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Chapter 8

Eric's POV

After only a short time away, I saw this image. I didn't know when it was, but Carina and Karen were staying together, and Karen had her head down and seemed upset. I didn't want Carina's venom to be used on her, she had done nothing wrong.

"Don't bully her."

Carina looked at me in surprise as if she had heard something shocking, and Karen's gentle and soft lead to apologize made me even angrier. She was so well-behaved, why would anyone want to hurt her?

Carina stared into her beautiful eyes, and I saw sadness under her eyes. Just as I was wondering, my mother's voice came from behind her. She lifted a glass of champagne and took Carina's hand to face the crowd that had gathered, "Let's raise a glass of champagne. Let's raise a glass to my proud daughter-in-law, Carina Morales, who comes from the long-established Flores family. Although Carina's parents died tragically young, the Flores family has produced proud offspring. This is just the kind of proud daughter-in-law we need in the Morales family."

The crowd erupted in applause and I was forced to step forward and take Carina's hand from my mother as the exemplary couple began to perform again.

We kept smiling and waving at the crowd and the flashing lights and held on for about a minute. I knew Karen was not far behind me, I could sense her but could not turn around. It was a long ordeal, and I began to regret whether I should have brought Karen here. She had just returned home and didn't have any friends yet, and the only person she could talk to at this dinner party was me. I wanted to introduce her to some acquaintances in my circle, but everything was disrupted.

I took a chance and quickly turned around.

Karen was literally standing right behind me, squeezing a hard smile out of her otherwise downcast expression, an expression that looked strange. It was heartbreaking, I hadn't protected her again. I opened my mouth and silently told her, "Sorry, wait for me."

She shook her head, "It's okay."

We were like a pair of lovers banished by the world, declaring our love in secrecy. I want to break free from this world's bondage to me, I want to embrace my Karen.

Carina tightened her grip on my hand, "Don't go too far, do you think people can't see that?"

She was right, I withdrew my eyes and wrapped my arms around Carina's waist. Several gentlemen and ladies who were ready to greet each other at the side immediately gathered around.

"Mr. Morales and Miss Morales are such an enviable couple."

"Yes, yes, I envy Miss Morales, to be married to such a wonderful and loving husband."

Carina snuggled into my arms and smiled sweetly. She clinked her glass with the lady, "Pass my happiness to you."

She was really good at acting and it worked very well. That lady accepted Carina's blessing and was so happy that she couldn't speak smoothly.

"I am more envious of Mr. Morales, Miss Morales is the Belle of Art Department. To be able to marry such an excellent beauty, Mr. Morales' life is really perfect."

Carina looked at me with some shyness, and I immediately kissed her forehead.

Cheers immediately came from the crowd as they began to express their envy and blessings again.

"Thank you all, but I think we should go back to the main character of the evening, doesn't Mrs. Morales deserve our blessing?"

Carina's words made sense to everyone. Carina stared at me and I understood what she meant. I slowed my pace and retreated to the end of the crowd, then took Karen's hand and led her away while I had the chance.

"I've contacted the driver to take you away."

She grabbed my sleeve, "Where am I going? There's no place for me to stay."

"Isn't that hotel good? You can just put it on my tab."

"No good," she lowered her head, on the verge of tears, "Someone at that hotel hit on me and knows I'm staying on that floor."

I frowned, was this the level of security in this hotel?

"Then...then you can go to my house."

She immediately raised her head and looked at me with red eyes, "Really? But I just upset Carina, I can't let you two fight over me."

"Don't worry about her, you're just staying overnight for a few days, what's she got to be upset about?"

Hearing me say this, Karen nodded her head in a good manner.

"I have to hurry back, you wait here for the driver, be sure to pay attention to safety ah."

There were a lot of people at the party, and with Carina's circumlocution, no one noticed my brief departure.

As hosts, we had to stay until the party was over. The party lasted until 2:00 a.m. I admire my mother's stamina, she was still in good spirits even when she sent off the guests at the end. Carina, on the other hand, looked very tired and was still trying to keep up her smile.

"Go rest if you're tired."

"It's okay, I just went to bed earlier recently, so I'm a little sleepy now." Carina hid behind me and yawned, "But it's been a long time coming, there's no need to give up."

My mother also heard my words, "Yes, Carina. it's already the end of the party, let's leave with Eric."

She hesitated, but finally agreed, "We'll go first then, mom. Please be safe."

"Go back quickly. Eric, take care of Carina."

"I know."

Carina was really tired, she fell asleep less than five minutes after she got into the car, I could even hear her light breathing. I spread out her baby blue blanket and covered her body. Adjusted her seat down again, hoping she would sleep comfortably.

She did have a hard day, acting really is a mind-consuming thing. My mother is a perfectionist, and it is naturally a great price to pay to make her happy. I had been tortured since I was a child, and I could completely understand Carina's hard work.

And it also made it much more important for us to get divorced as soon as possible. I hoped that I could achieve what I had always wanted, and that she could get rid of this tough life before it was too late.

We arrived home.

I gently picked up Carina and took her upstairs. She was sleeping heavily, and I carefully opened the door and entered the house, regretting a bit why I had arranged the bedroom on the second floor.

But before I could step on the stairs, the floor sweeper robot was timed to start. The sound of "Drip...Drip...Drip..." woke up Carina.

She was still in a dazed state and looked at me suspiciously.

I simply put her down and held her shoulders to prevent a fall.

"Where are we?"

"At home."

We were so close that I could smell the faint scent of roses on her body. I suddenly felt that this smell was familiar, as if I had smelled it often a long time ago. This smell could evoke very fond memories, but I couldn't remember anything now.

I didn't know if she's awake yet. She simply hugged me and leaned directly on me and went back to sleep. We were in the dimness of the night light, quietly embracing. I touched her hair and felt good. Maybe those people weren't wrong, we were indeed happy.

"Bang" The living room light was turned on to maximum brightness and the sudden arrival of the dazzling light made me close my eyes in pain. Carina was also confused in my arms.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Karen stood at the first-floor stairway in her nightgown, "I haven't figured out this light yet."

It looked like Carina was completely awake, she let go of her arm around my waist and took a few steps back, "Why is she here?"

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