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One more question

“Thank you, ma'am. If you think of anything else, please call me.”

“I will.” I take the card he's holding out.

Please don't let it be Hannah or Dylan.

The last thing I need is either of them being prosecuted for vandalism.

Hannah was waiting inside, “What's going on?”

She closed the door, pecking out of the window to make sure the officers are gone.

“They said someone trashed Raymond's house. Not that he doesn't deserve it, but who will do that.

“It wasn't you, then?”

“No, I've been here all morning, nursing a killer hangover. Not that I wouldn't have done it, but guess someone else beat me to it.”

“I think you know the people that did it, but I didn't say anything. I didn't want to implicate Hannah. Unfortunately, she knows me too well.

“You know something. I can see it in your face. Spill it out.”

“I don't know anything for sure ”

“So you suspect, then, I'm all ears.”

I suppose she won't leave me alone until I tell her.

“I think….it might be Dylan. ”

Hannah stared at me. “Dylan? Why on earth would Dylan do that?”We haven't spoken to him in months.”

“I, Uh, kind of drunk text him last night. We met for pancakes this morning. He says he's moving back here.”

Hannah squeals as she claps her hand together. “Oh, brilKenzynt? Is he okay? What happened to him that made him leave?”

“He seems fine. Different, I guess, but still good. He won't say why he left. Trust me, I'm working on it .”

Some of Hannah's excitement fades away as she gets back to the issue at hand. “But why will Dylan go after Raymond's house? “It doesn't seem like him.”

“As I said, he's changed. Don't worry I'm going to figure out .”

“You got him, girl.”

The police were gone, and Hannah doesn't seem inclined to do anything other than lying on the sofa with an ice pack, which was apparently what she was doing before I came back.

I got to my room, not wanting to make her headache worse. I search through my old messages, looking for the last message Dylan sent me.

There it is.

He said he will be working for a company called Daravit Enterprises.

It doesn't take long to google the name of the company Dylan said he was working for.

The phone rings several times before someone picks it up.


Is this Deravite Enterprises?”

“No, this is Lisa. I think you have the wrong number .”

“Oh, sorry.” I hang up and check the number. It's definitely the right number. A little more searching for their websites aren't promising - any of the links on the list doesn't go anywhere.

It's like the company doesn't even exist.

I'm impatient to get to my laptop. I can do more research from there than from my phone.

I never investigated before, when Dylan first disappeared, thinking that he simply didn't want to be friends with us anymore. Now I know that there's something more to this.

I glared at the pieces of the table from IHOP. No one can break off a table like that. No one has the kind of strength -except Dylan does. I'm going to find out how.

I glanced at the desks, but remembered that my laptop is still at Raymond's house. I left it there when I stormed out. Grinding my teeth, I went into the main room and grabbed my keys.

“What did your research turn up?” Hannah asks from the couch.

“Only more questions. I'll figure it out, though. I'm going to get some of my stuff from Raymond's.”

“Are you sure? I can go with you if you'd like.”

“No, that's alright. I can deal with him.”

Raymond will probably be furious over the damage. The last thing I want is him thinking it's Hannah.

It's too risky to send her, and certainly too risky to send Dylan if what I suspected is right, having Dylan and Raymond in the same room will be a very bad idea.

The drive goes too quickly, and soon in Raymond's driveway. Well, there's no point just sitting here. Best to get it over and be done with it. I get out, striding inside.

Raymond was there, sitting at the table. The house looks terrible rather like a hurricane came through it.

He leapt up when he saw me. “Kenzy! I so glad you are back -”

“I'm not here to stay. I'm just picking up some stuff.”

“Wait, you have to listen to me .”

I keep walking, going to my study, and grabbing my laptop bag. I started parking my laptop and charger as Raymond continue his entirety.

“It didn't mean anything. It's just sex. You know I love you. Things were just so bad between us. You don't want me, you made that clear. What else was that supposed to do?”

“Oh, so it's my fault?” I looked around, resisting the urge to throw the laptop charger at him.

“No, that is not what I meant. But you can't pretend you are blameless in this, Kenzy, it takes to fight. The problems we have are both ours, not just mine.”

“You're right, Raymond. It does take two to fight. It also takes two to have sex, and that sex was between you and Sarah. Go back to her, if you want someone to whine to.”

“You stupid bitch! You'll regret this, you'll see. You'll never find anyone to love you as I do.”

“Fuck off Raymond! If you ever call me again, I'm getting a restraining order!”

I stormed out, half surprised there wasn't steam coming from my nostrils.

How dare he imply that his betrayal was my fault? I should let Hannah and Dylan tear him into pieces.

Instead of going back to Hannah's house, I called her from the car.“ Meet me at Barnaby's .”

“You want to go to a bar?” I would have thought the hangover would take longer than that to wear off.”

“Are you going to meet me or what?”

“You and Raymond fought?” She guesses.


“I'm on my way.”

By the time Hannah arrives, I'm already through my third glass. I try to shove Raymond's words out of my mind by thinking about Dylan. It isn't difficult to imagine him here with me, sans his shirt.

There aren't many people here on Sunday morning, but there's one guy who catches my eye.

He's well built, with lean muscles and dark hair just touching his shoulder. It took me a moment to realize he looks like Dylan. Damn no wonder I'm attracted to him.

“So you want to tell me about it ?”

“We fought.”

“Yeah, I figured as much. What did he do ?”

“Raymond always had a nasty side. I guess I'm not going to see it.”

“He didn't hurt you, did he?”

“Not physically. I take another sip of my drink. “I can't believe I ever trusted him .”

The hurt burns within me, and the alcohol is doing a slow job in making me forget it.

“I'm sorry, is there anything I can do ?”

I shake my head, still eyeing the man on the order side of the bar. He catches my eyes, and I don't think I'm imagining the invitation I see there.

“This is your fourth one. Maybe we should go home...”

“Nope.” I put the rest of my drink in one.

“You can head out if you want. Don't wait for me.”

I walk over to the guy at the bar, swaying my hips sexily.

This is what I need to get over Raymond and get my mind off Dylan.

“Hey, handsome.”

“Hey.” He eyed me up and down, and evidently found satisfaction because he pulled out a chair next to him. “Why don't you sit down?”

“I know somewhere better.” I reach for his hand. “Coming ?”

“Sure. I'm Jake .”


We don't exchange any more greetings as I lead him to the bathroom.

Jake wasted no time in pressing me up against the wall and kissing me. I responded by letting him run his hands down my side, coming to clutch my ass.

He started touching my breasts, and I didn't stop him. We're still kissing and I'm gasping for breath.

As Jake started to unbutton his pants, one thought made it through the jumbled mess in my mind.

This isn't right.

I don't love Jake - I don't even know him.

This isn't me.

I know some people like to have casual sex, but that's never been my style. I shouldn't let him do this. I can still stop him.

Jake started pulling my pants down, and still, I haven't stopped him. The alcohol is clouding my brain.

What are you doing, Kenzy?

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