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Chapter 4

Eric's POV

I met Karen at the airport. I hadn't seen her for two years, but her appearance hadn't changed much. Still gentle and soft, the corners of her mouth and eyes curved up with her when she spoke. She is still the same as before, very cute and easily hurt, making me just want to protect her.

I took her suitcase, she naturally took my arm, and was about to leave when she suddenly let go of my hand.

"What's wrong?" I asked in confusion.

"Is Carina okay? I should have gone to say hello to her first. It's never good to call you out at such late night."

I frowned, remembering how Carina had contacted my assistant privately to pry my location.

"You don't have to pay attention to her, it's not her turn to say anything when I come to pick you up."

"Don't say that, Carina loves you so much and married you as she wished, I can't wait to envy her."

How could she love me? The "pure" purpose of our marriage had already been achieved.

The car ran all the way to the city center and it was late, Karen was sitting in the passenger seat and she fell asleep with my coat over her head, just like before.

When I was in college, I had more classes than Karen, and I was responsible for a lot of things in the student government and clubs at the time. I didn't want to keep Karen waiting for me, but she always disobeyed me and fell asleep at the table in the club lounge. I woke her up and drove her home. She would then fall asleep in the car as well, shrinking into my pajamas and looking tiny.

I couldn't bear to wake her up and just watched her sleeping face.

She prepared breakfast for me every day, so let her rest now.

She suddenly woke up with a few flutters of her eyelashes. When she first woke up, she was still a little confused and looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Her voice was sticky and very cute even when she just woke up.

I wanted to tease her, "You didn't keep what you promised me either."

"What's that?"

"Did I say you could leave out the tomatoes in your sandwich for breakfast." I couldn't resist rubbing her head, "But there are still tomatoes for breakfast today."

She looked like she was startled and suddenly came to her senses. Did I scare her? She rolled her eyes nervously, "I'm sorry, I forgot, I just wanted you to get more vitamin C."

So cute, so concerned about me again, "Can I request a sandwich without tomatoes tomorrow?"


"Thank you so much." I hugged her tightly, "Go back now, I'll watch you go upstairs."

"Good night Eric."

"Goodnight Karen."

Karen's eyelashes wiggled a few times and she woke up.

"Did I fall asleep again?" She smiled shyly.

Yes, it was all just as I remembered. She was still the same as she was, and I was still the same as I was. I just needed to wait for Carina to sign the divorce papers.

I dropped her off at the hotel and booked a suite.

"How's that? This room is okay."

"It's a beautiful room. Thank you for lending me the money for me. I'll pay it back."

"You're welcome, you can pay it back slowly."

"Are you leaving?" She put her hand on my arm, "It's late, be safe on the road."

I couldn't help but laugh, she used to do the same thing, pulling me along while saying "Be careful, be safe on the road." and so on.

I used to have to leave her because of the constraints at home. Every time I looked at her disappointed expression, I was filled with guilt. But now it's different, I'm in full control of my life.

"I can stay."

"Really!" Karen hugged my arm and jumped happily in place, "I'm so happy." I lifted her up and spun her around a few times as Karen squealed with delight.

A phone ringing, which shouldn't have been there, interrupted our playfulness.

It was my mom, and I gave Karen a quiet gesture.

"Hi, Mom."

"It's been a while since you and Carina came to see me, how about tomorrow?"

"Yeah, we'll do it tomorrow afternoon..."

"Tomorrow morning, let's have breakfast together."

"What?" Again, Mom's torturing me for no reason, what kind of family have to gather together in the morning?

"It's fine with me, but Carina might have rested."

"Maybe? Are you not home? Why did Carina tell me you were in the living room?"

Oops, no matching statement ahead, "I came out to buy cigarettes and will be right back."

"I told you to smoke less, do you smoke constantly in front of Carina too?"

Carina again, can't she get away from Carina in every sentence?

"I know, mom. I'll see you in the morning then."

I put the phone down and Karen was sitting on the edge of the bed looking at me in frustration, "Are you going back?"

"I'm sorry."

"Go back now, Carina is still waiting for you." Karen stood on her tiptoes and kissed me lightly on the cheek, "Be happy."

My heart twitched, we were both supposed to be happy. But more than two years had passed, and neither of us had God's blessing.

I rushed home and Carina was already waiting for me in the car.

We had nothing to say to each other, so I thought about it and finally couldn't help myself, "Did you tell my mother?"

She suddenly opened her eyes, which had been closed, and looked at me with a betrayed face, "You shouldn't have questioned my integrity. I was already rested, and I went out with you in makeup late at night, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

I didn't have to hide it from her, "Karen is back, I just went to pick her up today."

"So that's how it is, it seems I'm the last person to know about it."

I ignored her sarcasm, "Have you signed the divorce papers yet? Don't tell my parents about this beforehand, we'll announce it when the time comes."

She didn't answer me. Was she asleep so soon? I looked at her impatiently with my head.

But I saw her looking ahead, her eyes glistening with crystals, as if she was about to fall into tears.

How could she be so sad? I also fell into a trance, my brain was chaotic and I didn't know how to understand it for a while.

She tilted her head over, "I know."

She answered in a subtle sound, seemingly she was trying to suppress her emotions, but I still felt her unstoppable heartache, which made me much annoyed. I unlocked my phone, the screen casting a small bright glow on my face. I didn't know what's wrong with me, why was I going soft at this time?

We both had nothing more to say. My mother lived in an estate on the outskirts of town, a short drive from downtown.

I actually fell asleep leaning back in my seat. I opened my eyes and found the car parked at the estate. I was covered with a thin baby blue blanket, which I guessed was Carina's aesthetic.

I went out of the car and the maids told me the ladies were in the kitchen at the moment.

"You're awake... Carina spoils you too much, but I say she should directly wake you up." Mom and Carina were standing in front of the stove, where the pot was "gurgling" in front of them.

She looked over at Carina, "Adam told me you make really good sandwiches, can we try some?"

Carina suddenly glanced at me, and we both understood what the other meant. Because she had made me sandwiches a long time ago, too, but I told her not to imitate Karen or I would hate her even more.

"Sorry, Mom. I don't actually know how to make a sandwich, and Uncle Adam obviously lied in a good faith effort to make me seem less incompetent."

"Yeah, Mom. Don't work Carina so hard this late. What kind of soup are you making? It smells so good."

"Bone broth, want to try it?"

Carina and I exchanged a look and I thought we both understood what each other meant.

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