Date: Æ1289 10, 3
Soldiers from the east village manned their posts. The sun is now shining brightly. They are gradually becoming aware of the enemy's army. They also noticed two howling beasts from behind the enemy army in the back of the forest.
"The two roaring monsters, they could be the ones throwing the big trees at us... This is going to be a big one," stated the Sergeant at the left gate of the east village.
The General quickly deployed a message to the Heads of the village, he's getting angry because of the wrong intel that they gathered.
"Shikari Gakure, deploy your clone there, we need backup in the other village to defeat all of the damn monsters," the General shouted loudly. He turned around, and there's still a lot coming. If they don't care enough, they might break down the barrier.
A traveler travelling through the forest saw an owl. The traveler was carrying a sword, utensils, and food in his carrying backpack. He came across an owl with a sore foot. He instantly touched it, and saw behind it that the owl was a messenger owl. He promptly treated the owl, and after a few minutes, he was able to stop the bleeding, and the owl flew away. The traveler stood up and walked, pulling out his map and noting that the owl was heading west. He came to believe that the owl came from the east because the owl bore an eastward marking. He put his map back in his backpack and resumed his journey.
Gakushin Gakure was sleeping on top of a giant branch in the big tree. A bird landed on him, startling him awake. The bird took off and gazed at him. Gakushin Gakure looked around, perplexed as to why there was silence all around him. As he descended the tree, he felt the presence of Shikari Gakure, who had used a high version of a clone. He didn't glance back and immediately dashed back to the village. He was running, and as he ran, he felt the presence of Dark mobs as well as Shira's.
"Tsk...! That Samurai probably got the wrong intel!" thought Gakushin Gakure furiously as he ran.
"How's the Village?!... I sense a lot of dangerous Darks outside the village... I'm gonna be at the back line of the Darks... I'll destroy them all!" Gakushin Gakure raged in a teleporting message. Shikari Gakure received the teleportation message from him.
Shikari Gakure sits and receives a message in his thoughts. Shikari Gakure has received a teleporting message, according to the General. As soon as he observed him sitting, the unknown General approached him.
"So, what's the message?" the General inquires solemnly. Shikari Gakure then stands up.
"He'll come in the back of the mobs from Gakushin Gakure, and I think he'll be destroying them starting in their backline," Shikari Gakure replied modestly.
The General turned around to see the Dark hordes prepared to attack the Barrier, but first he smiled upon hearing the excellent news from him.
"Position the same post! The Front Line!" yelled the General. The army positions itself in a triangle, with archers in the backs and on top of the walls in case the barrier is breached. The fronts are swordsmen wielding large swords. Almost all of them are accustomed to conflict and combat.
An earthquake happened. The troops was not even rattled by the three-second earthquake. Shikari Gakure and the samurai enter the village. They entered through the east's front gate. As the samurai walked past Shikari Gakure's clone, he vanished. Then the real him approaches the samurai and speaks with him.
"Leave the village and go to Gakushin Gakure, who's on the back of the Dark mobs, and use that technique you used to plant those many bombs in just one night," Shikari Gakure remarked. The samurai didn't say anything, but he nodded and turned around walked outside the barrier.
He instantly shifts his aura and disappears. Shikari Gakure is aware that he is with a clone of the samurai and has no idea where the real him is. He already knows that the samurai's next objective was to set more bombs outside the village to protect themselves. Now, he's heading north.
Shikari Gakure look at the creatures and Dark armies. He notices that the Dark legions are carrying a large number of dead human souls as a result of their postures. Gakushin Gakure is still rushing through the forest, and he can sense a strong presence advancing towards the east village.
Families and residents have already been evacuated to the village's secret evacuation center, which is only known to its finest swordsmen.
Near the arrival of the Dark armies at the left gate the armies of the people in the east are still stationed on the left-right and middle waiting for the enemy, they also saw that there is more to come what behind the Dark armies are carrying books others and others carried weapons as well as swords. The heads of the village send a messenger to the armies.
"Sirs! I'm the messenger for the heads, and they advise you to attack now before they get near the left barrier on the left gate!" stated the messenger. The messenger walks away and the General considers a fresh strategy.
"Shikari Gakure in my signal, please release the barrier, only the ones that is in front of the gates!" the General yelled.
"We should wait for another explosion, then attack and take down all of them," Shikari Gakure remarked modestly. The General is waiting, and he can see the armies approaching closer and closer. When he was about to shout, he was interrupted by a loud explosion.
"Finally! Shikari Gakure! Release the barrier from the left and stay there! We're going as soon as those explosions are done!" The General exclaimed as the troops in the left gate began to advance with the unknown General.
Shikari Gakure sits down and prepares himself as soon as the blasts stop. "Is it okay, Shikari Gakure, if I kill the other Dark monster over there?" He looked around to find that it was Shin who had asked.
"Sure! Just don't die!" Shikari Gakure answers. Shin dashes to the front lines of the second army, leading the way with a few men in his sides.
The Dark mobs in the distance, who were leading the way, began to open the books they were carrying. As they opened the book, they began to speak. Shikari Gakure notices that five soldiers are losing their combat confidence and are afraid. They were near Shin in the front line.
"Don't lose your fighting spirit!... Strengthen your hearts! You will fall if you lack will!" Shikari Gakure encourages the second army. They get closer as time passes. The book suddenly lights up at the Dark mobs, and the five persons in the army all of a sudden looked up and their souls came out, they gaped five times, and then fainted. The medical crew went to check on the five of them and discovered that they were all dead.
Shikari Gakure notices that they're utilizing magic, and if their heart isn't powerful enough, they're souls get captured and killed.
"Strengthen your hearts!" exclaimed the General. Shikari Gakure caught the General's eye. As they both looked at the second army, they exchanged glances. He whirled around to face the Dark hordes carrying the books. The Dark mobs abruptly shut the books and vanished. The General is enraged.
"Okay! Listen up! Every time you see a Dark mob carrying a book, kill them, Shikari Gakure!" said the General, enraged.
After a few minutes, the Dark mobs and monsters reach at the barrier. They all come to a halt. The monsters screamed and slammed into the barrier with great force, yet it was not even shaken.
While the monster was punching the barrier with excessive force, a man suddenly appeared on its shoulder. The man on the monster's shoulder is wearing a hood and already has a katana on his left shoulder holding it with his left hand. The second army appears to be in despair.
Thousands of Dark mobs block Gakushin Gakure's path. Gakushin Gakure came to a halt in the middle of the woodland. He was perched atop a massive tree branch. He noticed that the Dark hordes had cleared out the entire forest, therefore he is now standing on a tree branch with his right hand touching the tree to his right. He notices that the Dark hordes haven't yet noticed him. The Dark mobs are advancing towards the front gate on the east side. They're getting there.
"Tsk..! I'm late!" said Gakushin Gakure, punching the tree with his right palm to the right.
There is an explosion. He looked at the explosion in the distance, where the dark mobs were heading, and saw that the explosion had sent hundreds of dark mobs flying. A massive black smoke erupted, and he saw a man emerge from it, carrying a katana. The man attacks and kills with full vigor, dividing the Dark hordes he sees.
Gakushin Gakure instantly recognizes himself as the samurai he last saw in the village. He descended fast to slay the Dark hordes. Many more bombs are exploding around him on the battlefield. As soon as he lands, he grabs his sword and slaughters the Dark hordes he encounters. He swings his sword around and around. He notices that some of the Dark mobs are armed with swords and armors. They charged towards him and surrounded him.
Gakushin Gakure twisted his katana in his hands and flew forward. He was able to split hundreds of Dark mobs and they also flew because of the sheer force of what he did. The samurai saw it and he also released strength, he summoned a single sword in his left hand.
Samurai simply repeated what Gakushin Gakure accomplished, although it was slightly different. He flew his summoned blade, which exploded loudly as it spun. They were able to eliminate around five hundred Dark mobs in a few swings, but there were still many of them. The two of them were still uninjured, but the Samurai was out of breath.
They notice that the sword survives the explosion that the samurai was holding. The Dark mobs took a step backward. The Dark mobs are enraged because neither of them has been injured. They all yell and charge at them.
There was a huge earthquake, and the ground split apart where Gakushin Gakure stood. He jumped too far because he didn't know what was going on and didn't want to fall there. The samurai likewise jumps and flees to safety. A monster appears and slaughters Dark mobs with a single hand from the undergrounds.
"A monster! That's just a hand on the ground and it's splitting it apart! The Dark mobs are falling..." the samurai thought fiercely as he saw the ground split apart in the midst of the air.
"Quickly! We need to get out!" Gakushin Gakure exclaimed. They both landed on the sides of the big fissure in the ground, which resembled a ravine. They flee to the forest. They don't know what's going on on the ground, which is why they flee.
"That Monster hand! It looks like it came out from hell!" The samurai exclaimed as they hide in the forest. They withdraw their swords and they headed for the village and they still sense the earthquake from afar.
"We need to be careful as we go there, because there could be even more of those," Gakushin Gakure said as they ran through the grassy path, through big tree thick trees on their sides. The Samurai is a little afraid of the hand he just saw.
It's the middle of the day. Gakushin Gakure's clone is out in the calm sea. The few swordsmen guarding the boat were gazing out at the gorgeous sea and the bright blue sky.
"The boat is in good condition, you guys should stop vomiting now, hahaha!" the old man exclaimed as he laughed at the boat's passengers.
"Sir! Gakushin Gakure! I'm sensing someone in the ocean. I believe he's under us!" A girl's voice stated as she turned around to look for him. Gakushin Gakure is aware of who it is.
A man emerged from the water, jumped into the boat, and sat down, soaked. The water began to drop as the swordsman neared him, but Gakushin Gakure indicated that he was an ally.
"You're late! I received a message from my own body saying that your other partner is fighting with them and has been assigned to plant bombs to protect the village," Gakushin Gakure clone told the unknown who was the samurai.
"He's supposed to be, and we've got company," the samurai explained. The samurai glanced out into the sea and saw nothing. Gakushin Gakure approached the boat's far end, sensing nothing yet giving the ocean a terrible atmosphere.
The Samurai and other swordsmen are aware of this, but they are aware that it is Gakushin Gakure. The passengers on the boat observed the Samurai and Gakushin Gakure. They see that both of them are staring out towards the sea.
"He might be gone because of the aura you just displayed, Gakushin Gakure," the samurai speculated. The samurai rises and fixes his appearance. People return to their seats and make themselves comfy. The swordsmen return to their place.
Fudo Toka awakens in the middle of the day on a bed. She notices a nurse fixing something on her right.
Fudo Toka is stuttering as she moves her left arm. The nurse notices she is in critical condition. She notices another crack on her left arm. She manages to move her right hand after a few seconds, but her left hand cracks more as she moves it. The nurse rushes outside to tell her seniors and the medical staff inside the hospital.
Fudo Toka is trying to breathe, but blood is leaking from her mouth, as a result, she is able to breathe and move her left arm. As blood dripped down the side of her mouth, she was heavily breathing. The nurses enter her room to check on her status.
"Ms. Fudo, what are you feeling in your left arm?" the nurse inquired as they approached her inside the room.
Fudo Toka is still breathing heavily. "I can move now," she responds, heavy breathing. The nurse swiftly provides her medicine and cures the cracks. The nurse was a sorcerer.
The Three Armies of the East are still stationed. The barrier may open at any time, and the general was just waiting for the right moment.
"Shikari Gakure! Now is the time! Slay the monster!" exclaims the General. Shikari Gakure took off swiftly as they noticed the barrier opening. Shikari Gakure vanished into thin air as soon as it opened. The soldiers charged forward, rallying fervently.
Shikari Gakure swooped into the air and was standing in front of the two monsters in the dark army's backline in seconds. As soon as he appears in front of the two roaring creatures, he notices that the other monsters behind the two are taken down by the bombs.
The two creatures were astonished and stunned when a swordsman materialized in front of them out of thin air. They yelled quite loudly, and the monster on the left took out a large tree. The swordsman was hit in the chin by the monster, but it was only an afterimage. The monster smirked, but Shikari Gakure's aura appeared, and the monster looked to his left. He noticed the swordsman on his shoulder. Shikari Gakure draws his blade and swings it full-force into the monster's neck. He was able to sever its head with a single stroke, and it flew away and rolled in the ground.
"Your next," Shikari Gakure stated, threateningly looking the creature in the eyes as if he had nothing to fear. He speaks in a modest voice. Even though his head is gone, the monster he cut rages on.
The army is swinging their swords and firing their bows at the legions of the Dark mob legion. There is a lot of yelling, shouting, and even swords colliding. The floors were spilled with red and black blood.
"This is going to be the battle of the century," the general thought as he takes on the Dark mob in front of him.
A Dark mob sprang from the tree towards the General with a sword, but the General couldn't move since there was a Dark mob in front of him, and he was struggling due to its overwhelming strength. Shin reacted swiftly, running and jumping and drawing his sword, splitting the Dark mob with a single swing of his sword and suddenly on his knees. He promptly gets to his feet.
The General gained momentum to cut the Dark mob's head in front of him, so he shifts to the left and swings his sword down, severing the Dark mob's head and turning into dust.
"Shin! Defend the gate! Make sure no one gets in except our men!" yelled the General as he charged the Dark hordes, accompanied by more than a hundred men in the distance.
Since ages, the four great nations have struggled with how to stop the Dark hordes; this is their primary issue, but it is not the only one. They have yet to explore the globe and its end. The four Great Nations defended their castles in various sections of the East, West, North, and South, but they were all slaughtered by Dark mobs and Dark Shira's. The unknown and mysterious, yet ancient stories and swordsmen are still exploring the globe and putting a stop to the Dark hordes that have been here for ages.
The ancient ones train five women and men, but due to misunderstandings in their generations, they were betrayed by their people, leaving only five living legends to protect the acknowledged swords katana and the secret of power. Every hundred years, a new generation of the Five Great Swordsman is born.
A man and his aide stroll through the ancient cave. They come from a faraway region of the southeast. "So this is the story. The ancient languages are still on the points," he murmured from within a tunnel of misery.
"The story of the five greats, the only legends that exist in our current world, right Hannah?" the man inquired. "Your my assistant here, gather every information you can get inside this gate they might be alive or dead who knows," the man questioned. "Okay, Sir Leo, I'll Uhm... Gather all of this," Hannah said.
Leo kept walking down the hallway. Their way inside the cave is becoming increasingly dark. They must be cautious because they are far from home and have no idea how to distinguish between a Dark mob and a significantly superior swordsman that they may encounter inside the ancient cave.
Himura Kiri is headed towards the location mentioned by his old friend. Kishu, a swordsman from the civilization of the north and the former chief of Basilaska Village.
He is completely coated in a special coat known as the demons counter. It's a special coat that prevents these demons from sensing humans wearing it.
Demons eat humans and have wandered all over the planet since the death of their God. They go on a rampage, the rampage stops when they discovered their God's final words, and they resolve to stay in one spot. And it's a good thing they're all walled up in a hidden cave and in a hidden nation that no one knows about, because they've known to protect a village against Dark hordes for decades. It was a hidden village guarded by demons.
The five greats are making their way toward the main castle. The castle's capital. They had yet to get at their destination because the entire area was larger than they anticipated.
"I'm seeing a lot of dead souls around..." Hashibira Kosuke stated, walking straight and afraid. They look around the location where memories are left, the castle was once great.
"We can now call this the ancient castle, because we've been here," Agatsuma Hit remarked, looking up to see a cut old banner on top of the castle. The old banner of the kingdom was the only item that remained and became a memory.