She walked the ramp with the grace of a feline and I cannot help but feel a mixture of admiration and envy. Shelley is indeed beautiful.
I turned to the life size mirror near me. There, looking back at me is a woman who looked in her 30s rather than in her 20s. The gay spinner teasingly calls me ‘Four Eyes' because of my rimmed glasses. While our hair dresser always mocks my hair by asking where the sparrows who live in the nest on my head are. She insisted that I have more dead hair than healthy ones because I always keep them tied up in a lousy bun that does not help my overall look. She sometimes points out that I look like I’m a representative from the local laundry shop that provides dry cleaning services for the clothes that Shelley would be modeling on the ramp.
I cannot blame them. Even I would sometimes grimace at the way I look in the mirror. ‘I have to live with it.’ And with that, I sighed and shrugged my shoulders.
I promptly approached Shelley. She’s back in the dressing room from taking a walk on the stage. I quickly helped her remove the black gown that is not just backless, but also features a long slit that reaches up high that it could reveal her undies with just one wrong move.
The long gown line has been presented. Coats will be next. Shelley wore a sparrow tail coat on top of a cream haltered satin top and a mustard pencil cut skirt. She is a picture of an empowered young woman at the top of a corporate ladder.
From the organized chaos look of her hair in a bun, the hair dresser replaced it into a neat bun look that compliments so well with the corporate attire.
"Is Papa Rodney there?" the make up artist excitedly asked Shelley as he puts on the finishing touches of her make up. He wriggled his butt as if some flirty ghost took over his body. Shelley nodded her head slightly.
I slowly let out air. ‘Why would he even ask, we already saw Rodney earlier?’ I shook my head and secretly shoot the make-up artist a look of disgust. Before the fashion show even started, he’s been waiting for ‘Papa Rodney’ to arrive, so when he eventually did, he’s the one who saw him first. This gay guy is really lusting over Shelley’s boyfriend.
I don’t know why I’m the one who’s being irritated here, when Shelley doesn’t seem to mind that everyone here is fantasizing about Rodney. I think, she even enjoys being envied by everyone around her.
"Your make-up is done, babe! Vavoom!" the make up artist flicked his fingers in the air as if he’s the Fairy Godmother.
Shelley's sensual smoky eyes earlier are gone, replaced by sharp looking ones.
Nonetheless, she's as breathtaking.
"Shelley, your turn!"
Shelley promptly walked and entered the catwalk. I glanced at her pumps that could rival the stillhetto lines of the more prominent brands of shoes. It looks good in her pair of long legs.
Shelley really gives justice to what she wears, I give her that.
After modelling all the coats for the line, Shelley and the rest of the models went out again to grace the catwalk for the last round.
I peered from the backstage. I was not looking at the models. I just wanted to see one person.
Alright, I admit. I am also crushing on him. Shelley’s most romantic and sweetest boyfriend, Rodney.
He’s seated at the front row, together with the other VIPs, carrying a bouquet of tulips. He is smiling as he looks at his girlfriend, who is currently drowning in the flashes of the cameras around her.
I shook my head in self-disgust as the thought of wanting to ‘drown’ Shelley crossed my mind briefly.
I exhaled as I turn around to just sit at the vacant stool by the backstage.
"Girl, she really did not show up! She snobbed me!" the show director lamented as he rolled his eyes to the ceiling, obviously in distress. His assistant sits beside him, her face looks also dismayed.
They’ve been anticipating for a person to show up ever since we started the preparation for this event. All the staff have been talking about how the show director is very eager to make that person attend the show.
"Girl, why did you even expect her? You know that people like her lives in a different world. She wouldn’t just show up anywhere. Even a person of your stature has not seen her face once, and you’re no small time director. You have already made a name in fashion world, but hey, we are still just workers for the rich.” She sighed. “Is she really that recluse, or is she just a snob?”
"She’s probably just very busy. You know people like them are always busy. They do not work in the frontline, they just pull the strings from behind, and keep away from the limelight because they didn’t need that. And they don't need to be here because they can pay people to work for them."
I shrugged my shoulders and transferred back my attention to Rodney. Oh, he’s no longer on his seat. I pouted. All the models also cleared the platform and went backstage. They started changing clothes. Outside, the cocktail party started.
I turned around to look for Shelley. I'm sure, she needs my help. She always needs help, even in the most menial tasks.
I crashed in something hard and warm. Yeah, I crashed against Adonis himself.
"R-Rodney.. S-Sorry.." I quickly stooped down to pick up the bouquet of tulips that he was holding for Shelley. Shit, it looks like I ruined it!
"It's okay." He promptly pick it up and assisted me to stand up as well. "Are you okay?"
I nodded mindlessly. I can feel the heat coming from his palm that is holding my arm. I’m getting feverish out of excitement. He has that effect on me and I have no way to explain why that is so.
"The.. The flowers.. I think I ruined it."
"It's okay. They are only flowers. What's important is that you're not hurt."
Why is he so gentle? Why is he so lovable? I’m being drawn by his characteristics and I cannot even fight this attraction.
"B-But Shelley will surely get mad at me. It’s my fault anyway, I turned around carelessly."
He looked around before looking back at me and smiled.
"No one saw us, so no one can tell Shelley about what happened. It's our little secret." He offered his pinky.
I giggled. I wanted to hit myself for giggling like a teenager.
Rodney proposed a pinky swear! And who am I to refuse it?? I accepted his pinky and hooked mine with it. With just that much skin contact, I already felt like I won the jackpot.
I blushed profusely and cannot help giggling as we walk together towards the dressing room assigned especially for Shelley’s use.
Yes, Shelley is always the star of the night. That’s why she is so used to acting like a prima donna.
Rodney has an amused smile on his lips while we were walking. And when we're about to enter the dressing room, he opened the door for me.
"After you, Mademoiselle."
And those words made my heart beat a little faster.