Elizabeth was led into one of the most beautiful house she had ever seen in her entire life, it was furnished with taste and exuded class and affluence. The person who had ushered her in had taken one look at her shabby dressing and decided she must be one of the homeless on the streets always begging for some change or food, it wasn’t until she had stated her business and mentioned the name of the secretary that she had been escorted in to wait. Elizabeth gazed around the house, she was awed by how many antique furnitures were present and effectively clashing against the modern equipments, it was almost like they were involved in a game of tug of war.
“The mister shall see you now.” The lady whom Elizabeth guessed to be the housekeeper said to her and led her into a small, also classy office.
He was already seated and flipping through some papers in front of him, Elizabeth thought for a moment if those were her replacement, should she fail to either give him an heir or agree to the ludicrous demands in the contract she was holding.
“Sit. My secretary told me you are here to hand the papers over to me and discuss some things you found uncomfortable in the contract?”
“Yes, I am. I haven’t signed it yet because I have series of questions as to how this is supposed to go.” Elizabeth answered, taking a seat in front of him
“Good, I would have been startled if you did not have questions. So what part of all the clauses in that contract is hard to comprehend.”
“The part that says once I move in with you, I won’t ever go back or anywhere without your permission and I am to be escorted even if I want to get some fresh air in the gardens.”
“What was not clear?” He asked.
Elizabeth stared at him like he had just sprouted a second head.
Was he joking, was this his idea of a joke? She thought to herself as she stared, waiting for him to get the memo.
Was this some kind of test directed at her to know her abilities at calming her anger?
“Is this some sort of test or trick question whatever.” Elizabeth asked
“No, it isn’t. What pray tell is not clear to you, I am a very busy man and as at right now, I have an ongoing meeting in the second room. I hardly have time for such shenanigan.”
“Shenanigan? You are literally confining me for months if not years because I am going to be having your child. That clause of this agreement is nuts, I should have the right to move around without being shadowed by security.”
“You are unbelievably outspoken today, aren’t you miss…”
“Elizabeth… my name is Elizabeth”
“Of course. It seems you still do not grasp the situation on ground, which is quite understandable seeing your type of person. You are becoming a surrogate to the top man of the country after the president, I have enemies who would love to see me in total shambles and I would not allow your stupidity cost me that. Like I told you yesterday, if you are having problems with the way things are going to be done, you are totally free to leave so I can move on to other interested parties.”
“You are an absolute condescending jerk, do you know that?” Elizabeth said, glaring at the asshole in front of her.
“Excuse me” Jason wasn’t sure he had heard her correctly.
“You heard me quite alright, how dare you think you can speak to me in any manner you please because I am in this situation with you. Were you taught no manners? How dare you sit on your high horse and decide who you call stupid, you asshole.”
Elizabeth knew she was kissing this surrogacy thing and the only hope for her mother’s treatment goodbye but she wasn’t about to allow this man speak to her like she was an irritating fly buzzing around his ear.
Jason sat deathly still as he watched the girl in front of him rant, he could see that she was way past caring about who he was which he found absolutely commendable.
“I have most certainly endured your condescending attitude but I have had it up to my neck with your choice of words to me, you will speak to me with respect and I do not give two fucks who you are. I am never signing this contract and you can kiss Satan’s ass on your way to hell.”
Elizabeth did not wait to see the look on his face before she slammed the papers she was holding down on his table and practically fled.
What the fuck have I just done, Elizabeth thought to herself as she made her way out, hailing a cab immediately.
“Did something happen” Agatha, his housekeeper asked. She had seen the girl walk out in a rush and had wondered if something bad had happened. She has been working for the family of the Santiago’s ever since Jason was a child and it was only right that when he had gotten his own apartment, she decided to become his housekeeper.
He had that look on his face, the one he always had whenever he was shocked about something but a happy kind of shocked. Agatha wondered what the girl must have said to put him in such a mood.
Jason threw back his head for the second time that day and laughed… it felt absolutely good to laugh. She had cursed at him but he was feeling good… how crazy was that?.
He had thought her weak and pathetic while she had been anything but that. Jason wondered what exactly it was that had made her try for the job of being his surrogate. True enough, there was no way he was going to employ her for that after the antics she had displayed in front of him but for the first time in a while, a woman was making him smile.