Hey! It's morning and you are still sleeping. Don't you have to go to attend your classes, newbie, wake up" Clare said, the second time?
And listen I won't be with you in this room anymore as I am going to another university as I am selected to study there" Clare added.
Well really, we didn't even interact well with each other and now you are leaving" belarina said in a concerned voice.
Well, I have written my number in your sketchbook. You can text me if you needed any help from me" Clare said.
They bided goodbye to each other and Clare taking her luggage went out of the room in a direction to the exit of the university.
On the other hand belarina went in thoughts of Daniel. She wanted to look good today for him.
Last time he didn't even bother that she was sitting there but this time she wanted to grab all his attention.
She dressed herself in a green crop top and a black skirt.
A pair of high heels and open hair will work, probably she thought.

When she looked at her watch she found that she was late again.
She rushed into the classroom direction grabbing her books.
This time luckily she didn't collide with anyone.
This time teacher was already inside the room but as she wasn't that late, she was allowed to come inside.
Her eyes slightly looked upward and she saw the entire class but Daniel wasn't there.
She went upset and went on the seat on which she was sitting yesterday.
It went about 39 minutes but Daniel didn't come.
Suddenly the bell rang and class dispersed.
Belarina was disappointed.
She was upset as her all preparation went in vain.
Anyways, she carried her books and went to the canteen.
There when she was about to enter it she saw Daniel with his gang.
She entered inside from the canteens gate.
When she did that she felt everyone's eyes on her.
Why not it be like that, belarina was a Netherlands fish.
She was beautiful. Her amber-brown eyes and her golden-brown hairs can catch a shark from an ocean.
The boys in the canteen were just human beings.
But Daniel didn't give her even a glance, maybe he's gay(kidding).
She sat on a cornered table. She was still looking at Daniel but he wasn't.
Ballerina ordered her food.
Her eyes didn't know why but she wasn't able to ignore him.
Soon the order came and she started unpacking her food. It was a nice burger and the coffee was amazing.
Later about a minute when belarina again looked up for Daniel, she saw he wasn't in his place, where he should be. Her eyes started searching for him when an object sat in her front.
It was Daniel.
Well ...girl, I noticed you searching for me. Am I that handsome? Ah...do you want anything..like...
Saying that Daniel stood up and took his chair close to her, on which he was sitting.
He came that close that his body was almost touching belerina's body.
They were almost kissing when belarina pushed him back.
In the meantime, Daniels gang came back searching for him and he had to go.
He is a flirty jerk" belarina remarked after he went.
But as we know that she likes him, though she said him a jerk but had blushes on her face.
As the maths teacher was on holiday therefore there were no classes.
So belarina went back to her room.
She was still into her thoughts thinking about Daniel's sudden behavior.
She thought that he also likes her or he wouldn't have had come to her like this.
She was into blushes remembering daniel.
His breath, his scent both were amazing. His blue eyes was looking like a living ocean.
She sat on her couch and picked out her sketchbook.
She opened the page where she drew him and went on staring at it.
Later after getting tired of it she went for a nap.
She closed the door of her room.
Lay herself down on the bed and fell asleep.
Belarina woke up at the night. She was thirsty.
There on the table, a bottle full of water was kept.
She pick it up and drank to her fullest to quench her thirst.
It was 8 pm.
It was the time for her dinner. She thought to why not eat dinner from the canteen today.
Last day she ordered it from a restaurant.
She went to the canteen to grab some food for herself.
She ordered her dinner and was eating it. Suddenly she noticed daniel there.
He was with his gang. He was too here for dinner with his friends.
From there somehow he noticed her too but pretended that he didn't.
After having dinner when balerina stood up she saw Daniel coming toward her.
She stood at one place. There he came with a paper in his hands.
And to her shock, he handed her the paper on which there was a phone number.
Hey! That's my number. You can text me or call me from it. Time.........anytime you want" Daniel said in a flirty tone.
He winked after doing so and afterward, he went back to his friends.
Balerina was still standing there, frozen and shocked.
It took a minute for her to come out in her state of mind.
She went nervous.
Daniels's sudden behavior made her shiver a little in nervousness.
Later she looked at the number and on him.
He too glanced at her. They both exchanged glances.
She was looking at him as if they were exchanging their hearts there.
She touched her heart from her right hand to check if it was in its place.
Suddenly a teacher summoned her. A girl came to inform her.
She headed to the teacher's room following the girl.
She hid the paper in her small purse.
The teacher called her to write the details of her which were incomplete.
She told her everything which she wanted to know and later she made her go.
She went to her room straight away.
After reaching she sat on her couch and straightaway finding the paper she saved his number in her phone as if it's precious as a Kohinoor diamond.
Later while being in dilemma to call him or not she fell asleep right on the couch.
Is Daniel too falling for her...does like bellerina Daniel too is falling for her....the number exchange is a sign that Daniel is too falling for Bellarina....
So let's see where this magnetic love story will end up...
Will Daniel to fall for bellarina or the number exchange was just a joke of Daniel...maybe..