The next day, they all met in math class.
Hey sweetheart, you look wonderful today, and you don't have puffed that's possible, did you and Daniel didn't chat. I and Richard, we're talking the entire night. Can you see my puffed eyes it's all because of that" Erica said grinning?
She went to Richard and they both kissed.
Hey, do you want that too" Daniel grinned at her saying that?
What?" Belarina said in a puzzled way.
I mean the kiss" Daniel smirked again, and they kissed each other.
Later after the teacher came.
They all sat on their seats.
In between the class, Daniel held belarina's hand and took her out of the class.
There he took her to an empty class.
Hey! Where we are going. Ugh..... Daniel, the class hadn't got yet finished, and you took me here. What's the matter?" belarina said irritatingly?
Daniel took her inside the class.
There, he held her hand tightly and pulled belarina towards him.
He touched her lips.
He held her waist, she was tightly in his grip.
Furthermore, he pulled her close, very close.
There were sound of breathing only between them.
By one hand, ballerina was in his clutch and the other hand was touching her lips.
In no minute, they were thirsty in lust. The passion grew wider.
They started kissing in excitement.

They were touching each other everywhere.
Furthermore, they were about to undress themselves when belarina pushed him aside.
Like really, don't you love me" Daniel said huffing.
No..... I just thought this is not a right place to have sex, Plus I prefer not to lose my virginity like this way. I want it to be special, "belarina confessed.
Well, really.... I am....ah....sorry. Well, I too want that to be special. I'll make that a special one" Daniel said in a way to calm down belarina.
Thanks, Daniel... I knew you'll understand... I want it to happen especially, "belarina shyly stated.
They both kissed back again and went to their friends.
There Erica was finding belarina.
Hey, where do you both go in between the class?
I was finding you belarina....well...what happened on your lips....they are red" Erica said in a caring tone.
As Daniel kissed gave a mark on her lips. Therefore, it went red. it...looks like someone gave you need to describe" Erica said with a flirty tone.
Belarina gave her a sheepish smile.
Later, belarina and Erica went to the canteen.
The boys went for playing basketball.
Later after grabbing coffee from the canteen, they both went to the boys where they were playing their game.
They enjoyed the game. The boys really play well.
After there they all went to their rooms.
Belarina POV
He suddenly held my hand in the mid of the class.
From there he took me to an empty room.
He pulled me close to him, holding my waist and in no minute we were kissing.
I don't know, but I have strands of attraction from Daniel.
He is smart, beautiful, girls die for his one glance.
We were touching each other everywhere, and later it was going in the direction of intimation, so I pushed him aside.
I didn't want to lose my virginity in this way.
I told him and he made me calm.
He is really a nice man not like other guys. I mean he didn't forced me.
He loves me.
Furthermore, he's really a gentleman.
I love him.
Later, Erica and I went to canteens and after grabbing coffee we went to the ground area where the boys were playing.
They really play well.
After there, we all went to our rooms to sleep.
It was a really exhausting day.
Belarina POV{}
The next day there was a holiday.
It was Halloween.
The University mailed us a task that whoever will design the best costume from girls and boys both sides will get a trip to France for one week.
Belarina was very excited.
She told all this to Daniel and her friends.
They formed a group.
I and Daniel,
Richard and Erica and Jeremy and Eric.
Later in the showcase area, everyone was present.
Everyone prepared well. Erica and Richard prepared a "hela" suit.
Eric and Jeremy prepared the suit of "doctor doom".
And many people prepared many things like...vampire...werewolf. etc...etc...
Later, the winners were announced and to my utmost surprise, we won.
We had prepared the costume of "Thanos".
It was a remarkable moment.
I was happy as hell.
Daniel and I were jumping in excitement.
Later we took our tickets and came off from the stage.
Our friends plus the entire crowd congratulated us.
Daniel threw a party at night.
We were celebrating.
We were drunk, were eating, were doing fun.
People were dancing, singing, and enjoying Halloween night.
Everyone was wearing their Halloween costumes.
There were vampires, wear wolf's, hills, monsters, etc....etc...
It was a remarkable night.
People were drunk, diving in pools. etc...etc.
There, outside the hostel, children were playing trick or treat.
They were playing tricks. They were grabbing treats.
Different kids with different costumes.
The night was a night full of costumes around.
Plus, Daniel and I were happy that they were going to France for about a week.
We were damn excited.
We were planning.
He asked others if they want to come as he can arrange tickets, but they denied and excused that they didn't want to ruin our trip.
They were delighted about us.
After the the the party, we all went to our rooms.
I was preparing for tomorrow's trip, plus Daniel too was packing his bag.
We were talking on a phone call.
It was a very exciting night.
The next day they both were prepared. Daniel came to belarinas room.
He picked her stuff, up to help her and they both went to the cab.
There Daniel was setting the luggage when something unusual occurred.
Daniels vomited blood from his mouth. It was tragic.
Bellarine asked him about this.
She without wasting even a minute took Daniel to the nearest hospital.
From there she informed his parents about this.
Belarinas POV {}
I was so tense that I called his parents from his phone. It was a really bad symptom.
In no minute his parents were here.
We all were tense. Uncle asked me about the blood vomiting and I narrated to him everything that happened till now.
The later doctor came outside from the room.
He was looking frightening and whatever he was going to tell us was more creepy and heartbreaking.
Ah...miss...but Daniel has brain cancer. There is a large tumor inside his head.
He further added that he has only a few months or a year left "the doctor said in a serious tone.
I saw Daniels's parents crying aloud.
Though they never had time for him it felt like they love him even more than me.
I was destroyed from inside. In a minute everything went black inside me and I fainted.
When I woke up, I was laying beside Daniel.
There were all our friends.
They all were crying.
Erica saw me getting conscious and came to my side. We both started crying out loud.
Daniel wasn't crying maybe he wanted to show the crowd that he's strong.
Later Daniel's parents came. They had lots of prescriptions but we all knew that there's no cure for cancer.
Daniels's mom was teary-eyed. She hugged Daniel into her arms.
It was a heartbreaking moment.
For me when I looked at Daniel and when he looked back at me, I went teary like my eyes are an ocean filled with lots of tears.
I stood up from my bed and in no minute I was hugging Daniel.
He hugged me back and I started crying.
Everyone knew that there is no cure for cancer but we didn't lose our hope.
We all wanted to strengthen Daniel, so he could live his life till he is here with us.
That day was disastrous, disastrous in our lives.
I was still hugging. We kissed each other for about a minute.
You are not going anywhere. You are my heart. I'll do everything for you so that you'll be with us forever" ballerina said with teary eyes.
I am not going anywhere" Daniel winked with a smile on his face.
Maybe he wanted to show all of us that he's tough from the inside.
Later his parents took Daniel with them.
They took him to the doctor from where he was admitted to a wardroom. We all went with them.
There all the time I was with Daniel.
I wanted to strengthen him.
I wanted to show him that I am always with him.
Our friends went to buy medicines for him as prescribed by the doctor.
We were clutching our hands together.
I just wanted to show him that I'll never leave him, even in worse things.