“What decision have you made?” Jason asked over the phone.
Elizabeth took a deep breath, she so desperately wanted to say yes, if not for anything but for the sake of her mother but she could not bring the words of her mouth.
“Are you there?”
“Yes, I’m sorry. I was just… forget it.”
“Your answer, Elizabeth” Jason said, reminding her.
“I really want to be a surrogate because of the money involved but I have thought about this so much and I don’t feel comfortable giving my egg out for your deed and I’m sorry if I have wasted your time but my answer is No.”
“I see. Even if I tell you that you can keep the money and I would personally make sure your mother gets the best treatment, any doctor in the world has to offer? Would your answer still be No?”
“How do you know about my mother?”
“I have my sources, Elizabeth and I know she is the reason you are even considering doing the surrogacy. I understand and would like to take care of her treatment, you just have to say yes to bearing my baby.”
“Why are you so hell bent on making me your surrogate?” Elizabeth asked confused.
“I don’t know yet, that’s what I want to find out, why I am intrigued and interested in you.”
“I am still a virgin, I lied yesterday when you asked me.” Elizabeth blurted and then wondered why she had said that.
There was a pause on the other side of the line and for a minute Elizabeth thought hat maybe he had given up and hung up… she thought wrong
“Why are you still a virgin?”
“What business of it is yours? I am a virgin and I don’t think surrogacy allows virgins, right?” Elizabeth asked.
“It does but it is quite obvious you do not want any part in this and I am sorry if I seem to be forcing you. You shouldn’t do something you do not want to do, if you would excuse me. I will have your name taken off the list. Have a good night rest, Elizabeth.”
“No…wait! Please wait, I’m sorry, I just have… I am interested, my answer is Yes. I would give you my egg and be your surrogate if you promise not to renege on your deal to treat my mother.” Elizabeth breathed
“I don’t break deals, Elizabeth. When should I expect you tomorrow, you still have to sign the contract.”
“I will be at your office as early as possible"
“No, you will be coming over to my house, you still have my card that holds my address?” He asked
“Yes I have it with me.”
“Good, see you.” He said and then the line went dead.
Elizabeth looked up from the phone and saw the concerned look of Mara’s face.
“I thought you said you wouldn’t go through with it.” She muttered
“Yes I did and that is what I told him the first time but he knows about my mother being sick, I don’t know how he found out but he said he would send her to the best hospital in the world if I accept his terms of surrogacy.”
“He said that to you? What does this man want from you? Isn’t it strange that he is hell bent on you being the one that bears his child?” Mara noted sitting on the bed with her friend.
“He said he finds me both intriguing and interesting and he wants to get to know me. For God sake, the man is a freaking billionaire. Why would he want to get to know me at all, I am nothing.”
“You are smart and beautiful, Liz. You are far from nothing and I can see exactly what he sees in you, do not ever downplay yourself.”
“Thank you Mar, I love you so much.” Elizabeth said hugging her friend.
“Don’t worry, everything will be fine and you are going to absolutely nail this and be so rich that I will be booking appointments just to see you.”
“Don’t be silly Mar, you are going to be rich alongside me.” Elizabeth smiled.
“I am a leech remember, stuck to your body forever.”
They both laughed as Mara made sound she considered leechy.
When Elizabeth laid down to sleep, she thought about how her life was about to change for the better if she could just make it through a year being a surrogate. She was going to do this for her mother and brother and also for Mara.
The next morning, Elizabeth woke up with a new surge of energy, she hummed as she took her bath and hummed as she kissed her mother goodbye and circled to Jason’s house.
The housekeeper welcomed her again and directed her to some waiting room, this one equally breathtaking. She wondered if she was going to live here for the duration of the pregnancy and hoped she was, it was a beautiful home.
“You are here” Jason said on entering.
Elizabeth stood up immediately he entered, her heart slamming against her rib cage, he had jeans on and no shirt.
Breath whooshed out of Elizabeth’s lungs at the sight of his flat, well muscled belly and hair running straight from his chest and down into his…
Her eyes flew up immediately to meet his, she was blushing to the roots of her hair and he knew why.
“You can sit” he said watching her with intense eyes.
Elizabeth resisted the urge to fan her face as she was still blushing so hard, her face was probably looking like an overripe tomato.
He wasn’t saying anything, just watching her which made Elizabeth very self aware.
“You are really beautiful, blushing hard like that.” He finally said.
Elizabeth groaned and then looked up at him.
“I am so sorry for staring, you caught me off-guard and I could not help myself. It won’t repeat itself again, I promise.”
“What if I want it to” he murmured quietly
Elizabeth pretended as though she did not hear him but she was still blushing hard and that was enough proof that she had heard every word he had said.