Tell me the truth
My gaze are still fixed on Dylan, he looks away, I know he is trying to pretend as though what I said hadn't had any effect on him.
There is a bit of silence between us and for some reasons, I'm afraid of what his answer was going to be like. Now, he knows am following him and I wouldn't give up anything soon.
Dylan stiffens.“ Where did you hear that name ?”
I almost laughed at his questions,
“I'm an investigative journalist, Dylan. You know me, I can never leave a mystery unsolved.” I chuckled but he didn't seem to take it lightly.
“So.... I guess you went digging. From our messages I guess.” He spoke precisely and I'm glad he has a current memory.
“That's right!” I smirked.
Dylan closed his eyes. He huffed and opens his mouth but shuts it almost immediately. His eyes are still shut and I wonder if he's praying for patience. Was he angry I was different into his personal life? The thought of that makes me want to whimper but I stood my ground and waited curiously to hear what he has to say.
“You shouldn't have done that, Kenzy." He manages to speak.
"Why exactly? You are my friend and anything that bothers you deserves to be tracked down!" I spat, as Dylan stared at my reactions.
"You don't have to bother about me trust me on this, you want to back off.”
I paused as this word sinks deep into my head. Weren't that the same exact words Hunter had used on me yesterday?
“That's exactly what Hunter said when he called, he told me to back off, or I'd regret it.”
When Dylan's eyes come up again to meet mine, they come angry and I wonder if he is about to scream at me following him.
“He threatened you? Talk to me, Kenzy."
“Don't you dare disappear on me again. Dylan! The last time you were angry, Raymond's home was vandalized. I didn't remember telling you to do that and I don't need you to defend my honor today. All I need is for you to talk to me! Tell me what I'm missing, what happened to you the night you disappeared, tell me what the community you work for is all about? I just need answers to all these questions!"
Dylan didn't seem affected by my questions and stood up to drop an extra box. I'm guessing he won't be saying anything to me again!
“Kenzy, I can't. There are things that are best kept secret and if you eventually find out, you are gonna wish you never heard about it. And it was just a long nightmare.”
His tone brings me up short. He's not brisk or annoyed or even indifferent. His pained whisper makes me want nothing so much than to put my arm around him.
“You can. You can talk to me. Whatever it is. I won't tell anyone. I promise .”
“I know you would never break your word to me.”
“Than tell me,” I urge.
“I can't.. Kenny…, it being so long since I saw you. We've just reconnected. I can't lose you. Not now.”
What can you possibly have to tell me that would make me want to end our friendship?
Have you done something? Dylan, if you have, I'm sure it was an accident. You're a good person .”
“It's not simple. My's dangerous and you wouldn't want to see my face again. Hunter should give you an idea. I don't want to draw you into it. I'm not even supposed to be in contact with you, but I couldn't help myself. Please, don't ask me to tell you .”
I could feel the distress in his face and tone he didn't seem happy talking about this.
At that moment, pressing him when he's already distressed, that just seems too cruel.
“Ok, Dylan. For now, I won't push."
He nods, and with apparent effort, turns to one of the boxes.
He doesn't ask for my promise that I will stop investigating, which is a good thing, because I'm not planning on making that promise. Whatever this secret is, it's hurting my friend, and that is something I can't abide by. Hunter could threaten me all he wants but I'm not giving up, until I find out the truth.
I will find out what's going on.
I help Dylan unpack for hours. Our conversation turned causal. There's a lot to catch up on. I forgot just how much I love talking to Dylan.
We spend the afternoon chatting and unpacking.
When I leave in the early evening. I didn't go back to Hannah's house. I drive around the block then packed at a more sheltered spot, within view of the apartment block. Then I did what I so often have to do in my line of work:I waited.
Most of the time, the out stakeout is like any other stakeout - boring. I don't go completely unrewarded, though. Just as the sun is setting, Dylan and ten other people come down from their apartment to the garden area.
They are talking and laughing together. It looks like they are good friends, but Dylan hasn't been here that long. He must have moved quickly to make friends already.
The odd thing about the interaction is that the whole group treats one member with a certain amount of deference. I guess he must be their leader, though their leader in what? I don't know.
They spent some time doing some barbeque. Most of what I saw wasn't exceptional, apart from one thing I bit at the end.
The leader goes inside and comes out with his arms of heavy chains. He hands those to Dylan, who nods, apparently thanking him.
My breath seems to freeze in my chest when I saw the mannequins at the end of the chains. Those chains are meant to chain up a person.
What is Dylan doing with them?
I glanced around, making sure there is no police officers nearby.
What on earth has Rodgers gotten himself into?