looking back, I continue on my way crossing my arms against my chest. My heartbeat becomes irregular when they get closer.. shit I'm being followed!
I pick up the pace, feeling the footsteps getting closer and panicking, I start to run.
I am scared. I run. I'm shaking all over.
I walk the streets at high speed, shortness of breath. Under my mad dash, I cross the deserted street without looking, a vehicle rushes straight at me, a loud horn paralyzes me and headlights blind me painfully. My heart skips a beat and my motionless legs refuse to move in fear.
The car veers sharply to the right at the last moment, squealing the tires and narrowly avoiding the worst.
I breathe heavily, still in shock from what just happened. I'm still alive...
I come to my senses alerted by threatening cries, I turn quickly and see the man still chasing me. In a panic, I resume my mad dash while screaming for help. I don't know where my legs are taking me, this one is getting painful but I don't stop, my lungs on fire.
With a sudden movement, I find myself propelled against a wall. A cry escapes me, of fear, pain and despair, I find myself imprisoned by his repulsive body.
"So kid, how do we meet?"
His voice gives me goosebumps, it's none other than the pervert of the restaurant.
Without hesitation, I spit in his face, causing him to recoil. I try to run away but this bully grabs me roughly by the arm, so hard he'll break it. The second that follows, he slaps me hard and I land on the cold, dirty floor.
My painful cheek burns me, he didn't miss that bastard with his iron fist. My tears threaten to flow, but I won't give her that pleasure.
I get up in a hurry, ready to defend myself but he catches me and presses me against the stone wall which takes my breath away.
"Help, help!" I screamed with all my might in a futile attempt.
He punches me enough this time to make me see stars.
He takes advantage of my weakness to grope me, he traps my wrists above my head with one hand, deposits his repulsive saliva along my neck and gently grabs my chest with his other free hand. Shivers of disgust run through me, I want to vomit..
I try to give him a blow on his private parts but he quickly intercepts my gesture and blocks my knee.
"Help me.. please" I begged desperately with a sob.
I receive a blow to the stomach which knocks me down.. damn it hurts! It can't end like this, he can't rape me, kill me... and abandon my lifeless body...
He cups my face and kisses me roughly, forcibly inserting his venomous tongue, I'm going to puke for sure.
He withdraws his mouth with the fetid breath and tears in one movement my t-shirt thus revealing my chest.
I hit him with the little strength I have left, unfortunately for me he pulls on my hair and throws me to the ground, then crushing me with all his weight... Dirty pig!
"Actually, you're damn good for a kid," he whispers in his unbearable voice.
He begins to unbutton my pants, I fidget under him and struggle as I can in yet another attempt at defense. He growls in displeasure and circles my neck with his large palms.
I put my hands on his and try to pull them away by scratching and hitting him but he tightens his grip more, I start to suffocate... Air, I need to breathe my God, I'm going to die of this is there? Is this my end?
And then I no longer feel anything, no longer his dirty paws on my tortured body. I finally breathe, I take big breaths of air and cough violently, I massage my bruised neck, damn I'm not dead..
Fists resound in this heavy silence, the corner is too dark and I can hardly distinguish the two silhouettes that confront each other.
The blows persist, my assailant is beaten up and this vision, although of horror can only delight me, and this one begs the person to stop torturing him.
"Stop, please stop" I repeated tremblingly.
Certainly I would like this bastard to perish but violence would not be the solution and I especially do not want that one commits a murder by my fault, even if this pervert deserves it.
And immediately the punches stop.
"Dare to raise your hand again on a woman and you'll see asshole" resounds the threatening voice of the stranger.
In the second that follows, my attacker flees holding his stomach, walking with difficulty and moaning in pain. And I sigh in relief.
My tremors don't stop, I hurt all over, and my head feels like it weighs a ton, what pain!
My vision blurs, a silhouette approaches me, my eyelids are heavy, all the fear and anguish falls on me.
"Miss, are you okay?"
I barely raise my head, I painfully open my eyes, my gaze falls on a dark suit, I can't make out his face. He takes off his jacket and covers my upper body unveiled.
My head, everything revolves around me, and then nothing..