Date: Æ1289 7, 3
The sun is about to set as evening approaches. A patrol team is patrolling, walking down a dirt route with their swords in their right hand.
"Sergeant! We should gather our patrollers in the center of the village where there are a lot of people," a man from the capital stated.
The sergeant signals his patrollers. They usually walked to the most busy areas of the village, and some of the patrollers go to the roof to check sure everyone is safe.
"General the command of the heads of the village said that deploy our finest swordsmen in the dark places of the village," the general's assistant stated.
They're in an special room of the village, the Generals' Headquarters, where the heads have gathered the four generals inside the village to plan an attack and protect the village.
The headquarters is a large space with a board on the left side of the wall and another round table with four chairs in the center. The entire village map is marked down with a stick and different colors in the center of the table.
The four swordsmen finally arrive at the south pier in the middle of the day, and they detect an unknown presence. They turned around to see Gakushin Gakure approaching from the east.
"Sir!" The four swordsmans spoke to Gakushin Gakure highly and salute.
"Sir! We didn't expect you to come," a swordswoman exclaimed.
"Shikari Gakure sent me here... And by the way... I'm just a clone, my true self is far away," Gakushin Gakure explained. Everyone is taken aback because clones cannot go so far east to south.
"Sir! Tha-That's impossible" the swordswoman said, stunned as her jaw dropped.
My current true self is most likely in the north by now, and I'll be coming with you all, people," Gakushin Gakure remarked modestly.
Everyone glances at him, and everyone is impressed, including the four unknown swordsmen. They recognized how powerful he truly is, and he is also well-known as a former army chief.
"Now, everyone get in the boat we've got a long journey to go," an old man said.
The remaining individuals, including the four swordsmen, boarded the boat and they sail away. Gakushin Gakure walks to the boat's corner side to meditate at peace.
The four swordsmen dispersed around the boat, keeping a watch on it and the ocean. The boat is being piloted by the captain. Two captains will switch every twelve hours to keep the boat on course and from sinking.
On the other hand, in an ancient cave. The elderly gentleman was looking around. He was smiling in the darkness as he peered at each statue's surprise and couldn't believe it.
"So these are the Dark Swordsmans' stones... I wonder who this thing with a white eye with black eye particles is, impressive," an elderly man voice hidden in the caves said. The stones rise as a result of the unknown old man's ability to raise the Dark Swordsmans.
The old man approached a suspicious wall in front of him and touched it. He inadvertently touches a button wall. There is an earthquake in the Cave. A door opens in front of him, leading to a stairwell leading to an unknown place. The old man leaves the cave and redoes the summoning of the four unknown Dark Swordsmans, then leaves and covers everything so that it does not appear that anyone has arrived.
Shin and the samurai are guarding the front gate of the east. The samurai sense a presence in the forest in the far distance. He sees that it's not just a normal presence.
"Looks like we've got a little bit of company here, Shin..." muttered the samurai as he stood up.
The other samurai, on the other hand, are seeing Shikari Gakure and the Fifth army as he landed on top of a large branching as he glances at Shikari who spots him.
"Shikari Gakure!" He shouted his name.
Shikari Gakure sees the samurai and the army stop without him signaling.
"Your... Miki?" Shikari Gakure asked, surprised. The samurai takes off his hat.
"I'm going to the south. I know you sent Gakushin Gakure to the new continent. I can't believe he's already passed me and maybe he's already there," the samurai remarked as he sat in a tree branch.
"You should go, the boat is probably leaving by now," Shikari Gakure suggested.
Miki stands up and nods before leaving. Shikari Gakure and the Fifth Army make their move. Miki was meant to be the first to reach the south, but a Dark mob, at least a hundred of them, materialized in his path. Miki triumphs over all of them.
As the fifth army travels, they come across a dead dark body and at least twenty animals. Shikari Gakure became curious about where they came from.
"Chief Makurin, let's get moving... There might be a dark cloud around here somewhere, a summoner... And the Dark dead mobs we saw, Miki probably killed them all," Shikari Gakure stated.
Chief Makurin warns the sergeant on her side, who is also riding a horse, to remain on guard and keep an eye out. They finally arrive at the woodland near the east gate, but the way is completely obscured by fog. The samurai who were left at the gate and Shin could perceive their presence, but they sensed something was amiss.
"I can detect their presence, they are finally here, I can see them." Shin smelled something strange when the horse was running. Shikari Gakure swiftly controlled the horses after they halted voluntarily, as if they were upset. Shikari Gakure smelled the odor as well, and the troops came to a halt. They continued and the stench vanished, they ran out of the woodland while riding their horse and towards the east gate in front of them. Shikari Gakure let everyone in before him entering the village.
"Everyone get in immediately!!!" Shikari Gakure shouted loudly.
Everyone got in, but they all stayed close to the gate. Shikari Gakure, Shin, and the samurai also enter. Shikari Gakure walked towards the hole in the barrier that Gakushin Gakure told him about the Dark mob left.
"Everyone rest for tonight... Tomorrow is not gonna be a good day," Shikari Gakure cautioned the army. The samurai remained within the gate. Shikari Gakure initiates the barrier technique, effectively closing down the entire village.
Shikari Gakure, the village's finest swordsman, is closing the village barrier. Countless people inside the village look up to see the barrier closing in. The village leaders send a messenger to Shikari Gakure to tell him of the impending war that could happened anytime.
"You must be Shikari Gakure... It's an honor to meet you," remarked the samurai. Shikari Gakure completed the barrier reconstruction. He turned to see the unknown samurai smiling at him.
"The honor is mine," Shikari Gakure stated. He raises his eyes to the samurai, who nods and smiles as he teleports outside the gate.
"Shikari Gakure... You should've done it, it was the world's greatest achievement back then," the samurai muttered as he walked away from the gate and barrier. Shikari Gakure glanced at the samurai but couldn't feel him.
"I can't sense any presence, hmmm... It's probably because of the illusion, oh well, I'll just heal myself for tonight and go back home," Shikari Gakure says as he sees the samurai enter the forest. The samurai plans to set traps in the forest's near east main gate. Shikari Gakure walks away from the gate and barrier and he's going to sleep well when he gets home.
A few troops guarding the gate began closing and securing it fully. There were chains fastened to the gate and a massive log nearby. There were also a few troops on top of the walls attached to the gate, standing guard as they caught sight of the barrier in front of them. It was visible.
Fudo Toka wakes up and feels strange as she moves her left arm, the third army is still on its way to the east. She uses her left arm to obtain the Dark flower, and now she notices the side effects.
"Ms. Fudo Toka, we're heading to the left gate of the east, the fifth army is with Shikari Gakure, possibly they're in the village by now," Soldier SE remarked as they traveled with the army while riding their horse. Fudo Toka observes the way the village is. She notices a large barrier covering the entire village. She instantly sends out a signal to the third army by raising her right hand.
"Hurry up your horses, we're in a danger zone!" Fudo Toka yelled, readying her right hand to open the barrier and let everyone in. Shikari Gakure, sensing the energy of Fudo Toka and the third army, dashes to the east's left gate. The fifth army turned around to observe Shikari Gakure heading to the east's left gate. He is accompanied by the fifth army. They are all immediately following from behind.
"Don't! Don't come with me! I'm opening the barrier from the left so Fudo Toka and the third army can get in faster, stay on your grounds!" Shikari Gakure yelled as the fifth army came to a halt and everyone looked at Shikari Gakure as he prepared to open the barrier quickly.
Shikari Gakure arrives at the left gate in minutes and finishes healing himself. He senses a large number of invisible Dark mobs lurking nearby, but the Dark mobs haven't noticed the third army or Fudo Toka.
He opened the barrier by doing a hand opening. The third army is nearly there when hundreds of Dark mobs appear from behind them. They all dispersed as they made their way to the gate and avert death.
"Dark Flower!" she said, releasing a darkening technique. Dark flower emerges from the ground, preventing the Dark hordes from slaughtering the many soldiers in the far back line. Fudo Toka wields the Dark Monster's strength. When she used it, she became extremely exhausted from using her new power just once, and she lost consciousness and leaned forward to the Sergeant. The third army is able to enter with no fatalities. Shikari Gakure immediately closed the barrier. He looked out the opening as his hand ached.
A large number of Dark mobs manage to destroy the rising Dark blossom. However, they are simply causing holes in the Dark Flower and causing themselves to decay after touching the Dark Flowers. Shikari Gakure examined the Dark mobs, and it appears that Fudo Toka's power is causing the Dark creatures to deteriorate.
Hundreds of Dark mobs arrive, attempting to demolish the barrier but being blown away and dying. Shikari Gakure walks approaching Fudo Toka and Soldier SE, who is riding a horse.
Soldier SE dismounted and assisted Fudo Toka in lying down on the horse. Shikari Gakure suddenly emerged to his right and used his left hand with enormous force to propel Soldier SE at least fifteen feet away from Fudo Toka. Soldier SE was taken aback, rolled to the ground, and sat shocked. Shikari Gakure examined Fudo Toka's condition. He couldn't see what was in her left hand, so he moved to the left side, and realizing that she had acquired the power of a Dark mob Monster, he grasped Fudo Toka's left hand and used his energy to heal her. Fudo Toka's left hand was riddled with purple granules and fissures. After a few minutes, her left hand healed completely.
"Soldier SE how long are you with her? Answer the question!" Shikari Gakure exclaimed.
"Uhmm... Sir, wh-what's wrong, I didn't do anything," Soldier SE replied, terrified. Shikari Gakure approaches Soldier SE and looks him in the eyes.
Shikari Gakure said modestly, "Looks like you didn't get infected after all..." "Third army, go back to your positions and get some rest, you're all going somewhere you've never seen before tomorrow. Soldier SE, move your ass, you know the rules that you shouldn't touch a girl like her when something Dark is inside on her," Shikari Gakure remarked.
"Sir! I didn't realize that she had that kind of thing," Soldier SE stated.
Shikari Gakure returns her gaze to Fudo Toka. He seized the horse rope around its neck and dragged her towards her family's house. Shikari Gakure orders Soldier SE and the third army to return home and rest for the night. They all walk away from their horses.
The Five Great unknown swordsmen are going through the castle in the middle of the night. They observe a lot of houses that have been destroyed, as well as a king's decapitated sword. They all marched straight without looking back, being on guard and active in their presence.
In the east a messenger swordsman finally reaches Shikari Gakure.
"Sir! The village heads brought you this unroled scroll," the messenger stated. The messenger saluted and walked away. Shikari Gakure looked at the scroll, unrolled it, and read within, "We've got an accompany in the south, north, and west... We also deploy Gakushin Gakure in the far north to stop the upcoming war in a nearby continent Kingdoms. By: Heads of the village."
Shikari Gakure rolled back the scroll and started heading toward his home. He can't believe they sent Gakushin Gakure all the way to the far north. Shikari Gakure keeps walking.
"Did the message get through, Shikari Gakure? Also, call Soldier, he's not responding to any of our finest swordsmen inside this village," one of the villages leaders stated loudly. They're still in the underground facility and can't leave. They're renovating the village from the shadows but they are known and famous. The village leaders are making preparations to defeat the looming war against Dark mobs.
"Yes, the message reached him, and if he doesn't say anything, he might already know what's going to happen," All of the heads inside swivel around to witness Soldier Æ speak the Dark voice.
"I didn't expect you to come, but let's settle this for the sake of the village," one of the village's leaders stated. They all leave the meeting. The generals are planning an attack with the barriers, but they'll need Shikari Gakure if Gakushin Gakure doesn't manage to kill all of the Dark mobs. Shikari Gakure and the Armies are retreating, heading home to rest with their families.
"I'm home," Shikari Gakure said. Even if he is alone, he continues to say I'm home or I'm leaving. He goes upstairs to his room, where he sleeps in his bed.
Gakushin Gakure in the north finds an underground summoner for the undeads, but it's all empty. He was too astonished to grasp what was going on. He hurriedly exits the cave and sprints straight in a grassy ath heading north.
He manages to run outside, but since he is still in the north, he may need to rest in a large tree. He wanders towards a large forest in the north and falls asleep on a large tree branch. He hids his presence and same as his appearance.
Early in the morning. The fifth army is in the front gate, with the third army on the right side of the village gate and the second army on the left side of the village gate. Whatever happens, the armies are prepared. The generals are on their backs, and the residents flee to the safest place in the village with the unknown finest swordsmans.
They lock down the entire village and close the presence so that enemies won't notice them. Shikari Gakure is on the front lines with the Fifth Army. Fudo Toka is at the village hospital. She was still unconscious. The village leaders decided that instead of gathering all of the best swordsmen in one area, they would split them across the whole village.
Shikari Gakure gazed up and saw the sun gleaming in the blue sky, as well as the barrier in the sky that he rebuilt the night before. If something unfavorable happens to them, he must quickly recreate a new one. They wait, the troops remain in their posts, ready to move at any time.
"Soldier Æ! Deploy an owl to the other village, we might not be the one they attack," the general instructed.
Soldier Æ used his unique power to conjure an owl into the air. It struck his left hand. Soldier Æ received three scrolls from the general. The owl soared in his left hand and left, revealing a little opening at the top of the barrier that quickly shuts. Shikari Gakure opened the top and promptly closed it to allow the owl to escape.
An explosion occurred just outside the village. They heard a huge explosion and debris flying through the air. As the gate opened, the armies watched the explosions outside the village. At least four large trees are being blown up, but not enough to entirely destroy them. Shikari Gakure feels the presence of the samurai he left outside the village the night before.
Shikari Gakure has a feeling that many Dark mobs are already dead outside the village, where the samurai is fighting. He sat on the ground and used the clone technique, and a duplicate of himself emerged on his right. The clone stands up swiftly and goes through the middle gate.
It swiftly runs through the barrier and into the forest because it is a clone. Many Dark mobs appear in front of him, but they are all sliced without even moving his sword.
The armies can do nothing except watch, believing that a two-man team is facing a full army, or more than an entire army, outside their village. As they see Shikari Gakure in the distance outside the village, more explosions occur. They have no idea what is going on, but they are well trained for war and fighting.
There is a strong malevolent presence present. The soldiers and Chief are aware of it. Shikari Gakure is headed towards the big demonic presence from where it is emanating and realizes it is on the village's left side.
Shikari Gakure came to a halt as the sky turned black, raising his head. He looks up into the sky and notices a slew of gigantic trees falling and poised to collide with the barrier. It collided with the barrier. As he saw the barrier withstand the giant trees that slammed it, he began walking. The troops were afraid, and some of them lost their fighting spirit, but when they saw the barrier endure the gigantic tall thick trees, they regained their fighting spirit and power.
Many massive trees are falling to the sides of the village, but there will be many more. Now all they have to do is wait. The massive trees were at least four hundred feet tall, and they had no idea where it is coming from.
"General!! It's coming from the left side of the Gate!" yelled one of the soldiers. The general ignored him and simply looked up as if nothing were occurring. The armies look up, and the barrier isn't even scratched by the gigantic trees that fall.
The armies are impressed since the barrier isn't even being demolished despite its five thick layers. The samurai and Shikari Gakure come to a halt after killing a large number of Dark mobs. There are at least a hundred of them. They looked around the village and concluded that it was not safe to return. They will remain in the woods until the village is no longer rained on by gigantic large trees.
"Shin teleported a message Gakushin Gakure, tell him that he needs to destroy the big monster summoner in the north so we could easily be done," Shikari Gakure said modestly. Shin teleported the message to Gakushin Gakure.
They notice a large monster on the left side of the village, in the gate, while the second army is still inside the village, at the left gate. The bombs inside the forest in the distance are blowing up the Dark creature. After a few minutes, the Dark monsters collapsed and were missing a piece. Fortunately, they did not reach the gate.
An army of Dark mobs appears in the far distance in each section of the east village, left, front and right side of the village gates. Carrying swords and magic books. The Dark mobs are with the Dark shira. If they open the barrier by mistake, they will be all destroyed.