"What do you think?" Ann suddenly heard Jared's voice ask directly above her that she was lying face down on the sofa. Two dead birds hung right in front of her nose as she tore herself away from her dream and the magic book she was reading. She exclaimed in surprise that she hadn't even heard him approach.
"Take them away from me," she growled, turning away from her prey.
“What a town girl,” Jared laughed. "You don't know where food comes from in supermarkets, do you?" He hung the bird in front of her angry expression and she jumped off the sofa, clutching her bikini top.
"Of course I know where the food comes from. That doesn't mean I want to hug them. Now take them away from me."
"Okay. Guess I'll have to pick them myself then," he laughed at his angry expression.
"If you need a servant, you should bring one," she growled at him.
"It's a bit late for that now, don't you think?" He scanned her body as she stood in front of him wearing only her bikini. She suddenly felt naked, and she wrapped her arms in front of her face to shield herself from his intense gaze. "Do you want help with this?" he withdrew suddenly, pointing at her shoulder.
"Help with what?" She glanced at her body but saw nothing out of the ordinary.
He burst out laughing as he circled her. “Well, now you have an amazing sunburn over there,” he laughed as he turned back to her. She glanced behind his shoulder and noticed that his skin was bright red.
"Oh no." She forgot her sunscreen. How stupid he is.
"Now this book must really be something. Do you mind if I borrow it?" he asked, picking up the erotic novel she had just read.
"Stop it," she said, panicking. No doubt she wants you to read this particular book. There are too many ideas about how to have a good time in an abandoned bungalow with a strange man. She threw herself under the book. It wouldn't be enough for her to realize that she had imagined him as the man in all the delicious lovemaking scenes, her fantasies fueled by her semi-naked body from the night before.
"Hmm, that sounds interesting," he whispered, holding the book overhead and out of reach as he read the back cover. “Maybe I should try this. By the way, are your panties wet?
"None of your business," she growled at him.
"Then it can't be good."
"What kind of book do you want?" She tried to pull him away from the person he was holding.
He thought for a moment. "Some lesbians would be awesome."
"Sorry, I don't have any books on lesbians."
"Okay, how about the story of a man served by a number of naked female slaves, bowing to his every request."
"Sorry, again. I don't recall ever having such a book in my collection."
"So what do you like?"
"Perhaps you should finally read one and find out for yourself?" she dared it.
"Uh, I think I can guess. You may like BDSM. The thing is, I can't tell if you're a dominator or a submissive. He seemed to be thinking about the question as he touched her lips with his finger. Though now the idea of spanking some nasty man seems more and more appealing. "
" Hm, I can accept that as long as I'm the one who spanks you. "
" Haha! Too arrogant to lie down? "
" It depends on what you offer. I can easily tolerate a woman riding my cock for pleasure. Ann gasped as her words were so clearly visualized that made her shiver. "But right now, I think treating your sunburn is much more important. Come here," he ordered, taking her hand and pulling her into the cabin.
"I can do well alone, thank you," she looked at him.
"Don't be stupid." He pushed her onto the bed as he rummaged through his bag. "Did you bring lotion?" "
" Yes. "
"Then find him."
Dazed and unable to answer, she rummaged through her bag and found lotion. She gave it to him and he read the label on the back of the bottle. She just stared at him. “Now,” he ordered, winking at her. Confused about what it was for, but deciding to accept her offer, she reluctantly lay down. “She doesn't look very good,” he remarked as he sat beside her on the bed and poured a generous amount of cold lotion onto her butt. She protested vehemently at the shock.
"It's cold."
" It fits you. How did you manage to get this red? Did you fall asleep in the book or forget the sunscreen? He gently massaged the lotion all over her back, before moving her legs down, pouring another load of cold into her left thigh, she shivered as she answered but couldn't be sure if it was the lotion or the proximity to Jared that made her shiver. As he massaged the soles of her feet, she let herself relax and enjoy his treatments, feeling a little as he slowly brought his hand up to her skin. So moved that she wanted him to continue for hours. Hardly aware that he was coming up again, she felt him loosen her bikini top and massage her butt.
Putting her hand on her shoulder and pouring more lotion or his burning skin, she barely noticed him as he climbed into bed and squeezed her ass, putting most of his weight on onto her feet. Rubbing her neck and shoulders, he leaned down and breathed in the cold air against her warm skin. She sighed as her burn greeted her respite.
"What's your favorite spot?" he whispered suddenly into her ear.
"I have a few," she said dreamily. Not wanting to escape the painless existence he had filled her with.
"Name a person and try to shock me."
"I don't think you can get shocked, you scoundrel," she laughed lightly.
"Try me."
"Well, actually I've always liked doggy style. Was that shocking enough for you?"
"You mean this one?" Jared responded as he lay down on top of him, shoving his stomach into his butt. Leaning against her hand, she could feel his chest against her lower back and his warm thighs against hers. He pulled back slightly, before shoving his dressed cock into her ass again. She could feel his harshness on her; feel the outline of what he's hiding behind those tight pants.
"Oh my God," she gasped as he repeated the pull and leaned against her again, mimicking the movements he usually does when no clothing separates their bodies. She could feel her body responding to her easily and freely.
Damn, but this man was dangerous to her peace of mind, she thought dreamily, enjoying the feeling of being cared for by a handsome man. She wanted to forget who they were and enjoy the joy he was sure to bring her by pushing the regrets away until the next morning or next week, but she knew she couldn't.
She felt warm moisture build up in her vulva. Just provide more proof of how much she wants a man in her bed, how much she wants this particular man. Her mind was spinning and a loud voice coaxed her to let go, enjoy what he was offering her and leave the consequences for another day. She took a deep breath, clearing her mind.
"Let go of me, Jared," she said much more calmly. Immediately her erotic movements stopped and her whole body tensed.
"What? Aren't you even going to thank me for curing your sunburn?" Her voice was a little hoarse, she realized with pride. But she couldn't be swayed by his skillful touch.
"Of course I will thank you, but with words, not with deeds."
"Hmm, actually I think that's pretty good," Jared whispered in his ear. Immediately she felt another wave of moisture build up in her vulva just by the close sound of his seductive voice. She tried to get up and stay away from his temptation.
"You're applying lotion," she complained as she lifted herself up, only to push her butt into his hard cock while he was still leaning toward her. She gasped in surprise and could barely hear his heavy breathing before he pulled away from her.
"Do you want more?" he suggested vehemently as he stood staring at her fragile body.
"No, thanks," she replied hastily, before glancing at him briefly and running out of the cabin and toward her lounge chair. She needed to create more space between them, as well as some clothes.
Jared could only look at her as she dashed away. Too fast. He went too fast and now she's getting nervous again. He had to go a lot slower if he wanted to stand a chance with her. Damn, he swore loudly, adjusting his pants to reduce the swelling. Yet she was not completely indifferent to him. He was sure of that.
For a moment, he felt her soften to the touch and even appreciated when he laid his hand on hers. Which means he still has a chance, if he keeps teasing and touching her then maybe she wants him too. You must try. Only, it looks like he had to keep a low profile for a while. At least until she regains her confidence. He took a deep breath and went to cook dinner using the birds he caught.
"Dinner is ready," Jared said abruptly as Ann gathered up the lounge chairs. She only wears a thin shirt and shorts to cover her melasma skin. But they did little to shield her from Jared's warm eyes.
"What did you say?"
"I said dinner's ready. Come get the food, Missy."
Ann just shook her head, but followed the enticing scent inside the house.
"I thought you said we wouldn't share our food?"
"I've got enough for two. Now come eat,” Jared smiled as he handed him a plate.
"What's that?" Ann wondered, feeling her mouth water as she saw the hot food. Much more appealing than the veggies you bring, right? "
" Hmm, remind me to bring a hunter and a cook on my next vacation, okay? Ann replied, swallowing the hot dinner.
"I'll remind you," Jared smiled as he joined her at the table.
“Luckily Cade finally installed water and electricity in the cabin,” Ann suddenly smirked. "Otherwise, we would still transport water and cook soup on a wood stove."
"I really enjoyed my early life here," replied Jared. "But dinner has improved a lot, I grant you."
"How long have you been here alone?" Ann wondered, relieved that they had managed to direct the conversation to safer facilities.
"A few years I guess. I can't remember exactly."
"Why don't you join Cade and the rest of his friends on their hunting trip?"
"I know. But these trips are all about booze and crap. Coming here alone gives me the opportunity to relax and hunt the way I like. I like to have both. "
" Oh. "Ann couldn't think of anything more helpful to say. She didn't know about his lonely travels.
" How about you? Jared suddenly interrupted his train of thought. "How long have you been using the cabin?"
"As far as I can remember. But it's been a few years since I've been here alone."
She was trying to work through a broken relationship for the first time, and a week of quiet, crying and reading worked wonders. She then performed her annual ritual to remember that she was so much better off without a man in her life. But she doesn't want to tell Jared the truth.
"I like it here," was all she said. "It was so peaceful and quiet." She winked teasingly at him. "Or, until a madman comes and arrests me in the middle of the night."
"Oh no, you just have to thank Cade for that. It was his fault to put us together like that."
"Do you think he did it on purpose then?"
"Of course he did."
"He's your brother so you should be the best person to know what's going on in his head."
"But you're his best friend, so he'll tell you a lot of things he never told his sister," replied Ann.
"Okay, Ann. Honestly, I don't know what's going on in her brain."
"But does he often bring you in with a woman when you go hunting?"
"No, never. This is the first time. "
" So? "