My life is back to normal.
That's what I wanted to believe ever since Rodney and I came back from Tagaytay. But I was lying to myself.
That brief interlude was nothing but a short brush of our lips, but it affected me to the core. It’s been several days since we came back to Manila but I can still remember the feel of his lips on mine. I admit that I still roll around my bed at night remembering that scene, and I still cannot contain the mixture of emotions I am feeling.
Rodney has been visiting Shelley every now and then, and I try my best to avoid him. I think he might be doing the same. We are probably both feeling guilty for allowing that kiss to happen.
I felt rooted on the spot and my hands stopped from washing the dishes. I thought Rodney left earlier so I came out of my room to clean here in the kitchen.
I felt him approaching me, but I couldn’t bring myself to turn around and look at him.
When I composed myself, I looked at him smiling.
“Oh, you’re there.”
There was hesitation in his eyes but when he saw me smiling, he looked relieved.
"Oh, thank God! I thought you're mad at me!"
"Huh? Why is that?"
"You have been ignoring me lately."
"Ah.. No of course not. I just didn’t want Shelley to think that just because I pretended to be your girlfriend once, I am assuming that we are close friends. "
He frowned. "Aren't we... close?"
I didn't know how to answer that. Are we close? As in, seriously?
"I mean, I was not from Assumption, so I am not Assumptionista."
He frowned again. Okay, I get it, that joke is so epic fail as he obviously didn’t get it.
Slowly, his lips pulled back in his famous naughty boy-next-door grin. "Hahaha! Don’t cry, I get your joke. You are not Assumptionista, so you don’t assume that we are close."
I glared at him and pretended to hit him with the porcelain plate. He was still laughing as he evaded me and stopped my arm.
"Happy much?" I asked sarcastically.
“Yeah, ‘cause you’re funny when you’re mad. You get riled up so easily, huh?” He was still laughing.
“Of course not. Come here I will let you see when I am really mad.” I picked the large crystal pitcher and threatened him with it.
He put some distance and laughed harder.
“Shhh!” I put my finger on my lips to tell him to keep quiet. “You’re so noisy. You will wake Shelley!” I scolded.
As if he’s been poured with cold water, his expression turned serious in an instant.
He cleared his throat and spoke. "I.. I was going to tell you to meet me tomorrow. You lost your eyeglasses last time; I just want to pay you back for that."
The awkward atmosphere hangs in the air, and it suffocates me. It took me a while before I can muster the courage to speak.
"You don't have to do that. It was my fault for losing it."
"No. I insist. I must compensate you for anything that you lost during the time that you substituted my girlfriend."
Substituted. What a detached way of putting it. I smirked inwardly to myself.
"So, how do you plan to compensate for my lost first kiss?"
His eyes widen. And I covered my mouth with my hands when I realized what I just said.
The downside of being brought up to be outspoken and frank.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I was just challenging an argument," I changed gears. "And that was not even my first kiss. But my point is, you don't have to feel obliged to compensate me. I am not a girlfriend for hire and I don’t sell that kind of service. It was just a friendly favor. Don't insult me, Rodney."
He suddenly looked chastised. He sighed.
"I'm not insulting you, I'm sorry if I made you feel that way. The truth is, Shelley was disturbed that you are not wearing your glasses anymore, I don't know why. She thought it was intentional. I couldn’t explain to her that you lost it in the hot spring, because she will demand explanations to every bit of things and to every little doubts that are just products of her imaginations. So, I decided to just replace your eyeglasses. You understand where I'm coming from, right, Mira?"
I couldn’t argue. If things come to that, even I wouldn't know how to answer her interrogations. Because I.. am not spotlessly guiltless. And what makes me guiltier is the fact that I don't regret my short-lived debauchery.
It was my turn to sigh. I quietly turned back to the plates that I need to wash. I noticed that my hands are shaking. I'm upset. I'm disappointed.. I'm hurt.
And I shouldn't be.
"What time tomorrow? Where and how are we going to meet?" I asked quietly.
"Six in the evening. Let us meet in BlueBelt. Just make an alibi to Shelley when she asked where you’re going? I will make my own alibi on why I cannot fetch her from her photoshoot.”
We are going to sneak behind Shelley's back, and it makes me feel uncomfortable. Even though we are not planning to do anything bad.
"Okay," I answered.
A few moments passed. I was expecting him to leave, but he stood rooted behind me. I stopped from washing but did not look at him.
Rodney cleared his throat.
"Mi.." he slowly called my name.
I turned around and looked at his sad eyes.
"Can we spare the animosity?"
I looked down on my feet and closed my eyes tightly.
When I looked back up, I was already smiling.
“Do not worry about me, Ney. I understand you. There is no reason for animosity between us.”
His eyes lit up. And I can swallow my pride for a thousand times if it always meant making him smile like this.
He pinched my cheeks.
"You're the best, Mi!"
"Ouch! That’s physical abuse!" I hit his arm.
He pulled away, grinning like a jerk. A handsome jerk, that is.
"I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight!"
He waved and turn around, heading for the door.
I followed behind him and closed the door when he left the house.
As if my feet have wings, I walked back to the kitchen and finished washing the dishes quickly. Then I went back to my room and dropped myself on the bed.
I wanted tomorrow to come soon.
I looked around the appointed restaurant when I arrived. I am nervous as if I am on a first date.
Or maybe I feel nervous because I lied to Shelley and told her I have an appointment with my ophthalmologist because of my eyes. And to get another set of eyeglasses. Although it is true that I will get my eyeglasses done, but of course I cannot tell her that her boyfriend will be accompanying me today.
I looked at where Ney’s voice came from. He was sitting in one of the more secluded area of the restaurant and there are already food on the table.
He promptly pulled out a chair for me and helped me sit.
"You don't have to treat me out, you know," I told him in jest.
"I am hungry, so just please join me. No KJ please."
"Wow, millennial. You know how to use acronyms huh," I teased, referring the the acronym he used for the word ‘killjoy’.
"I decided to loosen up a bit from my usual formal language."
I smiled as he continued to make examples of some prevalent internet terminologies.
“Where did you learn this?” I asked him, laughing.
He winked. "Secret."
We ate through animated conversation. Even though I ate before coming here, I was still able to eat so much.
“I noticed that you really like the Filipino cuisine,” Rodney said.
“Yes, I do not like bland food. What I like about Filipino food is that they are very tasty. There is so much character in every dish. It’s like the flavors are erupting as I take a bite. Party in my mouth!” I gestured as if partying.
“Were you a comedian before you became Shelley’s assistant?” he was shaking his head in amusement.
“Nope, but maybe in my past life,” I replied proudly.
We finished eating at half past seven in the evening. We almost forgot why we met because we have been too occupied with our conversations and with the food.
"Gosh, I'm so full! I’m going to gain more weight,” I complained.
His forehead creased. “You’re not even fat. You were so light when I carried you before.”
The mere reference to the incident made my face burn. I looked away and changed the topic. “So where are we going to pick up an eyeglass?”
“What? We are not buying off the shelf. We are going to an ophthalmologist to have your eyes checked first and then he can advise the correct eyeglass for you.”
“Huh? There’s really no need. Let us just buy a ready made one. I don’t need an ophthalmologist.”
"No. I have already set an appointment."
"Ney, that is embarrassing. I do not want you to spend more than what is necessary. Ready made glasses are okay. I think I will be able to find the right fit. The one I lost was bought just off the shelf.”
“No, I insist. Dr. Alvin was my classmate, so I am sure he is really good. And his clinic is very near.”
I secretly bit my lip. I couldn’t argue anymore when he pulled me towards his car.
We were already seated inside his car and I am still trying to figure out how to convince him against his proposition.
“Hey, you’re spacing out,” he tapped me.
“Sorry, I was thinking about something,” I answered and looked outside the car.
He leaned towards me, and my heart automatically beat harder.
What, why-?
His arms stretched across in front of me and reached for my seatbelt, brushing me very slightly when he pulled it to fasten.
I swallowed several times, my mind went blank again.
Then, an angel might have heard my plea, Rodney's phone suddenly rang.
He reached for it and then looked at me when he saw who was calling.
"It’s Lola."
He accepted the call.
"Hello, Grandmother. What can your handsome grandson possibly do for you?"
I watched as he slowly and nervously swallowed. He glanced at me again and I can sense trouble in the way he looked at me.
"Tonight? As in right now? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I could have picked you up from your place. "
He listened. Then, "Okay, Lola. I am with Mira. We will be right there."
"No.. You're not going to tell me that she's here and that I have to spend the night in your place," I said right after he dropped the call.
As I slumped on my seat, I wondered what mischievous plan my guardian angel is thinking of.