" So I guess he wants us to kill each other when we argue or fuck each other mindlessly. You can choose any you like,” Jared replied abruptly. I guess, okay? "
" Well, poor Cade, if we kill each other. Then it becomes a murder," Ann giggled a little in an attempt to calm the mood and push them back to safer topics. "Poor Cade."
"You don't want to fuck me for no reason, is that what you're saying?" Jared suddenly looked at him passionately.
She devoured. Her gaze reminded her of a predator with eyes like a rabbit, just waiting to devour her. “Sorry, Jared, but you really aren't my type,” she lied easily, hoping he would believe her.
Instead, he pushed his chair back with a loud bang and walked around the table and toward her.
"I think you're lying, Missy," he growled, placing his left hand on the table and right hand on her chair while tilting his head toward her. “But it was a great effort,” he whispered before taking her mouth and kissing her deeply.
She gasped in surprise and he immediately took advantage of her surprise and ran his tongue over her lips, sucking lightly on her as he leaned his upper body back. She was angry at the way his body responded to every command she gave, but when he wrapped his arms around her back and kept her against him, she reveled in the protection of his arms and fled.
"That's it," he whispered, releasing her lips and leaning down to kiss her throat. She purposely tilted her head to the side, making room for him as she felt his skin tingle as his warm lips kissed hers. He reached his right hand out in front of her and cupped her right breast, lightly touching her head and teasing her nipple in response to her touch.
She gasped as she felt her body respond to his every command, feeling unable to leave him even if that was what she had to do. Treating her other breast in the same way, she enjoyed the thrill of leaning closer to him. He responded by capturing her lips in a hard, demanding kiss that made her sit down in relief or she would fall back.
Suddenly the intense heat was interrupted by the constant ringing of cell phones. It took Ann a few seconds to figure out what was making the annoying sound, but eventually Jared stepped back and took advantage of his heat. "Don't go anywhere," he ordered, pulling his phone out of his jacket.
"What is this?" he said angrily to the person on the other end of the line as Ann felt as though she had awoken from a coma. Shaking her head at her strange behavior towards this man, she welcomed the kindness and quickly left the cabin.
"Yes, Cade, what do you want?" Jared asked a little more calmly when he realized who the caller was.
"Did I interrupt something?" Cade asked humorously on the other end of the line. “You seem a little restless.
"Don't even ask," Jared growled. " Okay. So how's the hunt? Have you ever caught the game?
"A few birds, but the biggest prey seems to be avoiding me."
Cade laughed. I think she tends to get a little nervous around you. Not important. She will come back when you two get to know each other better. "
" What are you talking about, Cade? "
" Ah, she hasn't come yet? "
" What? Are you planning to have other women come and interrupt my vacation? Cade, you realize your sister is here, right? "
" Of course. "
" Did you know? I was suspicious. Either way, you should tell her to go on vacation another time because I'm not going. "
" Okay, taking her off would ruin my whole plan so that's not an option. "
" What plan? What do you talking about? "His friend seems to have gone completely stupid after marrying his secretary, Jared thought.
" My plan to let you hang out and hopefully help you resolve your differences . "
" Why? "
" Ha, you can answer yourself, Jared. Isn't it time you started doing more than just jumping around and starting a real relationship instead? "
" How do you know that?
Cade just laughed. “I have eyes, don't I? And that's been obvious for many years, but all you do is try to hide from yourself. Well, more than that. Time to get in there and see what happens. "
" I don't think Ann agrees with you there. She doesn't like me very much.
"Perhaps you should give him a chance to get to know you, Jared?" "
" Really, Cade. Are you seriously asking me to fuck your sister? I thought you would strangle me first? "
" Tell me the details, man. Just give her what she wants and hopefully it will be easier for the two of you to get along once you work through all of this sexual frustration. Moreover, both are single, so what are you waiting for? You know, you won't get any younger. "
" Thanks for pointing this out, old man. We are at the same age. "
" Yes, I know that. But I'm a happily married man, so you better put your pants on if that's what you want. "
" Who said I have to marry her? "Jared teases.
" You better. If you want to keep an important part of your anatomy,” Cade growled, before his voice turned into a deep groan.
Looks like his new wife has entered the room. Jared didn't know what she was doing, but judging from his friend's moans of joy, it felt great.
"I'll talk to you later," Cade said quickly before hanging up. Jared chuckled as he stared at his cell phone. Cade's wife has a tendency to shorten their phone calls and he envies his friend every time that happens.
Well, maybe it's time to make the best of Cade's plan. He was surprised to learn that Cade had seen right through him years ago, but he was still relieved to let him follow his sister. Now all he had to do was convince Ann that it was a great idea. And he had an idea of where to start solving problems.
Approaching Ann's bed, he looked at the stack of books beside him and began poring over the material he was reading. Hopefully they'll give her some answers about what she wants from her man.
Half an hour later, when Ann finally sneaked back into the cabin, she found Jared sitting on the bed, engrossed in one of his books.
"What are you doing?" she wondered, blushing with anger. The book he was holding was one of her favorites, and it had a lot of steamy sex scenes she didn't want him to know.
"I'm self-taught," Jared smiled at him.
"With an erotic romance novel? Huh, and then I thought you were an expert?
"Say who?" he wondered smugly as if he welcomed the rumor and knew what everyone was saying about him. "No problem," Ann said evasively as she tried to take the book away from him. He kept him away from her.
"Now, now. This is very interesting. I have to read a few more details. "
" As you wish, "Ann gives up." But why don't you put him in your own bed and leave me alone? “I like it here,” Jared smiled at him. She was furious.
“I'm not a suggestion. It's an order!
Yet he just smiled at her. "By the way, you never mentioned that you like being confined." "
" What? Ann felt herself turning pale. Right here in your stack of books, "he's just around." And you are also quite domineering. "
" I don't! Ann shouted at him. “What I read and what I like are two very different things. And how dare you browse in my books?
"Hm, my mistake then," he whispered. "Well, what do you like?" he asked with a wink.
"What?" She stirred. She just stares at him before she can finally use your tongue to pronounce the words again. “It's none of your business, monster. Now stay away from me and my books.
“Well, I'm afraid it won't be so easy,” Jared said as he got up from the bed.
"What are you talking about?" Ann asked smaller. She had never seen Jared act so strange before. "You do not know? Okay, I'll spell it out for you,” he volunteered. "Since I want you to be satisfied, I will need to know what excites you and what makes you ejaculate."
"But... But..." she stammered.
“I have never disappointed a woman and I have no intention of starting over now,” Jared said haughtily.
Ann saw almost red. Who does he think he is? Gentlemen can't resist? Talk about complacency and complete confidence. He definitely needs someone to put him an ankle or two.
"You are very noble, but unfortunately I am not interested in that," she said before turning her back on him roughly.
"Hmm, what a pity. Not even a little bit of interest?"
"At least not," she assured him.
"I see you're trying to do this the hard way. Oh, I'll have to convince you otherwise."
"As long as you stay by the taxi's side."
"God, baby. You're really trying to torture me."
"You should be grateful that I didn't take one of your shotguns and shoot you." I seem to have gone crazy. "
"It's not crazy, honey," Jared said as he slowly moved closer to her. Tilt his head toward her, he continued, to be convinced.
By that evening, Ann was still shaking her head at Jared's strange behavior. He left her speechless at his last words and pretended like nothing happened. They hadn't said anything yet, but all she could do was grope and watch Jared intently as he sat down to clean his pistol and spread his fishing rod.
The man was a complete mystery as he seemed to ignore him for the rest of the evening. She'd thought he'd corner her and try to convince her of his lust in a more substantive way—touching and kissing her all over the place until she couldn't avoid the inevitable.
Instead, she felt ignored and she found herself watching his every move as if expecting him to turn away from her at any moment. But instead, he stayed on the other side of the cabin, acting as if he were the least threatening being in the universe. She got bored just thinking about it. And especially since she wasn't able to do the same and simply ignored him while enjoying her vacation. Instead, she feels like a wreck anxiously just waiting for her next move.
Finally, he turned off the kitchen light and got up from his chair. Gathering his gear, it was clear he was ready for another day of hunting or possibly fishing and she watched him move casually around the cabin before venturing into the bathroom.
She listened to the familiar sound of running water as he brushed his teeth. A few minutes later, the toilet was flushed and shortly after, he came out again. Immediately he walked over to his bed and began to undress. This time he had his back to her, but she was still mesmerized by the look of broad shoulders and strong legs that he revealed under his clothes. Like the day before, he was still wearing his underwear as he climbed into bed and covered his tall body with a duvet.
"Sleep well, Ann," he whispered suddenly, turning and meeting her eyes. She was almost startled because he hadn't revealed that he knew she was spying on him earlier. But the look in her eyes told her he understood more than she wanted.
"Good night, Jared," she replied quickly before returning for her nightgown and bag of toiletries.
"My offer still stands, you know," she heard him say behind her as she went to the bathroom. She stopped immediately.
"Suggested what?"
“Offer to share my bed,” he said vehemently as he ran over her body from head to toe.
She felt herself blushing at everything she'd thought about for a few hours. Is he also a mind reader?
"No thanks," she exclaimed, slamming the bathroom door behind her. Inside, she washed her face with cold water, trying to pull herself together. It's not like her. She acted like a scared virgin when she was nothing. Why does she let this man be nicer to her all the time? She is a modern, independent and free woman who enjoys wherever she wants and with the men she wants.